The main wiring design of 10kV substation
In today's society, the electric power industry occupies the leading position, the transportation is convenient, easy to switch, no pollution. It is the main energy and power of modern industrial production. Has been widely used in various industries of production and daily life, become an indispensable driving force for social development. The first bridge of the power plant and the user is a substation, which plays an important role in the transformation and distribution of electric power. The main component of the power system is composed of the substation, which affects the safety and economic operation of the power system. Electrical main wiring is the main structure of the power system, high current, high voltage substation, is the main component of the power system, is the main content of the substation power system operation and design.
The substation is the place where the voltage, the control and the electric energy conversion. The substation is the intermediate transmission and transformation between the power plant and the user, which plays an important role in the substation and distribution. It is directly related to the safety and economic operation of the power system. Through the planning and analysis of the main electrical wiri
ng of the 10kV substation, the load and the user are analyzed, and the reactive power compensation device for the user is determined by the load calculation. At the same time, choose a variety of transformers, analysis of different types of bus wiring, select the main connection mode of the transformer substation, and then calculate the short-circuit current, select the wire, select high voltage electrical equipment, etc..
The Status substation in the power system is very important,and its main electrical circuit should have high reliability. Select the main electrical wiring design to consolidate the professional knowledge.
Key words: bus; reactive power compensation; electrical part; relay protection;
摘要........................................................................ I Abstract ................................................................... II 第1章绪论 (1)
1.1 变电所发展历史与现状 (1)
1.2 电力系统主要构成原理 (1)
1.3 变电所的设计原则 (2)
1.4 课题来源及设计背景 (2)
第2章变电站主接线 (3)
2.1 对电气主接线的基本要求 (3)
2.2 电气主接线方式 (3)reactivepower
2.3 电气主接线设计原则 (3)
2.4 主接线方案的分析 (4)
2.4.1 单母线接线方式 (4)
2.4.2 单母线分段主接线 (6)
2.4.3 双母线接线 (6)
2.4.4 双母线分段接线 (7)
2.4.5 增设旁路母线的接线 (7)
2.4.6 单元接线方式 (8)
2.4.7 桥形接线 (8)
第3章变电所负荷计算和无功补偿的计算 (11)
3.1 变电站的负荷计算 (11)
3.1.1 负荷计算 (11)
3.2 无功补偿的目的和方案 (13)
3.3 无功补偿的计算及设备选择 (13)
第4章主变压器的选型 (15)
4.1 变压器选取原则 (15)
4.2 选择变压器的类型 (15)
4.3 变压器台数的选择 (15)
4.4 变压器容量的选择 (16)
第5章短路电流的计算 (17)
5.1 概述 (17)
5.2 短路电流计算的原因与目的 (17)
5.3 短路的种类 (17)
5.4 三相短路电流的计算 (19)
5.5 尖峰电流的计算 (22)
5.5.1 单台用电设备供电的支线尖峰电流计算 (22)
5.5.2 多台用电设备供电的线干尖峰电流计算 (22)
第6章变电所的一次系统设计 (22)
6.1 主要电气设备的选择 (22)
6.1.1 高压断路器的选择 (22)
6.1.2 高压隔离开关的选择 (23)
6.1.3 高压熔断器的选择 (24)
6.1.4 电流互感器的选择 (24)
6.1.5 电压互感器的选择 (24)
6.1.6 高压开关柜的选择 (25)
6.1.7 电抗器的选择 (25)
6.2 高压进线的选择与校验 (26)
6.2.1 架空线的选择 (26)
6.2.2 电缆进线的选择 (26)
6.3 低压出线的选择 (27)
第7章保护系统的设计 (27)
7.1 继电保护的重要性 (27)
7.2 继电保护配置原则 (28)
7.3 变压器继电保护的配置 (28)
7.4 自动装置配置 (30)
7.5 继电保护的整定 (30)
7.5.1 主变压器保护整定 (30)
7.5.2 过电流保护 (32)
7.5.3 过负荷保护 (33)
7.6 10kV线路保护整定 (33)
7.6.1 电流速断保护 (33)
7.6.2 定时限过电流保护 (33)
第8章测量及计量系统的设计 (34)
8.1电测量仪表 (34)
8.1.1 常用电测量仪表的要求 (35)
8.1.2 电能计量仪表的要求 (35)
8.1.3 10KV变配电装置中各部分仪表的配置要求 (35)
8.2 绝缘监视装置 (36)
第9章变电站防雷保护与接地装置的设计 (36)
9.1 变电站直击雷过电压保护 (36)
9.1.1 防雷等级 (37)
9.1.2 保护措施 (37)
9.1.3 避雷带保护的技术要求 (37)
9.2 雷电侵入波过电压保护 (38)
9.2.1 保护措施 (38)
9.2.2 变电所内过电压保护 (38)
9.2.3 防雷接地 (39)
总结与展望 (39)
1总结 (39)
2展望 (40)
致谢 (41)
参考文献: (42)
附录一 (44)
附录二 (45)
1.1 变电所发展历史与现状
1.2 电力系统主要构成原理