sort of admit1.—We have booked a double room for 3 days.
—________, sir.
A.I’m sure    B.My pleasure    C.It’s all right    D.I’ll check
2.Metals________ when they are heated.
A.explode    B.expand    C.collapse    D.resolve
3.The old professor, as well as his students, ________to attend the graduation ceremony yesterday.
A.were invited    B.was invited    C.have been invited    D.has been invited
4.Losing weight is a slow, ________process.
A.innocent    B.abstract    C.mental    D.gradual
5.—Jimmy, I’m leaving tomorrow, please remember________ my goldfish.
—I will.
A.to feed    B.feeding    C.feed    D.fed
6.It is not________ that children learn to read at different rates.
A.surprising    B.surprised    C.surprise    D.to surprise
7.No other organization was able or willing to________ the job.
A.take on    B.get across    C.adapt to    D.approach to
8.Is________ necessary to call him before the performance?
A.this    B.that    C.it    D.he
9.—How is everything going on with you in the new school?
—Quite well. Not so smoothly as I hoped, ________.
A.instead    B.though    C.either    D.too
10.________matters most in playing badminton well is to practice a lot.
A.What    B.Why    C.Where    D.Which
11.Mary can’t attend my birthday party tonight because she________ a meeting at that time.
A.will have    B.would have    C.has had    D.will be having
12.Only when a majority of investors (投资者) again have confidence________ what companies are telling them is this likely to change.
A.on    B.in    C.to    D.over
13.—I’m so sorry for not being able to see you as planned.
—________. We’ll get together later.
A.Go ahead    B.That’s right    C.Don’t mention it    D.Not to worry
14.—Did Jerry enjoy seeing his brother yesterday?
—Yes, he did. He________ him for a long time.
A.didn’t see    B.wouldn’t see    C.hasn’t seen    D.hadn’t seen
15.________great difficulties we are faced with, we’ll never give up.
A.Whatever    B.However    C.Whenever    D.No matter how
If someone were to ask me who the most influential person in my life was, I’d most likely tell him or her that it’s my brother, Chris. My brother is one of the most important people in
my life. I may not always     16    like it, but I look up to him and     17    him. It’s hard to think of everything he’s     18    for me and not like him. There’s the basic stuff that most older brothers do. You know, baby-sit you, help you with your homework, and let you use their     19    . But my brother did a lot more for me. He was the one who taught me how to read and how to     20    my shoes. He taught me how to     21    my breath underwater.
He even taught me how not to touch his things. He also did other     22    big brother stuff. Like     23    me in the closet(储藏室), play tricks     24    me, “forbid” me to use his stuff. But for each “     25    ” thing he did to me, he did about five nice things. One nice thing he did was that he always let me     26    around him and his friends. Because of that I     27    have two brothers instead of one. My other “brother” is Chris’s best friend, Corey. They spent a lot of time together when they were younger, and since Chris was nice, I usually got to do stuff with them.     28    Corey was as much my brother as Chris was, of course they both pulled little tricks on me. But I must     29    a lot of the tricks worked because I was a     30    gullible(易受骗的)child. One that readily comes to mind is when Chris and Corey tried, and succeeded, to convince me that they were being sucked(吸入)into the     3
1    .
I was so convinced that I went inside and told Mom that they were being sucked down. As I said, I was a slightly gullible child. Another little prank(恶作剧)was when one of my friends was over while Mom and Dad were bowling and Chris and Corey were     32    us. We hid in the bathroom and     33    the door, and they decided to take a     34    , open the closet door, which is across from the bathroom and opens     35    , tie one end to the closet door knob(门把手), and tie the other end to the bathroom door knob. The bathroom door opens in. Yes. We had some interesting times.
16.A.think    B.act    C.do    D.want
17.A.respect    B.hate    C.refuse    D.forgive
18.A.done    B.made    C.saved    D.thought
19.A.life    B.stuff    C.money    D.time
20.A.throw    B.drop    C.reach    D.tie
21.A.waste    B.lose    C.hold    D.force
22.A.frightening    B.typical    C.unbelievable    D.different
