专利名称:Steam generating plant 发明人:PETERS MARTIN C.
reactor pressure vessel
摘要:1,037,634. Heating steam boilers. BABCOCK & WILCOX Ltd. Aug. 2, 1963 [Aug. 3, 1962], No. 29900/62. Heading F4A. [Also in Divisions G4-G6] A steam generating plant comprises a nuclear reactor connected to a first heat exchanger in a primary coolant circuit utilizing an alkali metal coolant, a secondary coolant flowing through said first heat exchanger and a second heat exchanger in which steam is generated, said secondary coolant comprising a fluid containing a suspension of solid particles and being inert to fluids inadvertently leaked into it from the first or second heat exchangers, the coolant pressure bath being above atmospheric and the primary coolant being at a higher pressure than the secondary coolant. By using a second coolant, the possibility of a heat exchanger failure resulting in a mixture of water and alkali metal coolant is avoided. Thus the reactor pressure vessel does not have to be built to withstand the pressures resulting from such a mishap. The primary coolant may be sodium, potassium, or lithium, or mixtures thereof; the secondary coolant is preferably carbon dioxide, nitrogen, helium, argon, or a mixture of two or more of these gases, containing preferably graphite particles. The reactor 2, first heat exchanger 6, primary coolant circuit 4, and its associated pump 12 and pressurizer 14 are situated within a biological shield 53. The secondary coolant circuit 8 includes the second or steam generating heat exchanger 10
which is in two parts, a vaporizer 46A and a superheater 44A. Included in parallel with the secondary c
oolant circuit are a centrifugal separator 26, a heated particles reservoir 22 and a gas reservoir 28 connected to a larger storage vessel (not shown). Suitable valves and piping enable the amount of particulate graphite in circulation to be varied according to heat transfer requirements. The volume of gas can also be varied.
