Several of Japan's nuclear power plants are experiencing serious damage from the earthquake and ensuing tsunami. Here's what you need to know to understand the news, as it happens
Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plant, March 14, 2011 DigitalGlobe v ia Getty Images
Several of Japan's nuclear power plants, especially the Fukushima Naiishi plant in northeastern Japan, are experiencing serious problems in the wake of Friday's earthquake and tsunami. If you've been following the news, you've seen some pretty alarming stuff going on at this plant--terms like "explosion," "partial meltdown," "evacuation," and "radiation exposure." Scary stuff. Here's what you need to know to understand and keep up with the news unfolding in Japan.
What Is a Nuclear Reaction?
A nuclear reaction is at its most basic nothing more than a reaction process that occurs in an atomic nucleus. They typically take place when a nucleus of an atom gets smacked by either a subatomic part
icle (usually a "free neutron," a short-lived neutron not bound to an existing nucleus) or another nucleus. That reaction produces atomic and subatomic products different from either of the original two particles. To make the kind of nuclear reaction we want, a fission reaction (in which the nucleus splits apart), those two original particles have to be of a certain type: One has to be a very heavy elemental isotope, typically some form of uranium or plutonium, and the other has to be a very light "free neutron." The uranium or plutonium isotopes are referred to as "fissile," which means we can use them to induce fission by bombarding them with free neutrons.
In a fission reaction, the light particle (the free neutron) collides with the heavy particle (the uranium or plutonium isotope) which splits into two or three pieces. That fission produces a ton of energy in the form of both kinetic energy and electromagnetic radiation. Those new pieces include two new nuclei (b
yproducts), some photons (gamma rays), but also some more free neutrons, which is the key that makes nuclear fission a good candidate to generate energy. Those newly produced free neutrons zoom around and smack into more uranium or plutonium isotopes, which in turn produces more energy and more free neutrons, and the whole thing keeps going that way--a nuclear fission chain reaction.
Nuclear fission produces insane amounts of energy--we're talking several million times more energy than you'd get from a similar mass of a more everyday fuel like gasoline.
Getting Usable Energy From Fission
There are several types of nuclear fission reactors in Japan, but we're going to focus on the Fukushima Naiishi plant, probably the most hard-hit facility in the country. Fukushima, run by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), has six separate reactor units, although numbers 4, 5, and 6 were shut down for maintenance at the time of the earthquake (and more importantly, the subsequent tsunami). Numbers 1, 2, and 3 are all "Boiling Water Reactors," made by General Electric in the early- to mid-1970s. A Boiling Water Reactor, or BWR, is the second-most-common reactor type in the world.
日本有几种不同类型的裂变反应堆,但我们将焦点主要集中在发生重大事故的福岛第一核电厂。这处核电站由东京电力公司(Tokyo Electric Power Company)负责运营,拥有六个彼此独立的反应堆单元,在地震发生时,第4、5、6号反应堆因为维护而关闭。而1、2、3号反应堆都是通用电气在上世纪七十年代早中期建起来的“沸水反应堆”,这种反应堆是核电站中第二常见的反应堆类型。
A BWR contains thousands of thin, straw-like tubes 12 feet in length, known as fuel rods, that in the case of Fukushima are made of a zirconium alloy. Inside those fuel rods is sealed the actual fuel, little ceramic pellets of uranium oxide. The fuel rods are bundled together in the core of the reactor. During a nuclear fission chain reaction, the tubes heat up to extremely high temperatures, and the way to kee
p them safe turns out to also be the way to extract useful energy from them. The rods are kept submerged in demineralized water, which serves as a coolant. The water is kept in a pressurized containment vessel so it has a boiling point of around 550 °F. The burning hot fuel rods turn the water to steam, which is actually what we want from this whole complicated arrangement--thereactor pressure中文
high-pressure steam is used to turn the turbines on dynamos, producing electricity.
Boiling Water Reactor Schematic: 1. Reactor pressure vessel (RPV) 2. Nuclear fuel element 3. Control rods 4. Circulation pumps 5. Engine control rods 6. Steam 7. Feedwater 8. High pressure turbine (HPT) 9. Low pressure turbine 10. Generator 11. Exciter 12. Condenser 13. Coolant 14. Pre-heater 15. Feedwater pump 16. Cold water pump 17. Concrete enclosure 18. Mains connection Nicolas Lardot - Wikimedia Commons
Since lots of heat is being produced, as well as the production and use of lots of pretty nasty radioactive materials, the engineers have implemented several safety efforts beyond simply the use of the cooling water. The plant's core, the fuel rods and the water, is encased in a steel reactor vessel. That reactor vessel is in turn encased in a giant reinforced concrete shell, which is designed to prevent any radioactive gases from escaping.
There's typically a system of control rods in a functional fission plant, essentially structures that control the rate of fission by absorbing the roaming free neutrons, but those aren't of much use now. In Fukushima's reactors, the control rods were used to shut down the fission reaction, which they did correctly, but they've exhausted their use now.
But there are still some vulnerabilities, both mechanical and chemical, that the earthquake and tsunami exploited in the Fukushima plant.
Is There an "Off" Switch?
Sure! But it's not as effective as unplugging a rogue kitchen appliance, mostly due to some chemical reactions inherent in the fission reaction--you need to keep certain certain precautions active, notably cooling, even after the plant has been "shut off."
At the onset of the earthquake, the plant automatically shut down the fission process, which normally would leave the coolant system--both the main one and a backup generator--still operational. But the tsunami wiped out power to the plant, which took down the main coolant system, and a wave destroyed the diesel-based backup system. Even though the fission had stopped, coolant is still very
much required to keep the plant safe.
That's due to the heat that remains in the nuclear core, both from the recently-disabled but still-hot fuel rods and from the various byproducts of the fission process. Those byproducts include radioactive iodine and caesium, both of which produce what's called "decay heat"--essentially residual heat that very slowly dissipates. If the core isn't continuously cooled, there's still enough heat that can still cause a meltdown even after it's been "turned off."
In the case of the Fukushima plant, with both the main and backup coolant systems down for the count, TEPCO was forced to rig a method to flood the core with seawater laced with boric acid (the boric acid to stave off another fission reaction if one were to restart due to a meltdown--more on that b
elow). That's a bad sign--it's a last-ditch effort to prevent a meltdown, as the salt in the seawater will corrode the machinery. It's also a temporary fix: TEPCO will need to pump thousands of gallons of seawater into the core every day, until