reactor pressure vessel    The production process of heavy calcium carbonate involves several steps. First, limestone is mined from quarries or extracted from underground mines. Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of calcium carbonate. It is crushed into small pieces and then transported to a processing plant.
    At the processing plant, the limestone is further crushed and ground into a fine powder. This powder is then subjected to a chemical reaction called carbonation. Carbon dioxide gas is introduced into the powder, causing it to react with the calcium carbonate and form calcium carbonate crystals. The carbonation process is typically carried out in a reactor vessel under controlled conditions of temperature and pressure.
    After carbonation, the resulting calcium carbonate crystals are separated from the remaining impurities. This is done through a process called filtration or sedimentation. The crystals are then washed and dried to remove any residual moisture.
    The dried calcium carbonate crystals are then subjected to a process called milling. This involves grinding the crystals into a fine powder with a specific particle size distribution. The milled powder is then packaged and ready for distribution.
    The production of heavy calcium carbonate requires careful control of various parameters such as the quality of the limestone, the carbonation conditions, and the milling process. These parameters can affect the properties of the final product, such as its particle size, brightness, and chemical purity.
