Appendix D: Guide Words and Deviations引导词和偏差
Deviation | Causes | ||||
More flow 流量增大 | Bypass valve open 旁通阀打开 Increased pumping capacity 泵能力增大 Operation of pumps in parallel 并联的泵同时运行 Reduced delivery head 输送扬程降低 Worn or deleted restriction orifice plates 限流孔板磨损或拆除 | Cross connection of systems 系统跨接 Control faults控制故障 Control valve trim changed调节阀阀芯更换 Control valve fails open 调节阀故障开 Burst pipe管线破裂 Large leak大量泄漏Exchanger tube leaks 换热器管泄漏 | Wrong valve open开阀错误 Wrong lineup or misdirected flow 管线连接错误 Slug flow团状流动 Water hammer水锤 Increased flow from upstream process 上游工艺流量增大Change in fluid density 流体密度改变 | ||
Less flow 流量减小 | Line restriction 管线不畅 Filter fouled 过滤器堵塞 Competing pump heads and flows 泵扬程和流量相互牵制 | Fouling of vessels, lines, valves, or orifice plates 容器,管线,阀门,孔板结垢 Density or viscosity changes 流体密度/粘度变化 Defective pumps泵缺陷 | Inadvertently throttled valve 偶然截流的阀门 Incorrect valve sizing 错误的阀门尺寸 Wrong lineup 管线连接错误 Surging喘振 | ||
No flow 无流量 | Block valve closed 截止阀关闭 Wrong lineup 管线连接错误 Slip blind installed 安装盲板 Incorrectly installed check valve 止回阀安装错误 | Equipment failure (control valve, isolation valve, pump, vessel, instrumentation, etc.) 设备故障(调节阀,隔离阀,泵,容器,仪表等) | Isolation in error误隔离 Power failure停电 Plugged line管线堵塞 Incorrect pressure differential不正确的压差Control valve fails closed 调节阀故障关 | ||
Reverse flow 逆流 | Malfunctioning, omitted, wrong type of check valves (note that check valves are not usually bubble tight or positive shutoff devices)止回阀故障或未安装(注意止回阀一般不是气密或正压截断装置) | Siphon effect 虹吸效应 Incorrect differential pressure 不正确的压差 Two way flow 双向流 Emergency venting 紧急放空 | Wrong lineup or misdirected Flow 管线错误连接 In line spare equipment Connections to utilities (water, N2, flush systems, etc 在线备用设备 公用工程连接(水,氮气,冲洗设施等) | ||
Misdirected flow 错流 | Valve open in error or passing allowing material to be routed to an unintended location 阀错误的打开或者流过错误的路径 | ||||
High pressure 高压力 | Design pressures Specification of pipes, vessels, fittings, and instruments 设计压力-管道容器管体和仪表的规格 Pressure range for abnormal Operations 不正常操作时的压力范围 Leakage from interconnected high pressure system (HP to LP interface) 相互连接系统的高压系统泄漏(高压到低压系统) | Inadequate or defective isolation procedures for relief valves泄压阀隔离措施不够或不当 Thermal overpressure 热过压 Positive displacement pumps容积泵 Control valves failed (closed or open) 调节阀故障(关闭或打开) Increased centrifugal pump suction pressure - startup of pump) 离心泵压力增高(泵开车) Gas breakthrough (inadequate venting) 气体溢出(放空不足) | Failure of ejector/eductor System 排出/喷射设施故障 More reaction 反应过量 Plugged pressure tap 测压孔堵塞 Obstructed relief 泄放堵塞 Pressure testing 压力测试 Excessive heating 过多的加热 Exchanger tube leak 换热器管程泄漏 Surge problems 喘振问题 | ||
Low pressure/ vacuum 压力低/真空 | Cooling冷却 Condensation冷凝 Gas dissolving in liquid 气体溶于液体 Undetected leakage 未发现的泄漏点 | Restricted pump/Compressor suction line 泵/压缩机入口管线不畅通 Vessel drainage procedure容器排放程序 | Blockage of blanket gas 保护气体堵塞 Failure of vacuum relief 真空释放失败 Inadequate NPSH 不充足的汽蚀余量 | ||
High Temperature 高温增大 | Fire situation火灾 Ambient conditions 环境温度 Fouled or failed exchanger Tubes换热器管程堵塞或失效 Cooling water failure 冷却水故障 Air cooler malfunction 空冷器故障 Defective control 控制失效 | Heater control failure 加热器控制故障 Internal fires内部火灾 Reaction control failures反应控制故障 Heating medium leak into Process热媒介泄露到工艺侧 Heat tracing伴热 Regeneration再生Abnormal operations错误的操作 | Decoking清焦 Heats of reaction反应放热 Mixing, reactor hot spots, decomposition, or runaway reaction, absorption, or solution.混合,反应热,分解,反应失控,吸附,溶解 Burn protection燃烧保护措施 | ||
Low Temperature 低温 | Cold weather operations天冷时操作 Ambient conditions 环境条件 Reducing pressure 压力下降 | Fouled or failed exchanger Tubes换热器管程堵塞或故障 Loss of heating热量损失 Depressuring liquefied gas液化气降压 | Joule/Thompson effect 焦耳/汤普逊效应 Endothermic reaction 吸热反应 Control failure 控制失效 | ||
High level 液位高 | Outlet isolated or blocked 出口关闭或堵塞 Inflow greater than outflow 流入大于流出 Control failure 控制故障 Deactivated level alarm 未动作的液位报警 | Filling operations 装填操作 Liquid in vapour lines 气体管线有液体 Vessel overflow 容器溢流 Inadequate time to respond 响应时间不足 | Interface level control 界面计控制 Phase inversion相变 Slug flow湍流 Condensation冷凝 Faulty level measurement 液位计量不准确 Incorrect calibration 校准不正确 | ||
Low level/ no level 低液位/无液位 | Inlet flow stops 流入停止 Drain valve left open排水阀打开 Outflow greater than inflow流出大于流入 Gas in liquid lines 气体进入液体管线 | Control valve malfunction控制阀故障 Faulty level measurement 液位计量不准确 Incorrect calibration 校准不正确 Two phase flow两相流Leak泄漏 | Plugged instrument taps 仪表接头堵塞 Inadequate residence time停留时间不足 Inadequate mixing, 不充分的混合 excessive Heating过热 | ||
Wrong Percentage 不正确百分比 | Human error 人为错误 Malfunction of control valves 调节阀故障 | Line restriction 管线限制 Filter fouledreactor pressure vessel 过滤器结垢 | Defective pumps 泵缺陷 Fouling of vessels, lines, valves, or orifice plates 容器,管线或孔板结垢 | ||
Contamination/ Composition 污染/组分 | Leaking valves 阀门泄漏 Leaking exchanger tubes 换热器管泄漏 Changes to feedstock 进料变化 Stream composition 流体组分 Stream contaminants 流体污染 Inadequate quality control 质量控制不充分 Process control upset reaction intermediates Byproducts 工艺波动的反应中间体/ 副产品 | Improper mixing 不适当的混合 Ingress of air, water, or rust 空气,水或者铁锈的侵入 Identify nitrogen interfaces to Process 氮气界面 Inadvertent mixing 疏忽的混合 Explosive mixtures 爆炸性的混合 Interconnected systems (especially services, blanket systems 相互联通的系统(尤其是辅助/保护系统) | Wrong additives or catalysts 误用添加剂或催化剂 Catalyst poisons 催化剂中毒 Preparation for shutdown and startup operations 开/停车准备工作 Solvent flushing 溶剂冲洗 Phase inversion 相变 Sphere rollover Tower tray damage 塔板损坏 | ||
Wrong material 错误的物料 | Human error 人为错误 Leaking valves 阀门泄漏 | Leaking exchanger tubes 换热器管程泄漏 Changes to feedstock 进料改变 | Stream composition 流体组分 Stream contaminants 流体污染 | ||
Relief泄压 | Design basis for relief: how is overpressure protection provided 泄压设计基础?超压时提供什么保护, | ||||
Relief for process (normal/abnormal - fire, startup/shutdown conditions) 工艺泄放法(正常/非正常-火灾,开停车条件下?) Changes affecting relieving requirements (insulation removal, CV change, new connections, etc.) 变更影响泄放需求(隔离拆除,CV(热值)变化,新连接等等) Backpressure on relief valve v design 泄压阀设计备压? | Effect of debottleneck on relief Capability 泄压能力要求的消除瓶颈效应 Instrumentation/SIS to reduce relief load 仪表/SIS 减少卸载负荷? Type of relief device and Reliability 卸放装置类型及可靠性 Atmospheric relief valves (discharge location, plume path, dispersion modelling, risk associated with discharge 大气泄放阀(排放位置,路径,扩散模型,相关排放风险) What is the controlling scenario?控制设定? | Relief composition (e.g., two phase flow)泄放组分(例如,两相流) Maximum liquid rate vs. design capacity 最大流量和设计量的对比 Tower liquid overfill 塔液体溢出 Relief for reactive chemicals 会有化学反应的物料泄放 Materials of construction 材质 Heat tracing/temperature of rupture disks 伴热/防爆膜温度 RV set pressure vs. MAWP 泄放阀设定压力/最大允许工作压力 | |||
Path for relief protection and can it be impaired? 泄放保护路径,可以削弱吗? | |||||
Blocked path/relief valves 路径/泄放阀堵塞 Restricted inlet/outlet lines 进出口管径限制 | Plugging/buildup in relief system (hydrates, ice, weep holes plugged, liquid buildup, loss of heat tracing, etc.) 泄放系统堵塞/累积结块(水化合物,冰,掉落塞住孔,液体积聚损失伴热等) | Failure of administrative Controls 行政管理控制失败 | |||
Preventive maintenance: inspection/testing results 预防性维护:巡检/年检结果 | |||||
Isolation philosophy 隔离原则 | Is a spare relief valve needed to achieve the testing interval? 是否需要备用泄放阀以供年检 | Location of relief device 泄放设施的位置 | |||
Other其它 | |||||
Environmental implications环境影响 Frequency of relief valve use 泄放阀使用频率 Relief device exposed to abnormal operating temperature or pressure 泄压装置未置于操作温度/压力条件下 | Near miss incidents幸免的事故 Stress on RV inlet/outlet piping泄压阀进出口管线的应力 Vibration of piping/headers管道/总管的震动 | Rupture disks under RVs - Is pressure between RV and rupture disk checked to identify rupture disk leakage? 泄压阀下的爆破膜-设定压力是否识别爆破膜的泄漏量 | |||