1. 集成电路  Integrated circuit
2. 可编程逻辑控制器 prpgrammable logic controller
3. 暂态/稳态过程 steady state process
4. 有功/无功/视在功率 active/  reactive/ apparent output
5. 品质因数 quality factor
6. 低通/高通/带通滤波器low pass filter/ high-peaker / band pass filter
7. 单位负反馈  unit reverse feedback
8. 温度/湿度/压力传感器 temperature/ humidity/ pressure sensor
9. 片内/外存储 chip-on/off memory
10. 控制理论与控制工程 control theory and control engineering
11. /降压变压器 step-up/step-down transformer
12. 发射极/集电极/基极 emitter/ collector/ base
13. 遥感 remote sensing
14. 三相异步感应电机 three-phase asynchronous induction machine
15. 交流电机 a-c dynamo
16. 直流电机 continuous current dynamo
17. 三相对称电源 symmetrical three-phase source
18. 三相四线制three-phase four-wire system
19. 结点电压 nodal point voltage
20. 网孔电流 mesh current
21. 正弦稳态响应 sine steady state response
22. 逐次逼近 approach gradually
23. 发电机 dynamo
24. 太阳能/潮汐/风力发电 solar energy / tide/ wind power dynamo
25. 拉普拉斯变换 Laplace transform
26. 过程控制 process control
27. 电流互感器 current transformer
28. 相位超前/滞后  phase advance/ lag reactive翻译
29. 温度调节器 temperature regulator
30. (非)线性控制系统  (nonlinear)  linear control system
31. 误差校正 correction of error
32. 故障诊断  fault diagnosis
33. 理想运放 ideal operational amplifier
34. 工厂供电 plant power supply
35. 架空传输线  overhead transmission line
36. /并联谐振 series/ parallel resonance
37. 面向对象编程 object-oriented programming
38. 异步电机asynchronous machine
39. 人工智能  artificial intelligence
40. 多智能体 multi-agent
41. 特征方程 characteristic equation
42变频空调 air-condition of frequency conversion
42. 电机拖动 electrical drive
43. 局域网协议 local area network agreement
44. 汽车电子  auto electron
45. 楼宇自动化 building automation
46. 采样保持 sample hold
47. 嵌入式系统 embedded system
48. 半导体技术  semiconductor technology
49. 模拟/数字电子技术 analog/ digital electronic technique
50. 网络互连协议 internet protocol
51. 断路器 circuit breaker
52. 继电器 relay
53. 继电保护 relay protection
54. 电力系统及其自动化 electric power system and its automation
The test of transistor's input/output characteristic curve is the one of the most basic experiments for analog electronic technology.
In the last ten years, computer communication and computer network technology has experienced rapid development, so that people can share more information resources, get more and faster information service.
With the revolution of microelectronics technology performance and price, digital automation system now has been developed and used in the electrical system.
The embedded system is the product after the combination of advanced computer technology, semiconductor technology, electronic technology and various industry of the specific application, which is decided that it inevitably is a highly techs, high funds, highly decentralized, and constant innovation of knowledge integration system.
The electric power enterprises urgently need a highly automated office system which can collect, process, deliver and share information.
Electronic design automation technology already penetrate into each link of the electronic system and special integrated electronic system, this technology applications in the circuit design and simulation make the circuit design, adjust and improve more efficient and convenient.
The speed and ability of a computer depend mainly on the engineers could take more and more electronic circuits and switches compressed to microchip
This paper introduces the control circuit principle diagram of automobile electric rearview m
irror, and analyses its working principle and fault solution.
Since the 1960s pattern recognition and intelligent system is a new discipline developed on the basis of many subjects such as signal processing, artificial intelligence, cybernetics and computer technology and so on.
