weblogic 设置debug 收藏
1.weblogic8.1 需要修改 /user_projects/domains/d的部分为添加项
@REM WARNING: This file is created by the Configuration Wizard.
@REM Any changes to this script may be lost when adding extensions to this configuration.
@REM *************************************************************************
@REM This script is used to start WebLogic Server for the domain in the
@REM current working directory.  This script simply sets the SERVER_NAME
@REM variable and starts server.
@REM To create your own start script for your domain, all you need to set is
@REM SERVER_NAME, then starts the server.
@REM Other variables that startWLS takes are:
@REM WLS_USER    - cleartext user for server startup
@REM WLS_PW      - cleartext password for server startup
@REM PRODUCTION_MODE    - true for production mode servers, false for
@REM                development mode
@REM JAVA_OPTIONS - Java command-line options for running the server. (These
@REM                will be tagged on to the end of the JAVA_VM and MEM_ARGS)
@REM JAVA_VM      - The java arg specifying the VM to run.  (i.e. -server,
@REM                -hotspot, etc.)
@REM MEM_ARGS    - The variable to override the standard memory arguments
@REM                passed to java
@REM For additional information, refer to the WebLogic Server Administration
@REM Console Online Help(http:\\e-docs.bea\wls\docs81\ConsoleHelp\startstop.html)
@REM *************************************************************************
@REM Initialize the common environment.
set WL_HOME=C:\apps_pub\bea\weblogic81
for %%i in ("%WL_HOME%") do set WL_HOME=%%~fsi
set JAVA_HOME=C:\apps_pub\bea\jdk142_08
for %%i in ("%JAVA_HOME%") do set JAVA_HOME=%%~fsi
@REM Call commEnv here AFTER setting the java_vendor to get common environmental settings.
call "%WL_HOME%\common\d"
@REM Set SERVER_NAME to the name of the server you wish to start up.
set SERVER_NAME=myserver
set CLASSPATH=C:\eclipseworkspace\INNE_JSF\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\stax-api-1.0.1.jar;C:\eclipseworkspace\INNE_JSF\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\antlr-2.7.5H3.jar;%WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH%;%POINTBASE_CLASSPATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar;%WL_HOME%\server\lib\webservices.jar;%CLASSPATH%
@REM Call WebLogic Server
echo .
echo .
echo PATH=%PATH%
echo .
echo ***************************************************
echo *  To start WebLogic Server, use a username and  *
echo *  password assigned to an admin-level user.  For *
echo *  server administration, use the WebLogic Server *
echo *  console at http:\\[hostname]:[port]\console    *
echo ***************************************************
set DEBUG_OPTS=-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %JAVA_VM% %MEM_ARGS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% %DEBUG_OPTS% -Dweblogic.Name=%SERVER_NAME% -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=%PRODUCTION_MODE% -Djava.security.policy="%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.policy" weblogic.Server
2.weblogic9.2 需要修改 /user_projects/domains/mydomain/d的部分为添加项
@REM WARNING: This file is created by the Configuration Wizard.
@REM Any changes to this script may be lost when adding extensions to this configuration.
@REM *************************************************************************
@REM This script is used to setup the needed environment to be able to start Weblogic Server in this domain.
@REM This script initializes the following variables before calling commEnv to set other variables:
@REM WL_HOME        - The BEA home directory of your WebLogic installation.
@REM JAVA_VM        - The desired Java VM to use. You can set this environment variable before calling
@REM                  this script to switch between Sun or BEA or just have the default be set.
@REM JAVA_HOME      - Location of the version of Java used to start WebLogic
reactor debug mode is enabled@REM                  Server. Depends directly on which JAVA_VM value is set by default or by the environment.
@REM USER_MEM_ARGS  - The variable to override the standard memory arguments
@REM                  passed to java.
@REM PRODUCTION_MODE - The variable that determines whether Weblogic Server is started in production mode.
@REM                - The variable that determines whether the workshop related settings like the debugger,
@REM                  testconsole or iterativedev should be enabled. ONLY settable using the
@REM                  command-line parameter named production
@REM                  NOTE: Specifying the production command-line param will force
@REM                          the server to start in production mode.
@REM Other variables used in this script include:
@REM SERVER_NAME    - Name of the weblogic server.
@REM JAVA_OPTIONS    - Java command-line options for running the server. (These
@REM                  will be tagged on to the end of the JAVA_VM and
@REM                  MEM_ARGS)
@REM For additional information, refer to the WebLogic Server Administration
@REM Console Online Help(e-docs.bea/wls/docs92/ConsoleHelp/startstop.html).
@REM *************************************************************************
