1. 文章内容与作者观点的常用语句
Physical and chemical properties of this crystal are reported.
The performance goals and its measuring methods are briefly described.
The chain reaction caused by the uranium nuclei is explained in the critical experiment.
The application of this technique to nuclear detection is described.
Research and development tools are induced immediately.
Basic ideas and data collected are given.
2. 文章研究课题的常用语句
The main experimental problems are analyzed with the ultra-low-frequency measurements.
Phenomena associated with the breakdown phase are regarded as the initial conditions.
Lumped parameter of the concrete-structure interaction is derived
Applications of the two-phase flow in the reactor are briefly discussed.
A particular system is investigated numerically.
Relationship between mass and energy in nature is briefly described.
The function continuity under a certain boundary is studied.
3. 文章涉及范围的语句
This paper consists of 4 parts: introduction, theory experimental method and conclusion.
The paper includes the configuration as well as the structural design and the results of parameter structural optimization analysis.
This paper covers the testing results of about 200 assemblies of fuel and control rods in the reactor core.
The cited reports cover the research on the lower atmospheric air pollution movements by using the tracer elements.
The research concerns the asphaltic products and their specifications.
Many elements are involved in this program such as Fe, Au, Ag, Cu and so on.
The topic covers the coal properties, boiler operation, dust collector operation and the sidestream system.
4. 综述于概括对某一个领域的研究课题常用语句
All the operating procedures are abstracted such as the general procedures(GP), abnormal operating procedures(AOP), emergency operating procedures(EOP).
The experimental technique is outlined for measuring these properties.
The development of CAD is reviewed in the mechanical engineering
The theory based on basic material science is summarized.
The design planning to be used is summarized in detail.
5. 文章重点的常用语句
Attention is concentrated on the quantum theory.
reactor core教程
The point is to extend the lead time to 24h.
Focus is on energy reserving everywhere.
The research is concentrated on the collisions of neutrons and uranium nuclei.
Attention is being paid to the management of environmental effluent and disposal of hazardous wastes.
Much attention is paid on the economic current density in the conductor.
Particular attention is given to the start-up procedure of nuclear reactor operations.
The greatest emphasis is paid on the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.
Attention is concentrated on the implications of attitudes to nuclear power.
6. 文章目的的常用语句
This research aims to carry out the experiment on the zero power reactor and obtain import critical parameters.
The answer to this question is sought for by many investigators.
The paper seeks to justify the remedial measures in terms of the final safety analysis report
The research is to provide healthy planners with useful information on systematic changes.
The purpose of this study is to show the methods mentioned above/aforesaid are promising.
