proc. r. soc. london, ser. b
proceedings of the royal society of london series b
process biochem.
process biochemistry
process control qual.
process control and quality
process saf. environ. prot.
process safety and environment protection
process saf. prog.
process safety progress
prog. biophys. mol. biol.
progress in biophysics and molecular biology
prog. biotechnol.
progress in biotechnology
prog. chem. org. nat. prod.
prog. colloid polym. .
progress in colloid and polymer science
prog. cryst. growth charact. mater.
progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials
prog. energy combust. sci.
progress in energy and combustion science
prog. heterocycl. chem.
progress in heterocyclic chemistry
prog. ind. microbiol.
progress in industrial microbiology
prog. inorg. chem.
progress in inorganic chemistry
prog. lipid res.
progress in lipid research
prog. mater sci.
progress in materials science
prog. nucl. magn. reson. spectrosc.
progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
prog. org. coat.
progress in organic coatings
prog. pap. recycl.
progress in paper recycling
prog. polym. sci.
progress in polymer science
prog. react. kinet.
progress in reaction kinetics
prog. solid state chem.
progress in solid state chemistry
prog. surf. sci.
progress in surface science
prot. met
protection of metals
protein eng.
protein engineering
protein sci.
protein science
przem. chem.
przemysl chemiczny
pure appl. chem.
pure and applied chemistry
quant. struct.-act. relat.
quantitative structure-activity relationships
quim. anal. (barcelona)
quimica analitica
quim. nova
quimica nova
radiat eff. defects solids
radiation effects and defects in solids
radiat. phys. chem.
radiation physics and chemistry
radiat. prot. dosim.reactive materials studies
radiation protection dosimetry
radiat. res.
radiation research
radiochim. acta
radiochima acta
rapid commun. mass spectrom.
rapid communications in mass spectrometry
rapra rev. rep.
rapra review reports
react. funct. polym.
reactive and functional polymers
react. kinet. catal. lett.
reaction kinetics and catalysis letters
recl. trav. chim. pays-bas
recueil des travaux chimiques des pays-bas journal of the royal netherlands chemical society
refract. ind. ceram
refractories and industrial ceramics
regul. toxicol. pharm.
regulatory toxicology and pharmacology
rep. prog. phys.
reports on progress in physics
res. chem. intermed.
research on chemical intermediates
res. commun. mol. pathol. pharmacol.
research communications in molecular pathology and pharmacology
res. microbiol.
research in microbiology
rev. anal. chem
reviews in analytical chemistry
rev. chem. eng.
reviews in chemical engineering
rev. chim.
revista de chimie
rev. comput. chem.
reviews in computational chemistry
rev. environ. contam. toxicol.
reviews of environment contamination and toxicology
rev. gen. therm.
revue generale de thermique
rev. metall. / cah. inf. tech.
revue de metallurgie / cahiers dinformations techniques
rev. physiol., biochem. pharmacol.
reviews of physiology biochemistry and pharmacology
rev. roum. chim.
revue roumaine de chimie
rev. sci. instrum.
review of scientific instruments
rheol. acta
rheologica acta
rubber chem. technol.
rubber chemistry and technology
russ. chem. bull.
russian chemical bulletin
russ. j. appl. chem.
russian journal of applied chemistry
russ. j. bioorg. chem.
russian journal of bioorganic chemistry
russ. j. coord. chem.
russion journal of coordination chemistry
russ. j. electrochem.
russian journal of electrochemistry
russ. j. gen. chem.
russian journal of general chemistry
russ. j. nondestr. test.
russian journal of nondestructive testing
russ. j. org. chem.
russian journal of organic chemistry
russ. metall.
russian metallurgy
s. afr. j. chem.
south african journal of chemistry
sampe j.
sampe journal
scand. j. metall.
scandinavian journal of metallurgy
sci. china, ser. b
science in china, series b chemistry
sci. china, ser. e
science in china, series e technological sciences
sci. prog.
science progress
sci. technol. weld. joining
science and technology of welding and joining /font>
sci. total environ.
science of the total environment
scripta mater.
scripta materialia
semicond. sci. technol.
semiconductor science and technology