外文题目:The background of Swedish social security system
作者:Loraine A. West
The background of Swedish social security system Loraine A. West
Social insurance provides economic security in the event of illness, disability and old age as well as for families with children. In Sweden, social insurance is individually based and compensates loss of income when a person is unable to support him/herself by working as a result of, for example, an illness or caring for a child at home. Social insurance is administered by the Social insurance includes both universal benefits and means-tested benefits as well as income-related benefits. Universal benefits are paid to everyone at the same rate and include child allowance and adoption allowance. Mean-tested benefits include housing allowance, housing supplement for pensioners and the top-up benefit in maintenance support. These allowances are not taxable.
Inquiry on social insurance
The Government intends to appoint a cross-party committee of inquiry on a reform of social insurance in 2007.
Price base amount and income ceiling
Several social insurance benefits are linked to the price base amount, which is, in turn, linked to the consumer price index. This means that the benefits maintain their value as the general level of prices changes. The price base amount for 2007 is SEK 40 300.
The ncome ceil ing” for sickness insurance, temporary parental benefit and pregnancy benefit the income ceiling is ten price base amounts.
In 2005 expenditure on social insurance amounted to SEK 435 billion (EUR 1 = approx. SEK
9.30). About half goes to pensions, some 32 per cent is sickness and disability benefits and around 14 per cent is support to families with children. Administration costs amount to just over two per cent.
social Insurance act
Social insurance is divided into a residence-based insurance relating to guarantee benefit and allowances, and a work-based insurance relating to benefits for loss of income. Both insurance categories apply equally to anyone living or working in Sweden. Swedish citizen- ship is not one of the insurance conditions. The Act covers most of the social security systems adminstered by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and the Premium Pension Authority (PPM).
support for families with children
Financial support for families with children consists of parental insurance, child allowance, adoption allowance, maintenance support, housing allowance, care allowance for sick and disabled children, child’s pension and pension right for childcare years.
Parental benefit is payable for a total of 480 days. Parents with low income or no income at all receive benefit for 390 days at a basic level of SEK 180 per day. Parental benefit can also be paid for a further 90 days on the lowest benefit level, where the payment is SEK 180 per day (the same level for everyone).
Maintenance support can be paid to a child whose parents do not live together. The maximum benefit is SEK 1 273 per child per month. It is paid to the parent with whom the child is living. A parent who is liable to pay maintenance has to reimburse all or part of the state’s costs of maintenance support.
Households with children living at home and households with access rights to children are eligible for housing allowance. The size of the allowance depends on housing costs, housing space, household income and number of children.
Parents of a child that is sick or disabled can apply for a care allowance. To be eligible for a care allowance, the child must need special supervision and care for atleast six months or must have a disability that entails extra costs.
The state makes a grant of SEK 40 000 per child for costs in connection with intercountry adoptions.
In the near future, the Government will investigate the specific conditions for a reform of family policy during this electoral period. The core points of the reform will be the introduction of a childcare voucher system, a gender equality bonus, a voluntary munici- pal child-raising allowance and increased educational content in pre-school.
financial security for the sick and disabled
The main forms of benefit available in the event of work incapacity owing to sickness, disability or injuries are sickness benefit, rehabilitation allowance, compensation for measures in work-oriented rehabilitation, sickness compensation, activity compensation and occupational injury compensation.
Social insurance provides compensation for sickness that reduces work capacity by at least one-quarter. The employer pays sick pay during the first 14-day period (sick pay period). No
compensation at all is paid on the first day (the waiting period).
After the first 14 days, sickness benefit is paid by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Sickness benefit is based on the income qualifying for sickness benefits. Sickness benefit is payable as full, three-quarters, half or one-quarter benefit, depending on the extent of the reduction in work capacity. In certain cases, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency may decide to grant a travel allowance for travel to and from work, instead of sickness benefit.
Sickness compensation and activity compensation are the names of the benefits in the reformed disability pension system. Activity compensation is paid to insured persons aged 19?9 years, while sickness compensation is paid to insured persons aged 30 4 years. These forms of compensation can be granted to individuals with a permanent or long-term (at least one year) full or partial incapacity for
work due to illness or some other impairment of their physical or mental capacity for work.
Sickness compensation can be granted for either an indefinite or a limited period. Activity compensation is always paid for a limited period of at most three years at a time. Activity and sickness compensation are payable as full, three-quarters, half or one-quarter benefit, depending on the extent of the reduction in work capacity. These forms of compensation consist of both protection in the form of income-related sickness compensation or activity compensation, and basic protection in the form of guaranteed benefit.
They are inflation-proofed by being recalculated annually in relation to changes in the price base amount. Guarantee benefit is payable to those who have no orlow income-related sickness or activity compensation and is paid either in full or as a top-up amount to reach the minimum guaranteed level.
The public pension system
Pensions in the public pension system are based on lifetime income and consist of several different components. The income-related pension includes income pension and premium pension. Income pension is linked to economic growth in Sweden, and the pension system is designed to cope with demographic change. The retirement age is flexible. There is also basic social security in the form of a
guarantee pension, maintenance support for elderly persons and housing supplement for people who have had low income or no income at all. In addition to this, there is an occupational pension for most people in work.
Insured persons, their employers and, in certain cases, the state pay pension contributions. The pension contribution is 18.5 per cent of gross earnings. Out of the pension contribution, 16 percentage points areused for the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) system called the income pension, while the reminder, 2.5 percentage points, is deposited in an individual premium pension account where it earns interest. The pension system is largely a PAYG system, that is to say an insurance system where the contributions paid in a year cover that year’s payments of outgoing pensions. The name PAYG derives from the system’s redistribution of income from the working population to the retired generation. The premium pension is a part of the pension entitlement that each individual is free to invest in funds of their choice.
An income base amount that is linked to the ncome index” was introduced in connection with the pension reform. The income index measures the average income change in Sweden. By linking the indexation of pension rights and outgoing pensions to the income index, the pension system has been linked to the general development of the economy.
Anyone who has not earned an adequate pension is guaranteed a top-up guarantee pension.
This compensation is financed via the central government budget. The guarantee pension can be paid from the age of 65 at the earliest to those born in 1938 or later. Residence in Sweden for 40 years is required for full guarantee pension. Maintenance support for elderly persons can be paid to people with low or no guarantee pension. The housing supplement for pensioners is an important part of the basic social protection provided to pensioners with low pensions. Just less than half amillion pensioners receive housing supplement. The guarantee pension and maintenance support for elderly persons are adjusted upwards in line with the price base amount.
Unemployment insurance
In other countries unemployment insurance is often part of the social insurance system, but in Sweden it is part of labour market policy. The unemployment insurance funds often cooperate closely with the trade unions but are legally independent.
European Union
European Community law has applied in Sweden since 1994. The EU has a detailed system of rules fo
r coordinating Member States social security regulations. This regulatory system also applies in EEA countries (Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway) and Switzerland. The system entitles people who move from one Member State to another in order to work to a satisfactory level of social insurance protection.
The coordination of benefits in the different Member States means that people who have earned rights to benefits will not lose them if they move to another Member State. The coordination rules are also intended to give people who move to another Member State entitlement to benefits in that country. Sweden has also entered into bilateral and multilateral social security agreements with around twenty other countries. These agreements coordinate national social insurance systems to varying degrees.
sort of social glue翻译取者的住房补贴和对顶端的利益的维护支持。当然这些津贴是不征税的。
一些社会保险福利与价格基数相挂钩,这种价格基数又与消费物价指数相关。这意味着,效益同一般价格水平一样保持其价值的变化。2007年的价格基数为40 300瑞典克朗。
2005年支出的社会保险达四千三百五十亿瑞典克朗(1欧元约等于 9.30瑞典克朗)。大约有一半用于养老金,大约32%是疾病和伤残津贴,大约14%的是对有儿童家庭的补助。行政费用刚刚超过百分之二。