Research on the Pertinence of the Serum Procalcitonin and Severity of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Adults *
ZHANG Xue-hui 1,BAI Rong 1,BAO Li-qin 1,ZHANG Xiao-lan 1,SHEN Xiao-lan 1,ZHAO Ping 1,2**
1Department of Pharmacology,Jiangsu Shengze H ospital,Suzhou 215228;2Department of Pharmacy,First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029ABSTRACT We collected 81cases of adult lower respiratory tract infection (LRTIs)in our hospital from 2015to 2017,all patients were tested for procalcitonin (PCT)levels and performed CURB65and PSI scor ⁃ing.According to the PCT levels,patients were divided into two groups A and B.The differences of CURB65and PSI scores between the two groups were compared,correlation of PCT level with CURB65and PSI scores were analyzed.The results were as follows,the CURB65score was 0.959±0.634in the PCT ≥0.05ng ·mL -1group and 0.531±0.371in the PCT<0.05ng ·mL -1group,the difference between the two groups had statistical significance (P <0.05);the PSI score was 88.29±25.5in the PCT ≥0.05ng ·mL -1group and 71±33.16in the PCT<0.05ng ·mL -1group,the difference between the two groups had statistical signif ⁃ica
nce (P <0.05).The correlation of PCT levels with CURB65and PSI rating had statistical significance (P <0.05),the correlation coefficients r were 0.460and 0.344,all were positively correlated.The PCT test can help to determine the illness severity in adult LRTIs.KEY WORDS Procalcitonin (PCT);Lower respiratory tract infection (LRTIs);CURB65;PSI ·资讯概览·
眼内注射去炎松、莫西沙星和万古霉素(TMV )复方制剂:FDA 发布———出血性闭塞性视网膜血管炎病例2017年8月14日,FDA 收到一位医生的报告:一患
西沙星和万古霉素(TMV )的复方制剂,现被诊断为术后
双侧出血性闭塞性视网膜血管炎(HORV )。该复方制剂由Imprimis Pharmaceuticals 股份有限公司配制。HORV 是一
内注射,发生HORV 。
预防术后眼内感染。FDA 不知道有任何充分的对照研究
能够证明眼内注射万古霉素预防眼内感染是安全有效的。FDA 没有批准过含万古霉素制剂可以用于眼内注射。这
目前眼内使用万古霉素被认为是导致HORV 的情况之一。HORV 的特征包括迟发性(长达3周)突然无痛性视力减退、眼内感染、视网膜内出血、视网膜血管发炎、视网膜血管堵塞、视网膜缺少足够的血液供给。如果双眼注射万古霉素,可能会出现HORV 的严重后果甚至失明。在2013年11月到2015年12月对922个患者(1541只眼)病例资料的回顾分析,这些患者均在白内障手术中使用玻璃体内注射TMV 制剂,但没有发生HORV 的报告。然而,这项无对照的记录审查是有局限性的,它不能发现罕见事件,也不能代表大量的白内障患者手术后的情况。该报告的不良事件提示,眼内注射万古霉素、包括万古霉素作为复方制剂中的一个药用成分,都有可能导致HORV 。建议:因为发生HORV 的风险,不建议在眼白内障手术中使用万古霉素作为预防性给药,无论万古霉素是单一成分或复方制剂中活性成分之一,均须禁用。(由江苏省药品不良反应监测中心提供)
2017年10月美国FDA 公布的药品安全信息
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