Useful Firewall-1 commands
fw log –n –ft | grep <users IP>
the –n switch means no DNS lookups so the results are shown as IP addresses.
the –n switch means no DNS lookups so the results are shown as IP addresses.
fw tab -t connections –s
counts the number of connections currently being processed
counts the number of connections currently being processed
fw tab -t sam_blocked_ips
show IP addressses that have been blocked by SAM
show IP addressses that have been blocked by SAM
fw printlic –p
displays license information
fw putlic -n
if you want the manager to talk to the module (and vice versa) on an IP other than the one that resolves when you ping the node/hostname then use the -n switch.
if you want the manager to talk to the module (and vice versa) on an IP other than the one that resolves when you ping the node/hostname then use the -n switch.
fw ctl pstat
depending on the switch, shows memory, disk space, cpu usage etc.
depending on the switch, shows memory, disk space, cpu usage etc.
fw upgrade sp1 (FP1)
fwm upgrade sp2 (FP2)
used in conjunction with a copy of default_objects.C to upgrade / older versions objects.C files to NG FP* (see full notes here)
fwm upgrade sp2 (FP2)
used in conjunction with a copy of default_objects.C to upgrade / older versions objects.C files to NG FP* (see full notes here)
cpstat mg
show the status of the management daemon
show the status of the management daemon
cp_conf sic get
Show the SIC
Show the SIC
cp_conf ha enable
Enables HA module
Enables HA module
cp_conf sic init < 1 time password >
Initialize the SIC
Initialize the SIC
fw ctl iflist
see the interfaces checkpoint is bound too
fw ctl pstat
fw stat (-d -l)
cphaprob status
check status of ClusterXL
check status of ClusterXL
cphastart -d
debug ClusterXL
debug ClusterXL
cpd -d &
kill the cpd process and start again in debug mode, which will scroll up the terminal screen
fwd -d &
kill the fwd process and start in debug mode which will scroll up the terminal screen (do cpd first)
kill the fwd process and start in debug mode which will scroll up the terminal screen (do cpd first)
find the build number of the SVN foundations
find the build number of the SVN foundations
dtps ver
find the build number of the policy server
find the build number of the policy server
fw ver [-k]
find the build number of firewall-1
vpn accel stat
check the status of the accelerator card (make sure it's enabled in voyager)
check the status of the accelerator card (make sure it's enabled in voyager)
vpn accel on
turn the card on at the console within checkpoint
some clusterXL notes here
turn the card on at the console within checkpoint
some clusterXL notes here
sort largest directories on nokia.
du | sort -n -r | head
Running the Checkpoint CP and FW processes in DEBUG MODE
NG Debug Commands
To start FWM and FWD in debug:
On the manager / module, run these commands if it is a Windows machine:
fw debug fwm on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=3
fw debug fwd on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=3
On the manager / module, run these commands if it is a Windows machine:
fw debug fwm on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=3
fw debug fwd on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=3
To enable debugging of CPD:
cpd_admin debug on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5
cpd_admin debug on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5
to turn if off:
cpd_admin debug off TDERROR_ALL_ALL=0
run these commands if it is a Unix machine:
fw debug fwm on TDERROR_ALL_ALL 3
fw debug fwd on TDERROR_ALL_ALL 3
fw debug fwm on TDERROR_ALL_ALL 3
fw debug fwd on TDERROR_ALL_ALL 3
To enable debugging of SIC:
cpd -d
Management HA debugging, run this at the command line:
fw debug fwm on TDERROR_ALL_MGMTHA=3
to disable debuging
fw debug fwm off TDERROR_ALL_MGMTHA=3
to disable debuging
fw debug fwm off TDERROR_ALL_MGMTHA=3
To enable VPN debugging
The "vpn debug on" command activates debugging mode of VPND, the vpn daemon. Debug output will be written to the $FWDIR\log\vpnd.elg file.
The "vpn debug ikeon" command turns on IKE debugging mode. IKE packets will be written to the $FWDIR\log\ike.elg file.
The "vpn debug trunc" empties the ike.elg file, adds a stamp line "..." and enables both VPN and IKE debugging.
and kernel debug by:
fw ctl debug 0
fw ctl debug –buf 8192
fw ctl debug –m VPN all
fw ctl kdebug –f > file_name
fw ctl debug –buf 8192
fw ctl debug –m VPN all
fw ctl kdebug –f > file_name
Management HA Debug
fw debug fwm on TDERROR_ALL_MGMTHA=3
to disable debuging
fw debug fwm off TDERROR_ALL_MGMTHA=0
to disable debuging
fw debug fwm off TDERROR_ALL_MGMTHA=0
Provider-1 NG Specific
To get the version of P-1
fwm mds ver
reactor debug mode is enabledfwm mds ver
migrating management data into a CMA with greater detail in the output
syncing the MDS with the CMA's
set_mds_info -b -y
set_mds_info -b -y
degugging the MDS
fwm debug mds on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5
Debugging the CMA
mdsenv cmaname
mdsenv cmaname
fwm debug fwm on TDERROR_ALL_ALL=3
Screen Debug ::
Set environment to CSH
setenv TDERROR_ALL_FP_dbg=3
setenv TDERROR_ALL_FP_dbg=3
fw monitor
Built in packet capture program (view saved files with ethereal)
-d Turn on debug flag
-D Turn on debug flag??
-e Specify an INSPECT program line (multiple -e options can be used)
-f INSPECT filter name. '-' can be used to specify standard input. The -f and -e options are mutually exclusive
-l Specify how many bytes of the packet should be transferred from the kernel.
-m Specify inspection points mask, any one or more of i, I, o, O as explained above. This feature only works on 4.0 SP3 or later.
-o Specify an output file, which can be viewer with the 'snoop' command on Solaris.
x Perform a hex dump of the received data, starting at specified offset and printing out 'len' bytes.
fw monitor -m iIoO -e "accept [20:2,b]=<src port> or [22:2,b]=<dst port>;" -o /tmp/output.cap
will display all packets from specified sorce or destination port and saved to a file <snoop format, can be read by ethereal>
will display all packets from specified sorce or destination port and saved to a file <snoop format, can be read by ethereal>
fw monitor -m iIoO -e "accept [12,b]=<client ip> or [16,b]=<client ip>;" -o /tmp/output.cap
will display all packets from specified source or destination IP and saved to a file <snoop format, can be read by ethereal>
will display all packets from specified source or destination IP and saved to a file <snoop format, can be read by ethereal>