Since our twins began learning to walk, my wife and I have kept telling them that our sliding glass door is just a window. The   41  is obvious. If we   42  it is a door, they’ll want to go outside   43  . It will drive us crazy. The kids apparently know the   44  . But our insisting it’s   45  a window has kept them from   46  millions of requests to open the door.
I hate lying to the kids. One day they’ll   47  and discover that everything they’ve always known about windows is a   48  .I wonder if   49  should always tell the truth no matter the   50  . I have a very strong    51  that the lie we’re telling is doing   52  damage to our children. Windows and doors have   53  metaphorical(比喻) meanings. I’m telling them they can’t open what they absolutely know is a door. What if later in   54  they come to a metaphorical door, like an opportunity(机会) of some sort, and   55  opening the door and taking the opportunity,
they just   56  it and wonder, What if it isn’t a door? That is, What if it isn’t a   57  opportunity?
Maybe it’s an unreasonable fear. But the   58  is that I shouldn’t lie to my kids. I should just   59  repeatedly having to say, No. We can’t go outside now. Then when they come to other doors in life, be they real or metaphorical, they won’t   60  to open them and walk through.249
41Arelief    Btarget    Creason    Dcase
42Aadmit    Bbelieve    Cmean    Drealize
43Agradually    Bconstantly    Ctemporarily    Dcasually
44Aresult    Bdanger    Cmethod    Dtruth
45Amerely    Bslightly    Chardly    Dpartly
46Areviewing    Bapproving    Creceiving    Dattempting
47Awin out    Bgive up    Cwake up    Dstand out
48Adream    Blie    Cfantasy    Dfact
49Aparents    Btwins    Ccolleagues    Dteacherssort of admit
50Arestrictions    Bexplanations    Cdifferences    Dconsequences
51Ademand    Bfear    Cdesire    Ddoubt
52Aphysical    Bbiological    Cspiritual    Dbehavioral
53Atraditional    Bimportant    Cdouble    Doriginal
54Alife    Btime    Creply    Dhistory
55Aby comparison with    Bin addition to    Cregardless of    Dinstead of
56Aget hold of    Bstare at    Cknock on    Dmake use of
57Areal    BTypical    Csimilar    Dlimited
58Asafety rule    Bcomfort zone    Cbottom line    Dtop secret
59Adelay    Bregret    Cenjoy    Daccept
60Ahurry    Bdecide    Chesitate    Dintend
41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:原因是明显的。A. relief安慰; B. target目标;C. reason原因;D. case情况。根据下文If we 42 it is a door, they'll want to go outside_43.可知这里作者在解释把门说成窗户的原因。所以这里意思是原因是明显的。故选C
42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我们承认它是一扇门,他们就会不断地想出去。A. admit 承认;B. believe相信;C. mean意味着;D. realize意识到。下文they'll want to go outside_43.说他们就会经常想出去,那必然是作者承认了它是一扇门。故选A
43.考查副词词义辨析。句意:如果我们承认它是一扇门,他们就会不断地想出去。A. gradually逐步地;B. constantly不断地;C temporarily临时地;D casually随便地。根据下文I should just_59 repeatedly having to say, "No. We can't go outside now. "可推测出,孩子们会不断地想出去。故选B
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:孩子们显然知道这个真相。A. result结果;B. danger危险;C. method方法;D. truth真相。下文But our insisting it’s 45 a window has kept them from 46 millions of requests to open the door.说阻止了他们无数次要求打开这扇门的尝试,和下文的I hate lying to the kids.可知孩子们是知道真相的。故选D
45.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但是,我们坚持说它只不过是一扇窗户,阻止了他们无数次要求打开这扇门的尝试。A. merely只不过;B. slightly轻微地;C. hardly几乎不;D. partly部分地。我在搪塞孩子们,所以轻描淡写地说,它不过是一扇窗户而已。故选A
46.考查动名词词义辨析。句意:但是,我们坚持说它只是一扇窗户,阻止了他们无数次要求打开这扇门的尝试。A. reviewing回顾;B. approving赞成;C. receiving收到;D. attempting尝试。根据millions of requests to open the door可知孩子们是想尝试打开门。故选D
47.考查动词短语辨析。句意:有一天,他们会开始了解真相,并且发现,一直以来,他们所知道的关于窗户的一切,是一个谎言。A. win out最后获得成功;B. give up放弃;C. wake up开始了解真相;D. stand out站出来。根据and discover that everything they've always known about windows is a  48.可知有一天,孩子们会开始了解真相。故选C
48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有一天,他们会开始了解真相,并且发现,一直以来,他们所知道的关于窗户的一切,是一个谎言。A. dream梦想;B. lie谎言;C. fantasy幻想;D. fact事实。根据I hate lying to the kids.以及结合前文作者把门说成窗户,可知这里意思是他们所知道的关于窗户的一切,是一个谎言。故选B
49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想知道父母是否应该说出真相,无论结果如何。A. parents父母;B. twins双胞胎;C. colleagues同事;D. teachers老师。根据下文to our childr
50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想知道父母是否应该说出真相,无论结果如何。A. restrictions限制;B. explanations解释;C. differences差异;D. consequences结果。根据they'll want to go outside_43.可知一旦我说出真相,孩子们就总想着打开门出去,这是一种说出真相的后果。故选D
51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我有一种强烈的害怕,害怕我们正在说的谎言会对孩子们造成心灵上的伤害。A. demand要求;B. fear害怕;C. desire欲望;D. doubt怀疑。根据that the lie we're telling is doing  52  damage to our children.Maybe it's an unreasonable fear.可知这是让我强烈害怕的事情。故选B
52.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我有一种强烈的害怕,害怕我们正在说的谎言会对孩子们造成心灵上的伤害。A. physical身体的;B biological生物的;C. spiritual心灵的;D. behavioral行为的。下文说家长们的撒谎行为会让孩子们面对机会时,犹豫不前。由此可知,这是对孩子们心灵上造成了伤害。故选C
