2016 NO.09
2013 Annual Report of the National High Technology
reactive materials studiesResearch and Development Program of China “Discovery and Biotechnology Development of Bioactive Substrates
from the Deep-sea Microorganisms”
Ju Jianhua 1 Zhou Xuefeng 1 Zhu Weiming 2 Qi Shuhua 1 Xu Gangming 3
(1.South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; 2. Ocean University of China; 3.Institute of Oceanology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Abstract :This 2013 annual report of the National High Technology Research and Development Program
of China “Discovery
and Development of Bioactive Substrates from the Deep-sea Microorganisms” includes the following contents: (1) 869 strains
have been purified, separated and preserved from the deep sea sediment and 729 of them have been determined with their
phylogenetic position. 237 strains have been purified and separated from deep sea water samples, and 168 of them have been
completed with their bacteria sequencing studies; there is a potential new genus level taxa in them; (2) 21 Stains of deep-
sea microbes have been investigated for their secondary metabolisms. 186 compounds have been isolated and identified and 71
of them are new compounds, including a novel cyclic tetrapeptide. 25 compounds were found to show significant pharma-
cological activities. Detained pharmacological studies of HDZ-115 (derivative of staurosporine) and Xanthocillin X show that
these two lead compounds are worthy of further drug assessment. (3) Some lipopeptides show antagonistic activities toward the
tested plant fungal pathogens. Several active substances are obtained with their antifouling activities, and one of them shows a good application value in the antipollution experiments in sea. (4) The genome of the deep sea actinomycete SCSIO ZH66
has been scanned; gene clusters responsible for grincamycin and lobophorin have been cloned and identified and the pathways
of grincamycin, marinacarboline and lobophorin have been deciphered; (5) Two new proteases, with good economic value, were
isolated and purified from deep-sea microbes. New high temperature α-amylases and amylase genes were isolated with
successful implementation of heterologous expression.
Key Words :Deep-sea microbes; Bioactive substance; Pharmacological activities; Ecological effect; Biosynthesis; New enzyme
摘 要:目前,各项任务研究进展顺利,课题目标设定基本合理,课题组各项研究按照任务书计划安排有序实施,部分研究
工作已经提前开展。 在技术示范场地选择方面,课题组确定了北京市顺义区赵全营镇白庙村南的一处垃圾填埋场和浙江省
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科技报告导读173 科技资讯 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION 展实验室研究和现场技术示范工程设计提供了基础和支撑。在试验研究方面,以示范场地为研究背景,课题组开展了大量的实验室研究,为开展实际场地地下水硝酸盐污染修复技术示范奠定理论基础。主要包括地下水氮污染修复材料和地下水氮污染修复技术开发。在地下水氮污染修复材料方面,课题组研究开发了3种修复材料,包括一种硝化细菌碳源材料、一种氧化剂缓释材料释放材料和一种生物-化学联合修复材料。在地下水修复技术方面,课题组创新性提出了两种地下水修复技术工艺,一种是基于北方埋深较深的地下水污染修复的非连续渗透反应强地下水污染原位处理技术,该技术在传统渗透反应墙基础上,针对北方地下水埋深较深的实际情况,提出的以注射井阵形成的地下水修复系统,该技术具有施工难度小,建设成本低的优点,特别适用于处理较深层地下水污染问题;多级准原位地下水修复系统,是该课题研发的一种新型地下水技术,该技术集湿地处理技术、渗透反应墙技术和地下水井灌技术为一体的地下水修复系统,其具有建设与运行成本低、易施工、对地下水环境的扰动小、灵活性强、适应性强的优点。在成果产出方面,目
关键词:地下水 硝酸盐 修复材料 修复技术及装备
Annual Progress Report of Research on Control and Remediation Technology and Equipment of Groundwater
Nitrate Pollution
Jiang Yonghai
(Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences)
Abstract :Currently, the progress of study goes well,the target is basic reasonable, the job of research is carried out smoothly according to the plan, parts of study have already developed in advance. Two typical demonstrate place were chosen, one is MSW landfill which is located in Shunyi County in Beijing, the other one is breeding base in Haiyan County in Zhejiang province. At the two research bases, information collecting,hydrogeological investigation,monitoring wells building,water quality monitoring, slug and infiltration testing, all of these already have been finished, and hydrogeological pa
rameter have been achieved. These results can be used in the design of engineering demonstration. On the basis of a great deal of laboratory data, theoretical basis are built about the remediation technology of the pollution of nitrate in groundwater, which was based of the research background of engineering demonstration field. Three kinds of remediation materials developed,including activated carbon material, slow-releasing material of oxidation and biochemical integrated material. Two innovative scientific remediation technology are studied. One is unfilled PRB in situ remediation technology of groundwater pollution,which is proposed basing deeper groundwater pollution in in the north. The remediation technology has advantages of low investment, simple process flow and low cost. The multi semi-in situ remediation of groundwater system is a new groundwater remediation technology which is researched and developed through our research. The system integrated the Wetland treatment technology, Permeable reactive barriers technology and groundwater well irrigation technology as a whole. The advantages of this system are lower cost of construction and operation, easy construction, small disturbance to the groundwater environment, strong flexibility and adaptability. In terms of achievements, there have been five applied patents, two received patents. six papers, which including three SCI, and two innovative technologies in the research group.
Key Words :Groundwater;Nitrate;Remediation meterial;Remediation technology and equipment
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