Unit1 Topic1 SectionA 巩固训练
quite a lot, join, against, , win
1.—I will go for a picnic with my friends this Sunday. Would you like to_______ us?
—Yes, I’d love to.
2.Our class will have a basketball game ______ Class 1 this Saturday afternoon.
3.Zhang Yining plays table tennis well because she practices it ________.
4.—Do you think our school will_________ the football game?
—Yes, I think so.
5.My friends are going to_______ me_______ when I play in the game next week.
1.—Which drink do you _______, tea _______ milk?
—A glass of milk please.
A. like; and                B. prefer; or
C. prefer; and            D. like best; or
2. Lin Tao is hard-working(努力的). I see him _______ English every morning.
A. read                    B. reads
C. to read                D. be reading
3. —Do you hope it _______ tomorrow?
— I hope so. Its too hot these days.
A.rains                B. rained
C. to rain                D. will rain
4. —Many Chinese people eat dumplings _______ the Spring Festival.
—That’s right.
A. with                    B. on
C. during                  D. to
5. —Mary, what's your plan for next Saturday?
—I ________ play basketball with my friends.
A. am going                B. am going to          C. went to              D. go to
1. Which sport do you prefer, skating or skiing? (同义句转换)
Which sport do you _______ ________, skating or skiing?
2. Are you going to play football? (肯定回答)
Yes, _______ _______.
3. Jane is going to perform magic tricks at the party. (改为疑问句,并作肯定回答)
—_______ Jane _______ _______ _______ magic tricks at the party?
—Yes, she _______.
4. David is going to row a boat tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ David _______ _______ _______ tomorrow?

1. join        2. against        3. quite a lot        4. win        5. cheer; on
1. B  prefer用于两者之间更喜欢哪个;or表示两者之间选择
2. A  考查感官动词see的用法。see sb. do sth.意为:看到某人做某事。
3. D  由tomorrow可知用一般将来时态。
4. C  考查during “在……期间”。
5. B  be going to+ 动词原形,表示“打算/将要做某事”。
1. like better        2. I am            3. Is; going to perform; is
4. What is; going to do
Unit1 Topic3 阅读理解专练
Do you like boxing? In fact, many young and old men will say:Yes, I do. Because it not only has a long history, but also is very exciting.
Just like Chinese Kongfu, boxing is very popular in western countries. In Rome,people like it very much. Modern boxing came from Britain and became the Olympic game in 1904.
Usually, boxers will get illness when they are old because their heads were often hit. Some of them even lost their lives at young ages. It is so dangerous. You should think it over before you want to be a boxer.
(    )1.    Many men like boxing because it is very exciting.
(    )2.    Boxing is very popular in China.
(    )3.    Modem boxing came from Rome.
(    )4.    It was in 1904 that the boxing became the Olympic game.
(    )5. Young men should not be boxers because boxing is so dangerous.
LeBron James, an American basketball player, plays for the Miami Heat of the NBA. He was born on Dec. 30, 1984,and was called “King James” by people. He is a three-time NBA MVP and a nine-time NBA All-star. He became the youngest player in NBA history to get 20,000 points at 28 years of his age on January 16,2013.
His mother raised (养活)him by herself. Life was very difficult for the poor mother and her son. James was interested in basketball and football when he was young. James became one member of national team during his high school years.
He was in the Cleveland Cavaliers in the 2003 NBA draft. He joined the Heat on July 9,2010. He and his teammates competed for the US Olympic team in 2012 London Olympics. At last, they won the gold medal against Spain.
1.Which team does James play for now?
2.How many times did James get NBA All-star?
3.What ball games did James enjoy when he was young?
4.When did James become a member of the Heat team?
Women in the United States and many other countries join in a growing number of sports and games. Many American women are much more active in sports now than before.
Some women are sports professionals. They take part in sports so as to make money. When they win the games and matches, they usually get a large amount of money. College women are the second group who are active in some sports that colleges have. Some of them compete against other women from other colleges, and some compete in the national championships (锦标赛) and if they are very good sportswomen, they even may compete in the Olympics. After all, few are able to become professionals. Most women may have learned sports in colleges, and quite a lot of women may not be particularly good at sports,so they take part in sports activities just for fun. In recent years,there have been more and more women joining in sports and games.
