台风“杜苏芮”Typhoon Doksuri
水利部the Ministry of Water Resources
超警戒水位 exceed the warning level
蓄滞洪区 flood storage areas
防汛救灾工作 flood prevention and disaster relief work
灾后恢复重建 post-disaster recovery and reconstruction
地质灾害 geological disasters
太平洋煤气电力公司Pacific Gas & Electric
轮流停电 rolling blackouts
美国土木工程师协会the American Society of Civil Engineers
模块化小型核反应堆small modular reactor (SMR)
可持续发展sustainable development
发电量power generation capacity
蓝预警 blue alert
台风卡努Typhoon Khanun
中央气象台China's national observatory
国家气象台the National Meteorological Center (NMC)
防汛救灾工作 flood prevention and disaster relief work
地质灾害 geological disasters
人民生命和财产安全 the safety of the people's lives and properties
the closing ceremony of the Chengdu FISU World University Games
reactor 翻译成都露天音乐公园the Chengdu Open Air Music Park
世界大学生运动会运动员村FISU World University Games Village
全民健身日National Fitness Day
Civilizations take different forms, making the world colorful and diverse.
the most dynamic and happiest city
the multifaceted manifestations of the Chinese path to modernization.
China-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership
周边外交neighborhood diplomacy
面部识别系统the facial recognition system
中国高级网络安全警察Senior Chinese cybersecurity police
团队旅游group tour/tourism
出境团队旅游outbound group tour/tourism
文化和旅游部The Ministry of Culture and Tourism
离岛免税销售额offshore duty-free sales
离岛免税店offshore duty-free shops
消费券consumption coupons
自由贸易港 free-trade port