Book 4--- Unit 2 Reading A Pioneer for All People            May________,2012
Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target Language知识目标
a. To learn and grasp the words and expressions:
Sunburnt, struggle, decade, super, output, crop, hunger, disturbing, expand, Vietnam, circulate, satisfied, freedom
b. To learn the useful sentences:
Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Enable Ss to learn more about agriculture, countryside and farming. By talking they can exchange their experience with each other. By reading they will realize the role that agricultur
e plays in human life. In fact this world faces a serious problem—starvation. So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan students will know the importance of his achievement to man. Of course they will learn from Dr Yuan some noble character.
Teaching important points 教学重点
a. Help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.
b. Grasp the usage of some words and expressions.
c. How to help students make up their minds to make contributions to motherland in the future like Dr Yuan.
Teaching difficult points 教学难点
a. How to help students learn more about agriculture.
b. Help students really master the usage of words and expressions.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Talking, questioning-and-answering activity and reading.
Teaching procedures 教学过程
Step 1 Greeting and leading in
Look at the two pictures on Page 9 (SB)and answer the two questions:
1. What are the people doing?
2.Can you tell me something about rice?
Step 2 Warming up
1.Discussion:  (group work)
Have you ever grown any plants? If so, what did you do to grow them? If not, what kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it?
Step 3 Pre-reading
The purpose of this step is to let students know the importance of rice. By answering the two questions, students can easily understand why we call Dr Yuan Longping a pioneer for all people, and why he devotes all his life to the rice research.
1.What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?
2. If you had the chance to do one thing to help end famine in the world, what would you do? Step 4 Fast Step 4: Reading
1. Fast reading (to let students find some useful information, and get familiar with the text.)
1. What does Dr Yuan look like?         
2. What’s his achievement? 
3. What do you think of him? 
2. Find the topic sentence in each paragraph.
  Paragraph 1: ________________
  Paragraph 2: ________________
Paragraph 3 : ________________
  Paragraph 4 : ________________
3. Careful Reading and Explanation
  A: Read the passage carefully and fill in the form.
Name:                              Nationally:
Age:                              Occupation:
Education:for the sale
B: .Language points:
1) struggle v  to make great efforts
e.g. They have struggled for years to free their country from the enemy.
I’m struggling to finish the huge helping you gave me.
2) sunburnt  adj sun-tanned
e.g. His sunburnt skin looks healthy.
3) super adj (informal) excellent; splendid
e.g. You’ll like her, she’s super.  You look super in your new clothes.  It was super of you to help.
4)  expand  v
(cause sth to) become greater in size, number or importance
e.g. Metals expand when they are heated.
Why not try to expand your story into a novel?
5)  circulate  v
(cause sth to) pass from one person, place, etc to another
e.g. People who circulate false news are to be blamed.
Yet reports of this kind have been circulated by our newspapers.
The news of the enemy’s defeat quickly circulated round the town.
6)  equip  v  (equipped; equipped; equipping )
supply sb/sth (with what is needed, for a particular purpose)
e.g. Now all fishing boats are radio-equipped.
They can’t afford to equip their army properly.
Please equip yourself with sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.
7)  export  v
send(goods) to another country for sale
e.g. India exports tea and cotton to many different countries.
This company has a large home market but doesn’t export.
8) rid…of make sb/sth free from(sb/sth unpleasant)
e.g. We all wish that we would rid the world of famine.
The farmer recently tried to rid the house of rats.
9) lead… a life, live… a life 
