1.—Is this book yours,Lily?
—No,it’s not.
2.Mr.Feng arrived in Beijing the morning of May5th.
3.Put on your coat,you will get cold.
4.—do you often do exercise?
—I want to keep fit.
5.—you like to drink some tea?
—Yes,please.Thanks very much.
6.—Which city do you think is,New York or London?
< interesting
D.the most interesting
7.Cathy is a teacher.She to Africa to teach English every summer.
C.is going
D.will go
8.—Where is Jack?
—He with his father in the park.
C.is playing
D.will play
9.Tom in Beijing for ten years.
B.has lived
D.will live
10.We TV when it started raining last night.
C.will watch
D.were watching
11.Shijingshan Joy City in2020.
B.will build
C.is built
D.will be built
12.—Mum,could you tell me?
—Next week.
A.when dad comes back
B.when does dad come back
C.when dad will come back
D.when will dad come back
Taking Care of Things
“You’re going to be alone on the farm this weekend,”my father said as though that was no big deal.“I expect you to take care of it.”
I had never been left alone on our farm,but I knew that I could deal with just about anything that might come up.I was ready to13that to my dad.
As soon as my dad left on his trip,I headed out to check on our cows in the barn(谷仓).I saw Loretta,my dad’s favourite cow,eating apples.
Just after I left the barn,I heard a sound I’d never heard before.I ran quickly back and found Loretta down on her front knees,eyes rolled back,looking as though she was about to 14.She seemed to have a hard time breathing.I knew right away that she’d got an apple stuck in her throat.I tried to force the apple out but15,so I ran to call our vet(兽医),Dr. Carrico.
When Dr.Carrico arrived,he felt around her neck16the situation.He told me to get him two boards.Finally,Loretta swallowed(咽下)the apple.Loretta,was now free to breathe.
“Did your dad leave you to see about things?”asked Dr.Carrico.“Yes,sir.”“Well,it’s not easy.17,you know when to call for help.”
I thought about not telling my dad about what had happened,but18that stupid idea in a hurry,since he was not a man you kept things from.After I told him,he didn’t seem to react much,just kept saying,“Hmm,I see.”a lot.I guessed he was very19in me.
However,when two weeks later Loretta had her baby,my father asked me to name it.That surprised me because he always named the baby cows by himself.I looked at him in20. He smiled at me and said,“She’s yours.Take good care of her.”he said as though he trusted I could do that.I thought a lot and finally called the baby cowApple.
13.A.leave    B.prove    C.explain    D.introduce
    B.eat    C.run    D.die
15.A.failed    B.stopped    C.moved    D.relaxed
16.A.changing    B.studying    C.protecting    D.ignoring
17.A.Luckily    B.Sadly    C.Proudly    D.Naturally
18.A.forgot    B.accepted    C.dropped    D.shared
19.A.interested    B.surprised    C.pleased    D.disappointed
spect    B.secret    C.regret    D.wonder
Nature in Art
Many artists paint and use nature in their works,but the results are very different.Here are four of them.
Stanislaw Witkiewicz Stanislaw Witkiewicz was born in1885in
Zakopane,Poland.He died in1939.Many people like Witkiewicz’s
paintings of nature and landscapes(风景).He painted this one in1907.It
shows the Hinczow Lakes in south Poland.
Ginger Riley Munduwalawala In the past,Aboriginal(原始的)people
painted pictures of nature on rocks.Modern aboriginal artists also paint
nature.This colorful painting by Ginger Riley Munduwalawala(1937–
2002)shows hills,rivers,birds and kangaroos.
Ando Hiroshige Japanese art is famous for landscape paintings.You can
often see the sea and sky,the mountains,and trees.Ando Hiroshige,one
of Japan’s most famous artists,made and sold thousands of beautiful
prints in his lifetime,but he died poor.
Damien Hirst Damien Hirst is the richest artist in England.He is a
painter,but he is more famous for art with animals.In one room of a
gallery,he put lots of fruit and real butterflies.They flew around the
21.When did Stanislaw paint the Hinczow Lakes?
22.Where is Ando Hiroshige from?
23.Who is famous for art with animals?
A.Stanislaw Witkiewicz.
B.Ginger Riley Munduwalawala.
C.Ando Hisroshige.
D.Damie Hirst.
Many scientists believe our love of sugar may actually be an addiction(上瘾).When we eat or drink sugary foods,the sugar enters our blood and influences parts of our brain that make us feel good.Then the good feeling goes away,leaving us wanting more.All tasty foods do this, but sugar has a particularly strong effect.In this way,it is in fact addictive,and doctors suggest we all cut down on it.
“It seems like every time I study an illness,I find my way back to sugar,”says scientist Richard Johnson.
One-third of adults worldwide have high blood pressure(血压),and up to 347million have diabetes(糖尿病).Why?“Sugar,we believe,is one of the reasons,if not the main reason,”says Johnson.
Our bodies are designed to survive on very little sugar.Early humans often had very little food,so our bodies learned to keep sugar as fat.In this way,we had energy stored for when there was no food.But today,most people have more than enough.So the very thing that once saved us may now be killing us.
So what is the solution?It’s obvious that we need to eat less sugar.The trouble is,in today’s world,it’s extremely difficult to avoid.From breakfast cereals to after-dinner desserts, our foods are increasingly filled with it.Some manufacturers(制造商)even use sugar to replace taste in foods that are advertised as low in fat.This may make the food appear as healthier,but large amounts of sugar are often added.
But there are those who are fighting back against sugar.Many schools are offering more fruit instead of deserts.Other schools are building facilities for students to do exercise.The battle has not yet been lost.
24.Why is sugar addictive?
A.It makes us feel good and want more of it.
B.It has a strong effect on our blood.
C.Tasty foods are full of sugar.
D.There is sugar in medicine.
25.According to the passage,why is it so hard to avoid sugar?
A.We like candy too much.
B.It gives us needed energy.
C.It is in so many foods and drinks.
D.We get used to eating it at school.
26.What is the passage mainly about?
A.Ways to avoid sugar.
B.Our addiction to sugar.
C.Illnesses caused by sugar.
D.Good sugar and bad sugar.
The Teenage Brain
Parents,teachers,and others who deal closely with teenagers know how difficult the adolescent(青少年的)years can be.This was thought to be due to the“foolishness of youth.”Now,brain-imaging technology allows scientists to study the physical development of the brain in more details than ever before.Their discoveries have led a new theory of why teens act this way.
Recently,scientists have discovered that though our brains are almost at their full size by the age of six,they are far from fully developed.Only during adolescence do our brains truly “grow up.”During this time,they go through great changes,like a computer system being upgraded.This“upgrade”was once thought to be finished by about age12.Now scientists have found that our brains continue to change until age25.Such changes make us better at balancing impulses(冲动)with following rules.But a still-developing brain does this clumsily
