    My Summer Vacation Adventures
    Summer vacation is the best time of the year! School is out and we have two whole months to relax, have fun, and go on adventures. This past summer was one I'll never forget.
    It started on the last day of school. My friend Jack and I made all kinds of big plans for the summer. We were going to have sleepovers every weekend, go swimming at the pool every day, ride our bikes around the neighborhood, and so much more. We couldn't wait for the freedom of summer!
    The first couple of weeks were a blast. Jack and I stuck to our plan pretty well. We swam at the pool until our fingers got pruney. We rode our bikes all around looking for adventures. reaction in the shaft
We had sleepovers and stayed up way too late watching movies and playing video games. It was the life!
    Then about halfway through June, my parents dropped a bombshell on me. "We're going to take a family vacation to Hawaii for two weeks!" they announced. At first I was really upset to disrupt my summer routine with Jack. But then they told me all about the amazing things we'd get to do in Hawaii and I started to get excited.
    We left on July 1st and flew ALL the way across the Pacific Ocean to the beautiful Hawaiian islands. The first breathtaking sight was the gorgeous beaches with their sparkling blue-green waters and soft white sand. I had never seen anything like it!
    We stayed at a huge resort right on the beach. It had pools, waterslides, a lazy river, and all kinds of fun things to do. In the morning we'd relax by the pool or on the beach. In the afternoons, we went on awesome adventures.
    One day we went on a hiking tour of a dormant volcano. It was a four-mile hike but it was
so cool to see the volcanic landscapes and learn about how the islands were formed by volcanic eruptions. Another day we went snorkeling at a secluded cove. I saw so many amazing tropical fish and coral reefs under the bright turquoise water. We even spotted a sea turtle!
    My favorite adventure was when we went on a marine biology boat tour. We got to go underwater in a submarine-like vessel and see sharks, dolphins, and other marine life up close. A diver dropped food in the water and these huge sharks came right up to the vessel windows! It was amazing and a little scary.
    Other fun things we did were attend a Hawaiian luau, go surfing lessons on Waikiki Beach, and visit the Pearl Harbor memorial. We also tried lots of delicious Hawaiian food like poi, loco moco, saimin, and my favorite - Hawaiian shave ice with macadamia nut ice cream on top.
    After our amazing two weeks in Hawaii, it was really hard to leave. I didn't want to go back to my routine summer with Jack as fun as that was. I was already dreaming about our
next trip!
    When we got home, there was only about a month of summer left. Jack and I tried to pack in as much fun as possible. We had ocean-themed summer camps, played tons of sports in the park, went to outdoor movies & concerts, and explored some hiking trails outside of town.
    Then before I knew it, it was time to get ready to go back to school. Summer break had flown by in the blink of an eye! I was sad the fun was over but also excited to start a new grade and see all my friends again.
    The fifth grade teachers always ask students to write about what they did over summer vacation on the first day back. I knew I'd have no problem filling up pages with all of my great summer adventures and memories. Things like rising at sunrise to watch the dolphins swim by in Hawaii, seeing sharks up close, and mastering how to body-board in the ocean waves.
    Summer may be over but I'll never forget the incredible experiences I had. Flying across the ocean, snorkeling with tropical fish, hiking through a volcano, and so much more. I feel so lucky I got to take an amazing family trip to Hawaii. It was a summer I'll never, ever forget!
    My Summer Holiday Adventure
    The summer holiday was finally here! I had been counting down the days until school was out. No more waking up early, no more homework, no more tests. Just freedom and fun for two whole months!
    The first week I basically did nothing but sleep in late, play video games, and hang out with my friends. We would meet up at the playground almost every day to play basketball, climb on the monkey bars, or just goof around. A couple times we had big waterballoon fights which were awesome but got us in trouble with our parents for making such a mess!
