To install the PMD plugin for Eclipse:
Start Eclipse and open a project
Select "Help"->"Software Updates"->"Find and Install"
Click "Next", then click "New remote site"
Enter "PMD" into the Name field and "pmd.sf/eclipse" into the URL field
Click through the rest of the dialog boxes to install the plugin
Alternatively, you can download the latest zip file and follow the above proceduresexcept for using "New local site" and browsing to the downloaded zip file.最新版eclipse下载及安装
To configure PMD, select "Windows"->"Preferences", then select PMD.
To run PMD, right-click on a project node and select "PMD"->"Check code with PMD".
To run the duplicate code detector, right-click on a project node and select "PMD"->"Find suspect cut and paste". The report will be placed in a "reports" directory in a file called "".
To find additional help for other features, please read included help by selectingHelp->Help Contents and browse the "" section in the "PMD Plugin Documentation" book.
After installing an update, if you get an Exception such as "java.lang.RuntimeException: Couldn't find that class xxxxx",try deleting l file in the .metadata/plugins/net.lipse directory in your workspace.
To get Eclipse to not flag the @SuppressWarnings("PMD") annotation, look under the menu headings Java -> Compiler -> Errors/Warnings -> Annotations -> Unhandled Warning Token.