Grid Converters for Photovoltaic and Wind Power Systems
by R. Teodorescu, M. Liserre and P. Rodriguez
ISBN: 978‐0‐470‐05751‐3
Copyright Wiley 2011
Grid Requirements for PV
International Regulations
Grid connection requirements
•IEEE1547‐2003Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems
•IEEE1547.1‐2005Standard for Conformance Tests Procedures for Equipment Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems
•IEEE929‐2000,Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Photovoltaic(PV)Systems–incorporated in IEEE1547
•UL1741,Standard for Inverters,Converters,and Controllers for Use in Independent Power Systems‐elaborated by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.–compatibilzed with IEEE1547
[]h l()h f h l f b
•IEC61727[6]Photovoltaic(PV)systems‐Characteristics of the utility interface‐December2004
•IEC62116Ed.12005:Testing procedure of islanding prevention measures for utility interactive photovoltaic inverter(describes the tests for IEC 61727)–approved in2007
•VDE0126‐1‐12006Automatic disconnection device between a generator and the public low‐voltage grid”–Safety issues‐applied on German Market
•IEC61000‐3‐2,Ed.3.0–“Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)–Part3‐2:Limits–Limits for harmonic current emissions(equipment input current ≤16A per phase)”,ISBN2‐8318‐8353‐9,November2005
•EN61000‐3‐3,Ed.1.2—“Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)–Part3‐3:Limits–Limitation of voltage changes,voltage fluctuations and flicker d“l b l()f l h l fl d fl k in public low‐voltage supply systems,for equipment with rated current≤16A per phase and not subject to conditional connection”,ISBN2‐8318‐8209‐5,November2005
•IEC61000‐3‐12,Ed.1–“Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)–Part3‐12:Limits–Limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment p g y p p p
connected to public low‐voltage systems with input current>16A and≤75A per phase”,November2004
•IEC61000‐3‐11,Ed.1—“Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)–Part3‐11:Limits–Limitation of voltage changes,voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low‐voltage supply systems–Equipment with rated current≤75A and subject to conditional connection”,August2000Standard EN50160–“Voltage Characteristics of Public Distribution System”,CENELEC:European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, Brussels,Belgium,November1999
Utilit V lt Q lit
Utility Voltage Quality
•Standard EN50160–“Voltage Characteristics of Public Distribution System”,CENELEC:European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization,Brussels,Belgium,November1999
Public Voltage Quality –EN50160
•Voltage unbalance for three phase inverters. Max unbalance is 3%
•Voltage amplitude variations: max +/‐10%
l l d/
•Frequency variations: max +/‐1%
•Voltage dips: duration < 1 sec, deep < 60%
•Voltage harmonic levels. Max voltage THD is 8%
Odd harmonics Even harmonics
Not multiple of3Multiple of3
Order h Relative voltage(%)Order h Relative voltage(%)Order h Relative voltage(%)
759 1.541
11 3.5150.5 6..240.5
19 1.5
23 1.5
25 1.5
Response to abnormal grid conditions
•Voltage deviations IEEE 1547IEC61727VDE0126-1-1
Voltage range Disconnectio Voltage Disconnectio Voltage Disconnecti
(%)n time (s)range (%)n time (s)range (%)on time (s)
V < 500.16V < 500.10110 ≤ V < 850.2
50 ≤ V < 88 2.0050 ≤ V < 85 2.00
110 < V < 120 1.00110 < V <
V ≥ 1200.16V ≥ 1350.05
Obs. The purpose of the allowed time delay is to ride through short‐term disturbances to avoid excessive nuisance tripping •Frequency deviations IEEE 1547IEC61727VDE0126-1-1
Frequency range (Hz)Disconnectio
n time (s)
range (Hz)
n time (s)
range (Hz)
on time (s)
59.3 < f < 0.16fn-1 < f < 0.247.5 < f < 0.2
*for systems with power<30kW the lower limit can be adjusted in order to allow participation in the frequency control Obs. The VDE0126‐1‐1 allow much lower frequency limit and thus frequency adaptive synchronization is required
•Reconnection after trip IEEE 1547IEC61727VDE0126-1-1
88 < V < 110 [%]
85 < V < 110 [%]
59.3 < f < 60.5 [Hz]fn-1 < f < fn+1 [Hz]
Min. delay of 3 minutes
Power Quality
•DC Current Injection
IEEE 1574
VDE0126-1-1Idc < 0.5 [%]
of the rated RMS current
Idc < 1 [%]
of the rated RMS current
Idc < 1A
Max Trip Time 0.2 s
Obs. For IEEE 1574 and IEC61727 the dc component of the current should be measured by using harmonic analysis (FFT) and there is no maximum trip time condition
IEEE 1547 and IEC 61727
Individual h <11≤h <17≤h <23≤h <35≤hreactive to
•Current Individual harmonic order (odd)*
h < 1111 h < 1717 h < 2323 h < 35
35 h Total harmonic distortion THD (%)(%)
4.0 2.0
Obs.The test voltage for IEEE1574/IEC61727should be produced by an electronic power source with a voltage THD <2.5%(typically ideal sources)
Odd harmonics Even harmonics Order h Current (A)
Order h Current (A)3 2.302 1.085 1.1440.4370.7760.300408≤023x 8/IEC 61000‐3‐2for class A equipments apply also
h ≤ 40
0.23 x 8/
h 110.33130.2113 ≤ h ≤ 390.15 x 15/h
Obs.The current limits in IEC61000‐3‐2are given in amperes and are in general higher than the ones in IEC61727.For equipments with a
higher current than 16A but lower than 75A another similar standard IEEE 610003‐12[12]applies