Fuel Cell Glossary Activation voltage loss: 活化电压损失
Activation energy: 活化能
Activation impedance loop:活化阻抗回路
Activation kinetics: 活化反应动力学
Activation barrier: 活化壁垒
Activation overpotential: 活化过电位
Air relative permeability: 空气相对渗透率
Air-water two-phase flow: 水-气两相流
Anode heat exchanger: 阳极热交换器
Anode subsystem: 阳极子系统
Arrhenius relationship: 阿伦尼乌斯关系
Associative pathway: 旁路,侧路
Atmospheric CO2 concentration: 大气CO2浓度Automotive fuel cells: 汽车用燃料电池
Avogadro’s number: 阿伏伽德罗常数
AC/DC converter: 交流/直流转换器
Alkaline fuel cell: 碱性燃料电池
AFM: atomic force microscopy: 原子力显微镜
Air blower: 风机
Air pollution: 空气污染
Air supply: 供气
Aqueous potassium hydroxide: 氢氧化钾溶液Ammonium borohydride:NH4BH4硼氢化铵
Anaerobic digester gas(ADG): 厌氧沼气
Anode Galvani potential: 阳极伽伐尼电位
Anode supported MEA: 阳极支撑膜电极
Aqueous alkaline electrolyte: 含水的碱性电解质Aqueous electrolyte/ionic liquids: 含水电解质/离子溶液Area-normalized reaction rates: 面积归一化的反应速率Area-specific resistance: 面阻抗
Arhenius conductivity equation: 阿伦尼乌斯导电率方程Aromatic hydrocarbon membranes: 芳香族碳氢化合物膜Asiplex(Asahi Chemical Industry): 朝日化工
Back-diffusion water fluxes: 反扩散水通量
Backward flux: 反向通量
Batteries: 电池
Binary diffusion coefficient: 二元扩散系数
Biological fuel cells: 生物燃料电池
Bipolar plates: 双极板
Blocking electrode: 阻断电极
Boltzmann’s constant: 波尔兹蔓常数
Bonding energy: 键能
Bottleneck processes: 瓶颈技术
Boundary conditions: 边界条件
Boundary layer theory: 边界层理论
Bonding energy: 键能
Built-in voltage: 内置电压
Bulk reactant: 总体反应物
Butler-Volmer equation: 巴特勒-沃尔默方程
Bypass valve: 旁通阀
BYZ:Yttrium doped barium zirconate:钇掺杂的锆酸钡Bruggeman correlation: 布曼相关系数
Capacitive double-layer impedance: 电容式双层阻抗Capacitors: 电容器
Carbon cloth(paper): 碳布(纸)
Carbon dioxide: 二氧化碳
Carbon monoxide tolerance: 一氧化碳耐受度
Carbon emission: 碳排放
Carnot cycle: 卡诺循环
Carrier-gas based fuel-processing subsystem: 载气燃料处理系统Carrier hydrogen storage system: 载波储氢系统
Carriers concentration:载流浓度
Catalyst layer: 催化层
Catalyst layer interface: 催化层界面
Catalyst reactant: 催化反应物
Catalyst deactivation: 催化剂失活
Catalytic electrode: 催化电极
Catalytic fuel reformer: 催化燃料重整器
Cathode Galvani potential: 阴极伽伐尼电位
Cathode-membrane interface: 阴极-膜界面
Cathode subsystem: 阴极子系统
Cathode intercooler: 阴极中冷器
Cathode degradation: 阴极衰减
Cathode intercooler: 阴极中冷器
Cathode activation overvoltage: 阴极活化过电位
Cathode supported MEA: 阴极支撑的膜电极
Ceramic electrolytes: 陶瓷电解质
Ceramic materials: 陶瓷材料
Chemisorptions: 化学吸附
Current density: 电流密度
Cell voltage variation: 电池电压变化
Cluster-network model: 串网络模型
Cold-start cell voltage: 冷启动电池电压
Ceria-based anodes: 铈基阳极
CFD: computational fluid dynamics: 计算流体动力学
Charged species: 带电粒子
Charge flux: 电荷通量
Charge carriers: 电荷载体
Charge conservation: 电荷守恒
Charge transfer mechanisms: 电荷传输机理
Charge transfer reactions: 电荷传输反应
Charge transport: 电荷传输
Chemical bonds: 化学键
Chemical determinations: 化学测定法
Chemical energy: 化学能
Chemical free energy difference: 化学自由能差
Chemical potential: 化学电位
Chemical reaction: 化学反应
Chemical surface oxidation: 化学表面氧化
Chemical Structure:化学结构
Chemisorbed hydrogen charge transfer reaction: 基于化学吸附的氢气传输反应CHP: combined heat and power: 热电联产(供)
Chromium-based metallic interconnects: 铬基金属连接
Circuit diagram: 电路图
Climate change: 气候变化
Climate mitigation: 减缓气候变化
Closed system: 封闭系统
Coal gasification plant: 煤气化工厂
Cold stream:冷流
Compressed hydrogen/air: 压缩氢气/空气
Compression force: 压缩力
Composite membranes: 复合膜
Concentration gradient: 浓度梯度
Concentration losses: 浓度损失
Condenser heat: 冷凝热
Conductivity: 导电率
Conservation laws: 守恒定律
Conservation equations: 守恒方程
Constant-current-density assumption: 恒电流密度假设
Constant flow rate condition: 流量恒定条件
Constant and variable-flow models: 恒流-变流模型
Constant-pressure process: 恒压过程
Constant stoichiometry: 恒定化学计量比
Constitutive equations:本构方程
Continuity equation: 连续性方程
Continuum diffusion coefficient: 连续性扩散系数Control volume method: 体积控制法
Consumption rate: 消耗速率
Contact resistance: 接触电阻
Convection diffusion: 对流扩散
Convective-dominated flow: 对流控制流体Convective fluid transport: 对流流体传输Convective forces: 对流力
Convective heat transfer: 对流换热
Convective heat-transfer coefficient: 对流传热系数Convective mass transport process: 对流传质过程Convective transport: 对流传输
Cooling requirement: 冷却条件
Cooling systems: 冷却系统
Coupling coefficients: 耦合系数
Coupled thermal-water management: 耦合的水热管理Crystal structure: 晶体结构
Cross-membrane interconnections: 膜间互连结构Cross section: 断面
Crystalline electrolyte: 晶体电解质
Current interrupt technique: 电流中断技术
Current-voltage curve: 电流-电压曲线
Cyclic voltammetry: 循环伏安(法)
Capillary flux: 毛细通量
Darcy’s law: 达西定律
Derivation: 衍生,推导
Diffusion coefficients: 扩散系数
Diffusion mechanism: 扩散机理
Diffusion transport: 扩散传输
Diffusivity: 扩散系数
Diffusion flux: 扩散通量
Diffusion Layers:扩散层
Dimensionless groups: 无量纲组
Dimensionless factor: 无量纲因子
Dissociative pathway: 分解途径
Dual-layer cathode electrode: 双层阴极
Dusty-fluid model: 尘流模型
DC-DC converter: 直流-直流转换器
Dead zones: 盲端
Decay rate: 衰减速率
Dependent variables: 独立变量
Dielectric breakdown: 介电击穿
Dilute solution(ideal solution): 稀溶液(理想溶液)
Direct alcohol fuel cells: 直接醇燃料电池
Direct electro-oxidation: 直接电氧化
Direct formic acid fuel cells: 直接甲酸燃料电池
Direct methanol fuel cells: 直接甲醇燃料电池
Dopant ions: 掺杂离子
Doped carbon: 碳掺杂
Double-layer capacitance: 双层电容
Dual-layer approach: 双层接触
Durability: 耐久性
Dynamic equilibrium: 动态平衡
Economic trade-off: 经济权衡(效益/性价比)
Electro-osmotic flow: 电渗流
Electrochemical reaction kinetics: 电化学反应动力学
Electrode-electrolyte interface: 电极-电解质界面
Electrolyte membrane: 电解质膜
Electromotive force: 电动势
Empirical correlation: 经验相关性
Energy balance: 能量平衡
Enthalpy change: 焓变
Entropic heat: 熵热
Effective diffusivity: 有效扩散
Effective porosity: 有效孔隙率
Effective resistance: 有效阻抗
Efficiency loss: 效率损失
EIS: electrochemical impedance spectroscopy:电化学阻抗谱图分析Electrochemical reaction kinetics: 电化学反应动力学
Electrical efficiencies: 发电效率
Electrical driving forces: 电子驱动力
Electrical potential: 电压
Electrical field force: 电场力
Electric power: 电功
Electric wall conditions: 电壁条件
Electrical work: 电功
Electrochemical half reactions: 电化学半反应
Electrochemical reaction heterogeneity: 电化学反应异质性Electrode-electrolyte microstructure: 电极-电解质微观结构Electrode materials: 电极材料
Electro-osmotic drag: 电渗拖拽
Endothermic reaction: 吸热反应
reaction massExothermic reaction: 放热反应
Energy buffers: 能量缓冲器
