- Sort the clothes into piles. 把衣服分类堆叠。
sort of等于什么
- They sort apples by grade. 他们按等级给苹果分类。
- Oh, just put them on that table and I'll sort them out later. 哦,放在桌上吧,我会自己整理。
- I protest that I had no views of that sort. 我声明我并无那类观点。
- That's just the sort of thing I want. 那正是我所需要的那种东西。
- The duchess sang a sort of lullaby to the baby. 公爵夫人对孩子唱了一首催眠曲一样的歌子。
- She's a happy-go-lucky sort. 她是个乐天派。
- Waste sorting is becoming increasingly common around our country. 垃圾分类在我们国家越
- People are encouraged to sort waste for good reasons. 人们被鼓励出于好的原因进行垃圾分类。
- Sort the eggs into baskets. 将鸡蛋分类放入篮子里。
