中英文“货物买卖合同”Contract for the Sale of Goods
甲方(卖方):(以下简称“卖方”)Party A (Seller): (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller")
乙方(买方):(以下简称“买方”)Party B (Buyer): (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer")
双方经友好协商,就甲方所售出的货物,订立本合同,以资明确各方的权利和义务:The parties hereby enter into this contract for the sale of goods which shall serve to define the rights and obligations of both parties regarding the goods sold by the Seller.
一、货物描述I. Description of Goods
甲方将出售以下货物:The Seller shall sell the following goods:
货物名称:___________________________Name of Goods: __________________________
数量:___________________________Quantity: __________________________
单价:___________________________Unit Price: __________________________
总价:___________________________Total Price: __________________________
二、价格、交货及支付方式II. Price, Delivery and Payment
1、价格:甲方按货物的数量和单价提供货物,货物销售价款为总价。1. Price: The Seller shall provide the goods according to their quantity and unit price. The sales price of the goods is the total price.
2、交货:卖方应在本合同规定的期限内将货物交付买方。货物交付发生的地点为_______________,买方承担货物运输及保险费用。2. Delivery: The Seller shall deliver the goods to the Buyer within the period stipulated in this contract. The place of delivery shall be _______________. The Buyer shall be responsible for transportation and insurance costs.
3、支付方式:买方应在货物送达后__个工作日内支付货款。3. Payment: The Buyer shall pay the goods within__ working days after the delivery of the goods.
三、质量及规格III. Quality and Specifications
1、卖方保证所售货物的质量符合国家有关标准及技术规范要求,无瑕疵,无损坏,无缺陷。1. The Seller guarantees that the quality of the goods sold complies with relevant national standards and technical specifications, and that the goods are free of defects, damage or deficiencies.
2、买方应在合同规定的期限内检验货物质量,如对货物质量不满意,应当及时提出异议,否则视为买方已接受货物的质量。如果货物的质量不符合国家有关标准及技术规范要求,卖方应负责回收货物,并承担相关的责任。2. The Buyer shall inspect the quality of the goods within the period specified in this contract. If the quality of the goods is unsatisfactory, the Buyer should raise an objection in a timely manner. Otherwise, the Buyer is deemed to have accepted the quality of the goods. If the quality of the goods does not meet relevant national standards and technical specifications, the Seller shall be responsible for taking back the goods and assuming relevant responsibility.
四、保密条款IV. Confidentiality Clause
本合同的一切内容均为双方商业秘密,未经对方书面同意,任何一方均不得向第三者泄露。All contents of this contract are commercial secrets of both parties. Without the written consent of the other party, either party shall not disclose to any third party.
五、违约责任V. Liability for Breach of Contract
1、买方不按时付款的,每日按照货款金额的_____%向卖方支付违约金。1. If the Buyer fails to pay on time, the Buyer shall pay default interest to the Seller at a rate of _____% per day based on the amount of the goods.
2、卖方拖延交货的,每日按照货款金额的_____%向买方支付违约金。2. If the Seller delays the delivery, the Seller shall pay default interest to the Buyer at a rate of _____% per day based on the amount of the goods.
六、法律适用VI. Applicable Law
本合同的签订、履行及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。This contract is signed, performed and resolved in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.
七、争议解决VII. Dispute Resolution
本合同执行过程中如发生争议,应当协商解决,协商不成的,任何一方均有权向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。In the event of a dispute during the execution of this contract, both parties shall resolve it through consultation. If consultation fails, either party has the right to file a lawsuit with a competent court.
八、其他VIII. Other
1、本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。1. This contract is in duplicate, with one copy held by each party, and has equal legal effect.
2、本合同所称的各种时间是指中国标准时间。2. All time references mentioned in this contract are based on China Standard time.
甲方(卖方):_____________________    乙方(买方):_____________________Party A (Seller): _____________________    Party B (Buyer): ___________________
for the sale签署日期:_______________Date of signing: ____________________
