Unit 10  I ’ve had this bike for three years.
1. I’ve had the bike ______ three years.
    A. for    B. since        C. in        D. during
for +一段时间  表示动作持续一段时间,用于现在完成时
2. I’ve had the toy bear _______ I was a baby.
A. for    B. since        C. while        D. when
since+ ①过去时间点 ②从句(一般过去时)③一段时间+ago,主句用现在完成时
3. — _______ have you been in the sports club?
— Since the first month I came to the school.
        A. How old      B. How long    C. How much      D. How soon
How long是一段时间状语,
4. She_____ her hometown for many years . No one nearly knows her.
A. has been away from        B. has left        C. had left
leave 是短暂动词,不能和一段时间状语连用,leave要换为be away from
5. Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back ______ ____________(甜蜜的回忆)
sweet memories.
  bring back  使回想起;使回忆起
6. 写出keep的不同含义
① Please keep quiet. ________
② Please keep these things for me while I am away._______
③ I used to keep a pet in my childhood._______
④ If you keep practicing your spoken English, you'll soon make great progress.______
⑤ I'm sorry I've kept you waiting.________
① 作系动词,意为“保持(某种状态)”
② 保存
③ 饲养
④ keep doing 坚持做某事
⑤ keep sb. doing 让某人一直做某事
6.  “Did you borrow the comic book from the library?”
    “ Yes. I _____ it for three days. I’ll return it this afternoon.
      A. borrowed    B. kept    C. have borrowed    D. have kept
7. You can also give old things away to people _____ ______ (需要)
  in need 需要;需求
拓展:  in danger 在危险中    in trouble在困境中 
in silence 在沉默中          in good health 在好的健康状态中
8. I no more play the toy monkey .(同义句)
I _________ play the toy monkey ____________
don’t , anymore.
no more = not … anymore = not… any more不再, 表示次数上的不再增加, 常与非延续性动词连用
9. He can no longer walk.(同义句)
He _____ walk ______ _________
for the salecan’t , any longer
no longer =  not… any longer不再, 表示时间上的不再延续, 常与延续性动词连用
10. It is late. We can not wait him _____.
      A. anymore    B. no more    C. more
no more与no longer在句中,靠近动词,not … anymore与not… any longer在句尾。
11. —What did you get _____ your mother ____ Mother’s Day?
—A beautiful card and a scarf.
      A. for; in        B. for; on      C. to; for
for 给;为了;on+具体的一天
12. I’ve had this magazine for _____ _____ ______(几个) months.
a couple of 几个;一些= a few 后接可数名词复数
13. Please _______ (检查)your test paper before you hand it in.
check  v检查
check out 查看;观察
14. I will meet Jane at the station. Please _____ what time she will arrive.
    A. count    B. choose    C. check    D. catch
15. — Julie said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it?
—Oh, really! I haven’t ____ my mailbox yet.
      A. examined      B. reviewed    C. tested    D. checked
16. We’ve ______ ______ (清理)a lot of things from our bedroom for a yard sale.
cleared out
clear out 清理;把……清空
clean up 清理;使整洁
17. The classroom was so dirty . I decided ____.
  A. clean it up    B. to clean it up  C. clean up it
decide to do sth 决定做某事
decide v 决定→-decision n 决定
18. He __________ (own) a train and railway set since his fourth birthday,
has owned
own v 拥有
19. Who is the ____________(own) of the bike?
the owner of … ……的所有者
own v 拥有→owner n 物主
of one’s own 某人自己的   
20. My daughter was more____________(懂事), although she felt sad to_______ ______ (失去)certain toys.
understanding ,part with,
part with 与……分开;失去(尤指舍不得的东西)
21. She felt sad to part with her lovely dog.
  A. find      B. lost    C. lose  D. found
22. _____ _____(至于)As for me, I didn’t want to _____ _____ (放弃)my football shirts , but , _____ _____ ______(说实话) , I haven’t played ___ ____ ______(有段时间) now.
As for, give up , to be honest , for a while
as for 至于;关于
to be honest = to tell (you) the truth老实说;说实话
for a while 一会儿
23. She is __________honest girl. We all like her.
A. the      B. an      C. a    D. \
honest 以元音音素开头,所以前面的定冠词要用an
24. Tom likes to tell lies(谎), he is________(honest)
honest  adj. 诚实的(反义词)dishonest  adj. 不诚实的
25. We should be honest to everyone . We shouldn’t tell lies.
  A. dishonest      B. true    C. truth    D. truthful
26. What will they do with_____ ______ (处理) the money they raise from the sale?
  do with 处理;对付
27. We can’t decide what will happen in our life, but we can decide how to _____it.
      A. do with  B. begin with  C. deal with  D. come up with
