1  Catalysts that speed the reaction are called positive catalysts. Substances that slow a catalyst's effect in a chemical reaction are called inhibitors.
2  Catalysis is the change in rate of a chemical reaction due to the participation of a substance called a catalyst. Unlike other reagents that participate in the chemical reaction, a catalyst is not consumed by the reaction itself.
reaction diffusion只有热力学允许,平衡常数较大的反应加入适当催化剂才是有意义的!Only allowed by thermodynamics, addition of appropriate catalysts for those reactions with larger equilibrium constant of the reaction is meaningful!
Catalysis change the reaction rate by changing the reaction path
4 不同催化剂对特定的反应体系有选择性(机理选择性)Different catalysts have selectivity to the specific reaction system (Mechanism selectivity)
催化剂因催化剂结构不同导致选择性(扩散选择性)。Different catalyst structure led to different catalyst selectivity(diffusion selectivity).)
5 催化剂的表面吸附和孔内扩散Surface adsorption and internal pore diffusion of catalyst吸附过程:固体表面气体浓度随时间增加而增大的过程。Adsorption is the process of transferring material from a fluid phase to a solid phase.
脱附过程:固体表面气体浓度随时间增加而减小的过程。Desorption is a phenomenon whereby a substance is released from or through a surface.
催化剂的表面吸附和孔内扩散Surface adsorption and internal pore diffusion of catalyst 7 物理吸附: 是表面质点和吸附分子之间的分子力而引起的。Physisorption, also called physical adsorption, is a process in which the electronic structure of the atom or molecule is barely perturbed upon adsorption.
化学吸附: 是在催化剂表面质点吸附分子间的化学作用力而引起的.Chemisorption is a kind of adsorption which involves a chemical reaction between the surface and the absorbate. New chemical bonds are generated at the adsorbant surface. 
8 物理吸附的特点:没有选择性,可以多层吸附,吸附前后,被吸附分子变化不大,吸附过程类似于凝聚和液化过程。The characteristics of the physical adsorption: No selectivity, multilayer adsorption, little change before and after adsorption, the adsorbed molecules, adsorption process is similar to the condensation and liquefaction process
化学吸附的特点:有选择性,只能单层吸附,吸附过程中有电子共享或电子转移,有化学键的变化电子云重新分布,分子结构的变化。The characteristics of the chemial adsorption: Selectivity, only monolayer adsorption, electrons sharing or the electron transfer in the adsorption process, chemically changes in electron cloud re-distribution, changes in the molecular structure.
过渡金属氧(硫)化物催化剂及其催化作用Transition metal oxides (sulfur) compounds
catalyst and its catalytic effect
络合物的催化及其催化作用The catalysis  and catalytic effect of complex cataly
