化学工程与工艺专业英语  习题              东华理工大学化学生物与材料科学学院
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作。进入过程的物料称之为对该过程的输入或进料,而离开的物料称之为输出或产品。2)  B.Braun 成立于1839年,从一个生产医药产品的小生产厂家不断发展,以成为一个跨国公
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1)In the same way that a complex plant can be divided into basic unit operations, so chemical reactions involved in the process industries can be classified into certain groups, or unit processes (e.g., polymerizations, etherifications, and nitrations), have common characteristics. 2)The notion of a processing plant encompassing a number of operations, such as mixing,
evaporation, and filtration, and of these operations being essentially similar, whatever the product, led to the concept of unit operations.
3)The chemical engineer is often involved in “scaling up” a chemist-developed small-scale reactor
and separation system to a very large commercial plant. The chemical engineer must work closely with the chemist in order to understand thoroughly the chemistry involved in the process and to make sure that the chemist gets the reaction kinetic data and the physical property data needed to design, operate, and optimize the process .
4)All fluids are compressible - even water - their density will change as pressure changes. Under steady conditions, and provided that the changes in pressure are small, it is usually possible to simplify analysis of the flow by assuming it is incompressible and has constant density.
5)In a region such as outer space, which is virtually void of gases, the pressure is essentially zero.
Such a condition can be approached very nearly in a laboratory when a vacuum pump is used to evacuate a bottle. The pressure in a vacuum is called absolute zero, and all pressures referenced with respect to this zero pressure are termed absolute pressures.
Many pressure-measuring devices like the manometer measure not absolute pressure but only difference in pressure. The reference pressure is actually the atmospheric pressure. Whenever atmospheric pressure is used as a reference, the possibility exists that the pressure thus measured can be either positive or negative. When this difference is positive, this type of pressure reading is called gage pressure.
化学工程与工艺专业英语  习题              东华理工大学化学生物与材料科学学院
1) 图7所示的一个基本实例,是石油化工某部分的一个完整设计(主要是单元操作,换热网
络和控制回路)。系统包括反应和分离部分。反应属于催化反应,由于催化剂的失活(deactivation),其转化率在几个月的操作周期内是变化的。当催化剂活性较低时,反应转化率下降,相应地精馏塔的进料发生变化。精馏塔有自己的控制系统(未画出),以保证塔底产物(bottom product)组成保持稳定。塔顶组分(循环)组成是可变的,以抵消(to accommodate)催化剂失活的影响。
reactor technology 文章翻译2) 化学工程是处理那些原材料变化或分离成有用产品的工业过程。化学工程师必须能对全流
1) The above examples teach us an important lesson, although it is the chemists who make and
discover the new chemicals which may have special properties, a considerable input from engineers and technologists may be required before the chemical can be processed and converted into a suitable form in which it can be used.
2) “Unit operations” evolved in meeting the need of economic large-scale manufacture of
commodity products. The concept of unit operations held that any chemical manufacturing process could be resolved into a coordinated series of operations such as pulverizing, drying, roasting, crystallizing, filtering, evaporating, distilling, electrolyzing, and so on.
3) The term “chemical engineer” implies that the person is primarily an engineer whose first
professional concern is with manufacturing processes— making something, or making some process
work. The adjective “chemical” implies a particular interest in processes which involve chemical changes.
4) We can pick out a number of areas of R&D activity in the following paragraphs but if we were to
start with those which were to spring to the mind of the academic, rather than the industrial, chemist then this would be basic, fundamental (background) or exploratory research and the synthesis of new compounds. This is also labeled “blue skies” research.
化学工程与工艺专业英语  习题              东华理工大学化学生物与材料科学学院
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1)除对恒定平均值(mean values)可能的微小涨落外,如果一个过程的所有变量(variables)(即:所有温度、压力、体积、流速等)的值都不随时间变化,该过程可认为是处于稳定操作。
2 将下列句子或段落翻译成汉语
1)A pilot plant is a collection of equipment designed and constructed to investigate some critical aspects of a process operation or perform basic research. It is a tool rather than an in itself. A pilot plant can range in size from a laboratory bench-top unit to a facility only marginally smaller than a commercial unit. The purposes for its construction and operation can vary widely: confirming feasibility of a proposed process; providing design data; determining the economic feasibility of a new process; determining optimum materials of construction; testing operability of a control scheme; determining the extent of plant maintenance; producing sufficient qualities of product for market evaluation; obtaining kinetic data; screening catalysts; providing areas of advanced technology; providing data for solutions to scale-up problems; providing technical support to an existing process or product assessing process hazards; determining operating costs;
optimizing an existing process; and performing basic process research.
2)    A batch reactor is used for small-scale operation, for testing new processes that have not been
fully developed, for the manufacture of expensive products, and for processes that are difficult to convert to continuous operations. The reactor can be charged through the holes at the top. The batch reactor has the advantage of high conversions that can be obtained by leaving the reactant in the reactor for long periods of time, but it also has the disadvantages of high labor costs per batch and the difficulty of large-scale production
化学工程与工艺专业英语  习题              东华理工大学化学生物与材料科学学院
1 将下列句子或段落翻译成英语
1)异庚烷由丁烯和异丁烷在浓硫酸的乳化液(emulsion)中反应生产。过程的新鲜进料以40,000 kg/h的速率加入。其中含25.00mole%的异丁烷、25.00mole%丁烯和50.00mole%的正丁烷,后者在过程中是化学惰性的。部分反应器的出料(effluent)循环至反应器的进口。其余部分流入分层槽(settler)在槽中水相(硫酸)和烃相得以分离。酸循环至反应器,烃则进入精馏塔。塔顶馏出物含正丁烷和异庚烷,而塔底产物全为异丁烷循环至反应器。
2 将下列句子或段落翻译成汉语
1)While technical advances and efficiency improvements in specific unit operations are occurring
the time, the big story is the hybridization of processes. Combining individual unit operations, such as reaction, and heat exchange, into larger, concurrent operations will be major trend om upcoming years. Technologies such as reactive distillation, catalytic membranes, and phase-transfer catalysts all represent examples of hybridized processes where reaction and separation are combined.
2)The formulation of the thermodynamic equilibrium problem and the methodologies used for its
solution are presented in this chapter. The resulting equations need a number of pure component and mixture equilibrium properties, which, whenever not experimentally available at the conditions of interest, must be estimated.
3)Most of the problems in chemical engineering, however, are multivariable and nonlinear, with
constraints, and often require the use of discrete valued variables. Also, while optimization is a conceptually powerful framework, its impact has been somewhat limited in practice due to the lack of tools that facilitate the formulation and solution of these problems.
4)Some of the subtle problems involved which are not at all obvious. to the uninitiated include
mixing imperfections, increasing radial temperature gradients, and decreasing ratios of heat transfer areas to heat generation rates.
化学工程与工艺专业英语  习题              东华理工大学化学生物与材料科学学院
1 将下列句子或段落翻译成英语
3)硝酸广泛用于生产无机硝酸盐和有机硝酸酯、用于各种金属处理,以及用于光刻(photoengraving)。硝酸生产是铂-铑(platinum-rhodium)催化剂上将氨氧化成一氧化氮(nitric oxide),一氧化氮氧化成二氧化氮,然后将二氧化氮溶解于水。降低产品速率的副反应是氨氧化成氮气和水蒸气。
2 将下列句子或段落翻译成汉语
1)Much equipment for the separation of liquids and finely divided solids was invented
independently in a number of industries and is of diverse character. These developments have occurred without benefit of any but the most general theoretical considerations. Even at present, the selection of equipment for specific solid-liquid separation applications is largely a process of scale-up based on direct experimentation with the process material.
2)The unit operations are largely used to conduct the primarily physical steps of preparing of reactant
s, separating and purifying the products, recycling unconverted reactants, and controlling the energy transfer into or out of the chemical reactor. We also can say that, the unit operations deal mainly with the transfer and change of energy and the transfer and change of materials primarily by physical means but also by physical-chemical means.
3) The number and diversity of chemical compounds is remarkable: over ten million are known.
Even this number pales into insignificance when compared to the number of carbon compounds which is theoretically possible.
化学工程与工艺专业英语  习题              东华理工大学化学生物与材料科学学院
1.Unlike many products whose structure and reactions were well known before their industrial application, some polymers were produced on an industrial scale long before their chemistry or physics were studied.
2.Configurational isomerism is then due to the presence in the molecule of one or more dissymmetric centers, in the simplest case asymmetric carbon atoms each of which can have (R) and (S) absolute configuration; and, or, to the presence of double bonds which can give cis- and trans-geometrical isomers.
3.The homologes of benzene are those containing an alky group or alkyl groups in place of one or mote hydrogen atoms.
4.Objectionable hydrogen sulfide is removed from such a gas or from naturally occurring hydrocarbon gases by washing with various alkaline solutions in which it is absorbed.
5.Gas absorption is an operation in which a gas mixture is contacted with a liquid for the purposes of preferentially dissolving one or more components of the gas and to provide and to give a solution of these in the liquid.
6.The continuous process although requiring more carefully designed equipment than the batch process, can ordinarily be handled in less space, fits in with other continuous steps more smoothly, and can be conducted at any prevailing pressure.
7.Normally, in evaporation the thick liquid is the valuable product and the vapor is condensed and discarded. Mineral-bearing water is often evaporated to give a solid-free product for boiler feed, for special process requirements, or for human consumption. This technique is often called water distillation, but technically it is evaporation. In one specific situation, however, the reverse is true.
