reactor technology
China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology No.4,December 2006
It is learned from the Ministry of Science and Technology that in order to promote the shift of China's chemical industry toward an energy efficient andenvironmentally friendly prod-uct mode,the technology for intensification of chemical reac-tion processes has been includedin the National “863”Project of the “Eleventh Five-Y ear Plan ”,and the application for re-search project proposals is to be accepted.It is said that this project is aimed at the development of the key common tech-nique which can effectively intensify the chemical reaction process.
High energy consumption and high environmental pollution are the key problems existing in China's chemical production processes.In order to solve these problems,it is necessary to combine the material science with the chemical technology to form a system for intensification of chemical reaction pro-cesses with Chinese characteristics and independent intel-lectual property rights.To meet this demand,the technology for intensification of chemical reaction processes has been included in the National “863”Project of the “Eleventh Five-Y ear Plan ”.The overall target of this project is to effectively intensify the heat transfer,mass transfer,mixing,and macro-scopic reaction rate through adoption of catalysts with a foam silicon carbide-based structure,the supergravity,and the process coupling and other intensified reaction techniques;to construct five 10kt/a class commercial demonstration units and an 1000t/a class unit for manufacture of materials,and to achieve an average
d over 20%energy savings in the unit process withthe material consumption in some unit processes reduced by 20%and pollutants discharge reduced by 25%.This project covers four sub-projects with concrete targets.The technology for preparation of catalysts with a foam sili-con carbide-based structure and the pilot scale testing project will be aimed at development of the required catalysts and
relevant reactor technology in order to apply catalysts with a foam silicon carbide-based structure in the field of natural gas based synthesis,the manufacture of ethylene via meth-ane coupling,and the intensified esterification by means of microwaves,and to construct pilot units that can save en-ergy consumption by over 20%with the equipment size re-duced twofold.
The supergravity reaction intensification technology will develop the techniques and equipment for supergravity in-tensification to be adopted in the liquid-liquid,the gas-liquid and the gas-liquid-solid multiple-phased chemical reactions,in order to make breakthroughs in the key engineering tech-niques from pilot tests to commercialization and to construct an 1000t/a class demonstration unit to form the supergravity reaction intensification technology platform to achieve multi-phase quick reactions.
The process intensification and system integration technol-ogy project is aimed to be applied in the commercial produc-tionof MDI,while attempting tomake breakthrough in scale-up of the reactor and ot
her key new processes and equip-ment in order to set up a 240kt/a commercial demonstration unit for manufacture of MDI.
The technology for coupling and intensification of reaction processes and its commercial demonstration project aims to develop the common key techniques related with reaction process coupling to handle several typical reaction processes coupling and intensification techniques including the reac-tion-rectification,the reaction-reaction,the reaction-mem-brane separation and multiple coupling,in order to form the technologies for production of carbonates,acetates,and cy-clohexanone oxime with independent intellectual property rights.
