专利名称:Related forms and methods by isotope
dilution mass spectrometry of the reactive
发明人:キングストン,ハワード エム.
reactive to
摘要: (57) [Abstract] form another isotope dilution mass spectrometry A (SIDMS), or if conversion mode is performed before the separation of the sample takes place, decomposition, even or if there is incomplete separation, it is possible to determine the concentration of more than one form from the sample. To convert the enriched isotope stable isotopes of a given one or more spiked, depending on the form of one or more should be measured in the sample, the form divided, stable isotopes. Sample containing a form to be measured is spiked, form the isotopic spike is balanced. Forms are separated from the sample, the isotope ratios of the form to be measured is determined. The concentration of form deconvoluted mathematically correct the incomplete separation is performed and / or the conversion form. It is possible by using this method, demonstrating the other way. The method can also be used in the validation of other methods. This method can also be used for preparation and analysis of the reference material of a standard that is divided form. This method can also be used for the quantification of Cr (VI) Cr and (III).
申请人:ドゥーケーン ユニバーシティ オブ ザ ホーリー ゴースト
地址:アメリカ合衆国 15282 ペンシルバニア,ピッツバーグ,アドミニストレーション ビルディング 505
代理人:丸山 敏之 (外2名)
