Qualities of an Excellent Manager
An excellent manager taps into talents and resources in order to support and bring out the best in others.An outstanding manager evokes possibility in others.
Creativity is what separates(分离)competence(能力)from excellence.  Creativity is the spark(火花)that propels (推动)forward and that captures(捕捉)peoples attention. Creativity is the ingredient(成分)that pulls the different pieces together into a cohesive(凝聚力)whole, adding zest(热情)and appeal(感染)in the process(过程).
The context(背景)and structure we work within always have a set of parameters(参数),limitations(
限制)and guidelines(准则). A stellar (一流)manager knows how to work within the structure and not let the structure impinge upon(侵犯)the process(过程)or the project(项目). Know the structure intimately(紧密), so as to guide(引导)others to effectively (有效)work within the given(给定的)parameters.Do this to expand(扩大)beyond(超出)the boundaries(界限).
3.Intuition 直觉
Intuition is the capacity(能力)of knowing without the use of rational processes(合理工艺);it's the cornerstone (基石)of emotional intelligence(情绪智力). People with keen insight (敏锐洞察力)are often able to sense what others are feeling and thinking;consequently(因此),they're able to respond (反应、回答、响应)perfectly(完全)to another through their deeper understanding. The stronger one's intuition (直觉), the stronger manager one will be.
A thorough(全面)knowledge base is essential(必不可少). The knowledge base must be so ingrained(根深蒂固)and integrated(完整的、和谐的)into their being that become transparent(透明的、含义清楚地、显而易见的),focusing (重点)on the employee (雇员)and what s/he needs to learn ,versus(对、与)focusing (专注、重点)on the knowledge base. The excellent manager lives from a knowledge base,without having to draw attention to (吸引。。。。注意)it.
A manager is committed(忠诚的、坚定地) to the success of the project and of all team members. S/he holds the vision(远景、愿景)for t he collective(集体)team and moves closer to the end result. It's the manager's commitment that pulls the team forward during trying times (困难的时候).
6.Being Human人性化
Employees(雇员)value leaders who are human and who don't hide behind their authority(权威、权力)。The best leaders are those who aren't afraid to be themselves。Managers who respect(尊重)and connect with others on a human level inspire(鼓舞、激励)great loyalty(忠诚). 员工价值领导,谁是人,谁不躲在他们的权力。最好的领导者是那些不害怕是自己的。经理一个人的水平与他人的尊重和连接的启发很大的忠诚度。
reactive翻译Flexibility(灵活性)and versatility(通用性)are valuable qualities in a manger. Beneath(在。。。以下)the flexibility and versatility is an ability to be both non-reactive(非反应性)and not attached(附加的、连接的、依恋的)to how things have to be . versatility implies(意味)an openness(开放性)this openness allows the leader to quickly change on a dime when necessary. Flexibility and versatility are the pathways to speedy responsiveness(反应性).
A stellar manger doesn't just produce outstanding results; s/he has fun(乐趣)in the process! Lightness doesn't impede(妨碍)results but rather (宁愿、相反), helps to move the team forward. Lightness complements (补充)the seriousness(认真、严肃)of the task(工作、任务)at hand as well as the resolve (决定、决心)of the team, therefore contributing(贡献、有助于)to strong team results and retention(保持、保留).
Discipline is the ability to choose and live from what one pays attention to. Discipline as self-mastery can be exhilarating ! Role model (榜样、模范)the ability to lice(寄生虫、搞糟、办砸)from your intention consistently (目的、一贯坚持)and you'll role model an important leadership quality.
10.Big Picture,Small Actions视野大,小细节。
Excellent managers see the big picture concurrent(同时发生)with managing the details(细节管理). Small actions lead to the big picture ;the excellent manger is skillful at doing both :think big while also paying attention to the details.
