摘    要
本文研究分析了孤岛效应发生机理,对几种常见的孤岛检测方法如远程检测法、无源检测法和有源检测法进行对比分析。与此同时,本文介绍了孤岛检测盲区相关描述方法,并采用f 0norm Q C  描述法对常见反孤岛策略的盲区进行了描述,
China's energy consumption mainly relies on traditional petrochemical fuels. Recently, the petrochemical energy crisis and environmental problems in our country have become more and more serious with the development of social economy. It is imminent to change our energy industrial structure and develop new energy sources. As solar energy resources have the advantages of being cl
ean, pollution-free, safe, reliable, economical, and inexhaustible, it has played an irreplaceable role in the renewable energy sources. The new energy power generation technologies represented by photovoltaic power generation technologies have received increasing attention from the international community.
In photovoltaic power generation systems, distributed power generation systems have a very important position. Distributed power supplies provide energy for the power grid and local loads. As more and more distributed photovoltaic power generation systems are used in the energy industry, many potential grid protection issues have gradually attracted people’s attention. One of the difficulties is that How to detect the islanding. The islanding can cause serious damage to power quality, damage to electrical equipment, and threats to the safety of operating personnel. Therefore, the occurrence of islanding should be avoided. The relevant anti-islanding equipment should be used to monitor the operation of the system in real time. When islanding occurs, the islanding state is detected and the islanding protection device is triggered so that the photovoltaic grid-connected inverter can be cut off from the main grid as soon as possible to avoid the aforementioned hazards.This paper takes the three-phase photovoltaic grid-connected inverter as the research object, studies the islanding detection existing in the system, discusses the influence of the relevant parameters on the distribution
of Non-Detection Zone, and according to the existing deficiencies of the anti-islanding strategies, An improved islanding detection algorithm based on reactive power disturbance is proposed.
This paper expounds the research background, cause and harm of islanding, and analyzes the current research status of islanding detection technology. The three-phase photovoltaic grid-connected inverter is modeled based on the constant power control strategy of the inverter to achieve flexible control of active/reactive power, which lays the foundation for the subsequent research on islanding detection algorithms.
A comprehensive study of the mechanism of islanding, comparative analysis of several common islanding detection methods such as remote detection, passive detection and active detection methods. At the same time, the description method of non-detection zone is introduced. The non-detection zone of common anti-islanding strategy is described by Q f0×C norm description method. The influence of related parameters on the distribution of non-detection zone is analyzed. Based on the participating scientific research projects, several improvements are proposed for the existing assessment criteria for non-detection zone.
Based on the analysis and research of common islanding detection algorithms and their non-detection zone, the advantages of anti-islanding strategies based on reactive power disturbances are described, and the basic principles are analyzed. Aiming at the shortcomings of the existing reactive power disturbance islanding detection methods, such as low efficiency in islanding detection and large impact on power quality, a novel islanding detection method based on reactive power disturbance is proposed and simulated. And the experiment verified the islanding detection algorithm proposed in this paper.
Keywords: PV grid-connected inverter; Islanding Detection; Reactive Power Disturbance; Non-detection Zone.
目    录
目    录
中文摘要 .......................................................................................................................................... I  英文摘要 ....................................................................................................................................... III 1 绪  论 .. (1)
1.1 课题研究背景与意义 (1)
1.2 孤岛效应的定义及危害 (2)
1.3 孤岛检测技术研究现状 (3)
1.4 本文主要研究内容 ................................................................................................................... 4 2 基于三相并网逆变器的光伏发电系统建模 (7)
2.1 光伏并网逆变器拓扑结构 (7)
2.1.1 隔离型光伏并网逆变器 (7)
2.1.2 非隔离型光伏并网逆变器 (9)
2.2 三相光伏并网逆变器建模 (10)
2.2.1 三相光伏并网逆变器主电路建模 (10)
2.2.2 三相光伏并网逆变器控制器设计 (12)
2.3 仿真验证 (18)
2.4 本章小结 ................................................................................................................................. 21 3 孤岛检测算法分析与盲区描述 (23)
3.1 孤岛检测技术概述 (23)
3.1.1 孤岛效应发生机理 (23)
3.1.2 孤岛效应检测标准 (25)
3.2 无源孤岛检测方法 (27)
3.2.1 过/欠电压、过/欠频率孤岛检测法 (27)
3.2.2 电压谐波孤岛检测法 (30)
3.2.3 相位突变孤岛检测法 (30)
3.3 有源孤岛检测方法 (31)
3.3.1 有源频率偏移法 (32)
3.3.2 有功电流扰动法 (35)
3.4 基于f 0norm Q C  坐标系的孤岛检测盲区描述方法 (36)
3.5 关于孤岛检测盲区评估标准的改进建议 (44)
3.6 本章小结 ................................................................................................................................. 44 4 无功功率扰动孤岛检测算法的分析与改进 . (47)
4.1无功功率扰动孤岛检测算法原理 (47)
4.2一种改进的无功功率扰动孤岛检测算法 (50)
4.3改进型无功功率扰动孤岛检测算法对电能质量影响的分析 (54)
4.4改进型无功功率扰动孤岛检测算法盲区分析 (54)
4.5仿真及实验验证 (56)
4.6本章小结 (62)
5 总结与展望 (65)
5.1总结 (65)
5.2展望 (65)
reactive to致谢 (67)
参考文献 (69)
附录 (73)
A作者在攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 (73)
B作者在攻读硕士学位期间参与的科研项目 (73)
C作者在攻读硕士学位期间参与的专业实践 (73)
