Graphene aerogels (GAs) are a promising material due to their unique properties, such as high surface area, good electrical conductivity, and mechanical strength. In recent years, water-based synthesis methods, such as the hydrothermal method, have been widely used to produce graphene aerogels.水热法合成石墨烯气凝胶是一种具有独特特性的材料,如高比表面积、良好的电导率和机械强度。近年来,水基合成方法,如水热法,已被广泛用于生产石墨烯气凝胶。
The water-based synthesis of graphene aerogels typically involves the use of graphene oxide (GO) as a precursor, which is then reduced to graphene in the presence of a reducing agent during the hydrothermal process. During the water-based synthesis, the GO sheets are dispersed in water and form a stable colloidal solution, which is then subjected to hydrothermal treatment to form a three-dimensional porous structure.水基合成石墨烯气凝胶通常涉及使用氧化石墨烯(GO)作为前体,然后在水热过程中在还原剂存在的情况下还原为石墨烯。在水基合成过程中,氧化石墨烯片层分散在水中形成稳定的胶体溶液,然后经过水热处理形成三维多孔结构。
One of the key principles behind the formation of graphene aerogels through the hydrothermal method is the self-assembly of the graphene oxide sheets under high temperature and pressure conditions. This self-assembly process results in the formation of a three-dimensional network of interconnected graphene sheets, which gives the aerogels their unique structure and properties.水热法形成石墨烯气凝胶的关键原理之一是在高温高压条件下石墨烯氧化物片层的自组装。这种自组装过程导致形成互相连接的石墨烯片层的三维网络,赋予气凝胶其独特的结构和性能。
In addition to the self-assembly of graphene oxide sheets, the hydrothermal process also plays a crucial role in the reduction of graphene oxide to graphene. The high temperature and pressure conditions provided by the hydrothermal reactor promote the reduction of oxygen-containing functional groups on the graphene oxide sheets, resulting in a highly conductive and mechanically strong graphene aerogel.除了石墨烯氧化物片层的自组装之外,水热过程还在石墨烯氧化物还原至石墨烯中扮演着至关重要的角。水热反应釜提供的高温高压条件促进了石墨烯氧化物片层上含氧功能团的还原,导致高导电性和机械强度的石墨烯气凝胶的形成。
Overall, the water-based synthesis of graphene aerogels through the hydrothermal method offers a simple and scalable route to producing high-quality graphene materials with unique properties. By optimizing the synthesis conditions and the choice of precursors, researchers can tailor the structure and properties of the graphene aerogels for a wide range of applications, from energy storage to environmental remediation.总的来说,通过水热法水基合成石墨烯气凝胶提供了一种简单且可扩展的生产高质量石墨烯材料的途径,具有独特的特性。通过优化合成条件和前体选择,研究人员可以调整石墨烯气凝胶的结构和性能,用于从能量存储到环境修复等各种应用。
