DSS Furnace
High Quality Ingots, Lower Overall Costs
DSS Furnaces
Ingot from DSS Furnace
GT-DSS450™ Furnace
As the market leader in multi-crystalline growth technology we felt committed to expand our line of products. The DSS (Directional Solidification System) furnace is a result of our development program. Multi-crystalline ingots can now be grown faster and at lower cost than ever before. Plus we deliver all our furnaces, including the well-proven HEM furnaces with a solid process that enables our customers to jumpstart their production.
Bottom-load process chamber adds operating convenience
Standardized mezzanine module insures quick set-up
Produces Material for High Efficiency Cells
Outputof1Furnace:equivalentto>************************% efficiency
Ingot Size: 84 x 84 cm
Ingot Weight: > 400 kg to 450 kg typically
Fully automated process
Process guarantee included
Sectioning of ingots into bricks for different w afer sizes (二)切片机
GT-Atlas Tabber/Stringer
World's Leading Cell String Assembly Machine
Tabber/Stringer Atlas
Tabber/Stringer GT-TSX100
String Layup Station
The Tabber/Stringer is the world's only machine that can process EFG and other sheet material cells in addition to saw-cut cells, with extremely high yield. Unique cellnests hold the cells until the string is completed without imposing mechanical stress that would break them. The machine can therefore handle extremely thin cells. The system uses a touchless infrared soldering station to accommodate varying cell thickness. On the cell-input side, a high-speed
pick-and-place and visual inspection system aligns the cells according to settable parameters, and checks the cell edges as well as the busbars for damages. The tabber/stringer can be integrated with a completely automated lay-up station as an option.
reactor technology
Two models are available: The GT-TSX100™, and the GT-ATLAS™. The systems are basically identical with the only major difference that the ATL AS™ has a higher throughput due to two cell loading robots.
The tabber/stringers are also available in a version specifically configured for the BIPV industry to automatically lay up strings of up to 3 meter in length on glass sizes of up to 3.3 x 2.2 m2.
High Throughput: > 600/750 cells/hour measured as completed strings
High Yield: > 99.5% (guaranteed)
IR Soldering with PID temperature control, uniform temperature
distribution across cell
Cellnests replace conveyer, minimal mechanical stress on cells
Can process EFG and saw-cut cells as well as very thin cells
Current cell sizes up to 157 x 157 mm2
Vision inspection and orientation
Siemens S7 automation package
Cell Assembly Finished String String in Inspection Box
High Speed Optical Scanning
GT-P VSCA N 8000
Optics of GT-P VSCA N 8000
GT-PVSCAN 8000 is a high-speed optical scanning system designed for the characterization of photovoltaic materials and finished cells. It can assist crystal growers in achieving a high-quality (low defect density) material and can help solar cell process engineers develop fabrication processes for higher efficiency devices.
Measurement Modes
Dislocation density
Light Beam Induced Current (LBIC) at two wavelengths
Two wavelengths (λ = 633 nm, λ = 980 nm) for measuring surface and
bulk properties.
Parameters measured as a function of sample position.
Convenient and easy to read false color maps.
Provides information related to junction recombination and minority carrier diffusion length.
PC software control.
Sample size max. 210 x 210 mm²
Scan time: 25 min. for 156 x 156 mm² cell at 50 µm step size