“银环”牌无缝钢管为主导产品,依靠自主创新,不断向市场推出国民经济发展急需的、填补国内空白的高技术产品, 拥有多项自主知识产权和专利,是国内外多家知名公司的长期供应商。
江苏银环精密钢管股份有限公司还与宝钢股份、中国广东核电集团以股份合作方式成立了宝银特种钢管有限公司,专业生产核电蒸汽发生器用Inconel 690 U 形管。2008年江苏银环控股集团于上海成立上海银环国际贸易有限公司,作为is  a na ti onal high-tech Enterprise Jiangsu Yinhuan Precision Steel Tube Co., Ltd. which  is occupied by  Yinhuan Holding  Grouping and China Guangdong N uclear  Power Holding Corpor ation  (CGNPC). It mainly develops and manufactures high -tech and high performance pipes and tubes which are used in nuclear power,power sta ti on, boiler, petrochemical industry, Aviatio n & Aerospace, Express Train and other  heavy  equipment  fields . It  is the production  base  of key  materials  for significant equipment manufacturing industry.
Based on self-innovation and  with “YINHUAN” brand seamless steel pipes and tubes as leading product, Jiangsu Yinhuan  has  con ti nuously  launched urgently needed High-Tech products to meet the demand of na tio nal economy developments. As the long-term  supplier  of  many  well-known  dome stic  and  fo reign  companies,  J iangsu Yinhuan has many independent Intellectual Property and patents.
Jiangsu  Y inhuan  has invested to found BaoYin Special Steel Co., Ltd. With Baosteel and China Guangdong  Nuclear  Power  Holding  Corporatio n  (CGNPC),  specializing in p roduction  of Inconel 690  U  Tubes,  which  are  used  in  nuclear  power steam generators.
In the year of  2008, in accordance with company’s development strategy of globalization,  Yinhuan Group established Shanghai Yinhuan International Trading Co., Ltd. as  the key window to the domestic and global market.
Contact: Mr. Thomas Young  Skype: young.thomas5  E-mail: ym@shyh-jsyh  Mob: 0086-136********
产品种类Product Type
按用途有:流体管及管道 、高压锅炉管、换热器管、精密光亮管、高低加U 形管、核电用管等。
By Material Category:Austeni ti c ferrite stainless steel pipe,  steel pipe, duplex  stainless steel tube, nickel-based alloy tube, tit anium and tit anium alloy tubes, etc.
By End-use Category :fluid t ubes and pipes, high-pressure boiler tubes, heat exchanger tube,precision bright annealing tubes, HP/LP U-bent tubes as well as nuclear power .
Seamless Stainless Steel Pipe
无缝不锈钢管长度 Length: ≤ 30m
年产能Annual Output: 15,000 Tons
流体输送管  Pipes for flui d transpor ting
典型用途 Typical Applica ti on
Used  in Pipeline for transport corrosive
fluid Contact: Mr. Thomas Young  Skype: young.thomas5  E-mail: ym@shyh-jsyh  Mob: 0086-136********
Contact: Mr. Thomas Young  Skype: young.thomas5  E-mail: ym@shyh-jsyh  Mob: 0086-136********
无缝U 型钢管 U-bend Seamless Steel Tube
长度 Length: ≤ 33m
年产能Annual Output:15,000 Tons
高加U 型管(SA556)
U-bend Tube for High Pressure Feed Water Heater
Contact: Mr. Thomas Young  Skype: young.thomas5  E-mail: ym@shyh-jsyh  Mob: 0086-136********
锅炉用无缝钢管Seamless Steel Tube for Boiler
1. 不锈钢无缝钢管
Seamless Stainless Steel Tube 典型用途 Typical Applica tion
Used in Subcritical, Supercritical an d  Supercritica l Ultra Boiler Reheater and
合金钢管    Seamless Alloy Steel Tube 长度
Length: ≤ 60m
年产能 Annual Output: 8,000 Tons
T91锅炉用管 SA213 T91 Tube for Boiler 主要钢级/钢号 Designation
20G  12CrMoG  15CrMoG
10Cr9MoVNbN (T91、X10CrMoVNb9-1)
执行标准 Standards
T22    T11
reactor and boiler翻译
T22 螺旋盘管 T22 Spiral Tube
Contact: Mr. Thomas Young  Skype: young.thomas5  E-mail: ym@shyh-jsyh  Mob: 0086-136********
