Unit 3
Grade 2
1. To make a brief understanding of Hyde’s Principles.
2. To learn the text A intensively —Where Principles Come First.
3. To learn the text B extensively— Cultural Differences in Western and Japanese Decision-Making.
4. To grasp the reading skill—Making Predictions.
5. To learn how to write a composition with a General Statement Supported by an Example
& Requirements
1. To acquire word building knowledge including the compound adjectives which are formed by n.+ ic. and an abstract noun which are formed by adj + ity
2. To enable students to have a better understanding the structure “As A, B…” and “ Once A, B…”
3. To enable the students to write a composition with a General Statement Supported by an Example.
Important Points
The dominant structure of the passage is a General Statement Supported by an Example. The teacher should enable the students to understand the structure and to write a composition with a General Statement Supported by an Example.
Difficult Points
1. words & expression of text A &B;
2. Sentence Analysis;
3. Reading skillMaking Predictions
Methods &
1. Teacher-talking;
2. Collaborative
3. Student-oriented communicative teaching
1. Exercise  (P64-76);
2. Exercise  (P84-86).
& Remarks
. Revision of Unit Two
1. Dictation:
    Moderate,  evidence,  journal,  consume,  supplement,  absorb,  restrict,  typical,  calculate,  sufficient,  compound,  modify,  interfere,  strengthen,  imply,  proposal,  possess, obstacle,  concentrate, tackle,  density.
2. Translation:
    We lost two or three early games in the World Cup, but we bounced back.
    After a long time of exercise, you certainly need to take in plenty of water.
    Not being able to cope with everyday life, they were tipped over the edge into breakdown.
    You mustn’t allow your family duties to interfere with your work.
    The book has gone through three printings.
    The new law applies to everyone.
    He went to visit the city in response to the invitation from the mayor.
New Content:
1. Warm-up activities
. Background of Hyde School.
. Guide the students to discuss what are the most important principles in education.
2.  Understanding of Text A
. What does the Hyde School see as its main job when educating children?
. What is the biggest challenge that the Hyde School faces in carrying out their work?
. When you went to elementary or middle school, how were your parents involved in your education?
3.  Structure Analysis
The essay is made up of four parts with each part answering one question.
Part I (Para.1~ 2): What are the principles?
Part II (Paras. 3~ 11):Are the Hyde principles accepted by other schools?
Part III (Paras. 12~ 16): What are the detailed principles or approaches advocated by the Hyde School?
Part IV (Para. 17~19): What are the beneficial results of the Hyde School’s principles?
.  Detailed study of Text A
. Word using
publicity: the attention that someone or sth gets from newspapers, television, etc.
      Seek/ avoid publicity  追求、避免公众注意
      His report received wide publicity. 他的报道受到了广泛关注。
the business of providing information in order to attract public attention
    Who is going to do the show’s publicity? 谁去做演出的宣传工作?
    The publicity material sent out by the company stressed its concern for the environment. 这个公司散发的宣传材料强调了他们对环境的关注。
cultivate: develop a particular skill or quality
      Cultivating a positive attitude can reap tremendous benefits. 培养积极的心态益处多多。
He has written eight books and has cultivated the image of a popular writer. 他已经写了八本小说,树立了通俗小说家的形象。
make land suitable for growing crops or plants.
Most of the land there has been cultivated.那里的大部分土地已经被开垦。
comprehensive: a. including many details or aspects of something
            a comprehensive test 综合测试
a guide book giving comprehensive information on the area 一本提供该地区综合信息的导游书
ATTENTION: Don’t confuse “comprehensive” with “comprehensible” which means “easy to understand”.
The book is written in clear, comprehensible language. 这本书语言清晰易懂。
controversiala. causing disagreement or discussion
        A controversial TV program/new law/subject 有争议的电视节目/新法律/话题
suspend officially stop sth for a short time
      Some rail services were suspended during the strike. 罢工期间,有些铁路服务中止了。
      The union suspended strike action this week. 工会于本周中止了罢工行动。
            hang sth up
      It was very uncomfortable lying on the hospital bed with my legs suspended in the air. 躺在病床上,双腿吊挂的滋味可真不好受。
A lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 天花板上吊着一盏灯。
conventional: a. of the traditional or accepted type
      He wants a conventional marriage with a wife and kids. 他想要一个有妻有子的传统婚姻。
      Her views are remarkably conventional. 她的观点非常传统。
reform vt. Improve sth by correcting errors, or make a system work more effectively
        You have to reform the management of the company. 你的改革公司的管理制度。
        Plans to reform the health care system have failed more than once.改革医疗卫生体系的计划已失败不止一次。
          n. a change made in order to improve sth
                  a major reform to the system对这一制度的重大改革
economic/political/educational reform经济/政治/教育改革
admission: permission to enter or become a member of a school, club, etc.
admission to a key university 进入一所重点大学
All those who were not wearing a tie were refused admission the the club. 凡不带领带者都
a statement in which one admits that sth is true or that one has done sth wrong.
He would see my giving up as an admission that I was wrong. 他会认为我放弃就意味着承认自己错了
He’s a bad driver, on his own admission. 他承认自己是个糟糕的司机。
Don’t confuse the word “admission” with “admittance”, which means “permission  to enter a building”. For example:
No admittance.  禁止入内
Even journalists were unable to gain admittance to the courtroom. 连新闻记者都未能获准进入审判室。
over one’s protest: in spite of one’s protest
        The teacher assigned the students to recite the whole text over their protests. 老师不顾学生的抗议布置他们背诵整篇课文。
The nurse gave the boy an injection over his protest.  护士不顾男孩的反抗给他打了一针。
put forth: show; bring sth such as strength into action; use effort
We have to put forth a greater effort if we want to get the job done ahead of schedule.
People who work in the medical field should put great effort forth to keep a clean, neat appearance. 在医药领域工作的人应尽量保持干净整洁的形象。
complete with: including; supplied with
There is a good hotel not far from the city, complete with swimming pool and garden  leading directly to the beach.
离城不远有个很好的旅馆, 带着游泳池和通向海滩的花园
The firemen came, complete with rescue equipment, first aid kit, etc.
do/try one’s utmost: try as much as one can
Even in extreme poverty people would not give up and most would try their utmost to earn a living.
He will try his utmost to help them.  他会尽力帮助他们。
work out: find a way of doing sth
We must work out a better method of saving paper.
We’ll leave it to the committee to work out the details of the plan.
at the outset: at the beginning
There have been difficulties with this firm at the outset. 公司在开始时困难重重。
You should decide at the outset what kind of learning program you want to follow.
kind of: slightly, to some extent
I’m kind of worried about the interview. 我对面是有些担心。
It kind of brings up an issue we talked about at the first meeting.
kind of & sort of
sentences like “those kind/sort of questions are very difficult” are common in speech but in writing it is better to use this form:
  That kind/sort of question is very difficult.
In informal conversation “kind of” and “sort of’ can be sued to show that you are not sure or have doubts about sth.
      “Do you like red wine?”  “Yes, kind of/sort of.”
“你喜欢红酒吗?”  “可以说喜欢吧.”
“Did he help you?”  “Well, kind of.”
“他帮助你了吗?”  “哦,可以这样说吧。”
In very informal speech, “kind of” and “sort of” are sometimes used without any particular meaning.
He sort of came up to me and pushed me. So I kind of hit him in the face.
sentence structure:
  As in Maine the quest for truth is also widespread at the school in Connecticut.
“as” is used to compare situations by that they are similar.
In Greece, as in Italy, they use a lot of olive oil in cooking.
In Nanning, as in other cities, people show great interest in the torch relay.
Once the problem are worked out, Hyde should work well in public schools
“once” can be used as a conjunction with the meaning “from the moment” .
Once the meal was finished, the discussions began.
Once you show any fear, he will attack you.
Passage study
“We don’t see ourselves as a school for a type of kid,” … “We see ourselves as preparing kids for a way of life—by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can affect all kids.”
  In our opinion, our school is not a school for a particular type of student…We think our duty is to prepare students for a way of life---by teaching them a complete set of principles that can influence all students.
He notes “no amount of change” with the horse and carriage “will produce an automobile”.
  He points out that no matter what changes you make to the horse and carriage, no automobile will come out of it.
Commitment among parents is a key ingredient in the Hyde mixture.     
  Parents’ devotion is an important element in the Hyde program. 
For the student to gain admission, parents also must agree to accept and demonstrate the school’s philosophies and outlook.   
    For the students to be admitted into the school, parents also must agree to accept the school’s ideas and beliefs and put them into practice.
Parents of Maine students have an attendance rate of 95% in the many sessions. Joe and Malcolm Gauld both say children tend to do their utmost when they see their parents making similar efforts.       
  Both Joe and Malcolm Gauld say children are likely to do their best when they see their parents making similar efforts.
Whats on at the cinema tonight?   今晚电影院上演什么?
Whats he up to?     什么呢?
我们必须更加努力We have to put forth a greater effort.
跟你没关系。管好你自己的事情。It is nothing to do with you. Mind your own business.
彼得的建议对我们不起作用Peter’s suggestion doesn’t work for us.
我对面试有点担心。I’m kind of worried about the interview
The new airport is scheduled to open just before Christmas 新机场定于圣诞前开放。
All those who are wearing slippers are refused admission to the classroom
    The plot is very complicated,  itll take you a while to work it out.
IV. Structured Writing
One of the writing techniques is a general statement supported by examples.
A general statement: Students also benefit from Hyde Schools principles.
One example: (A student named Jimmy DiBattista)
            How old is he?
            What is he going to do?
Tips for writing
Decide on the topic.
Write correctly a topic sentence.
Turn the topic sentence into a question.
Give answers to the question
    Exercise  (P64-76);
III. Detailed study of Text B
Text B
. Reading Skill: Making Predictions
  Predicting is not new to us. We covered it in Book 1 Unit 8 and Book 2 Unit 9.
One way to read effectively is to predict. Making predictions or anticipating the writer’s next point is an important skill in reading. Although we may not be able to predict every detail and although a writer may surprise us with unexpected ideas, we can often anticipate the general direction in which the writer is going. Making predictions while we read keeps our mind alert and involved with the passage; it’s a way to double-check our comprehension of what you’ve read so far, and it can be a great aid to understanding what comes next.
From the title of Text A, we can predict that the passage might be about the following points:
1. What are the principles that come first?
2. Why should we put principles first?
3. How are the principles accepted or appreciated?
4. Who put forward the principles?
5. Why put forward the principles?
6. What are the characteristics of the person who put forward the principles?
7. Are the principles beneficial to all?
8. What can we learn from the principles?
If we read the passage with care, we can find that the article only deals with some of the questions listed above, not all the questions. This is a process which is going on all the time when we are reading with active understanding.
II. Passage study
1. words
differ: not be the same; be different
Management styles differ.
How daes this car differ form the more expensive model?
have different opinions
I’m afraid I differ with you on that question.
The two leaders differed on this issue.
superior  adj. better than someone or something else   
She is superior to her husband in education.      她比丈夫受的教育多。
He is clearly superior to all the other doctors.  他显然比其他医生技术好。
having a higher position or rank than someone else
a super officer 上级官员
He works well with those superior to him in the firm.
n. a person of higher rank, especially in a job
He is my immediate superior.  他是我的直接上司。
inferior  adj. not as good as someone or something else
Cheaper goods are generally of inferior quality.  一般说来,便宜没好货。
lower in position or rank than someone else 
He is easy-going in the eyes of those inferior to him. 在下山眼里,他很随和。
n. a person of lower rank, especially in a job
Never look down upon your inferiors for they might be your superiors someday.
delicate  adj. needing to be dealt with carefully;
The pay negotiations have received a delicate stage.  工资谈判到了微妙阶段。
          easily damaged or broken
I’m not going to let anyone else pack my china; it’s much too delicate.
She was physically delicate and psychologically unstable. 她体质虚弱,心理也不稳定。
delicately: in a careful way
      She stepped delicately over the broken glass. 她小心翼翼地跨过碎玻璃。
      I phrased my comment delicately so as not to upset her.
discard  v. to throw something out or away
Dont discard the bottles. They can be recycled.  不要把瓶子扔了,这些瓶子是可以回收的。
He is not the one who would discard his old friends.  他不是那种会抛弃老朋友的人。
provided  conj. on the condition that
I dont mind Mike coming with us, provided he pays for his own meals.
如果吃饭的时候麦克自己付钱, 我不介意他跟我们一起来。
She agreed to go and work abroad provided that her family could go with her.
Provided that they are fit, I see no reason why they shouldn’t go on playing for another  four or five years.    只要他们身体健康,我看他们完全可以再干上四五年。
owe  v. to feel you should do sth. for sb.
We owe our parents a lot. 我们应该大大地感谢我们的父母。
    We owe you an explanation.  我们应该向你解释.
have to pay someone for something, or need to pay back the money one has borrowed.
            Tell me how much I owe you. 告诉我我欠你多少钱。
              I can never repay the debt I owe him. 我欠他的债,永远也还不清。
2. phrases
come to grips with: begin to understand and deal with a difficult problem or situation
    The new president’s first task is to come to grips with the economy.
The government is still trying to get to grips with inflation.  政府还在努力解决通货膨胀。
be true of: be valid, relevant, or applicable to
Expenditure on health has gone down, and the same is true of education.
sort of等于什么Class a didn’t hand in their homework on time; the same is true of Class B.
Don’t confuse this expression with “be true to” which means “be loyal to”.
        David was true to his wife.  大卫忠于他的妻子。
She has been true to her word. 她没有食言。
owing to: because of
The match was canceled owing to the bad weather.    因天气不好,比赛取消了。
  He was out of work owing to a physical injury.      他因身体受伤而失去了工作。
3. Active Expressions
…even if the deal falls through, and will spend whatever time…
  transactions stay and stay until the job is done.
…the Matsushita Company was having a bad time.
This is of extreme importance when trying to analyze the direction-taking or decision-making process.
But where the American is pressing for a specific decision, the Japanese is trying to devise a rather broad direction.
  He has fallen ill.      病了。
I hope the weather will stay fine.  我希望天气能持续放晴。
They arrive at a bad time.    他们来的不是时候
Darkness was falling fast. 天很快黑了下来
The government took no step to stay the rise in price. 政府未采取措施抑制物价上涨。
Thats a bad mistake那是一个严重的错误。
Tell me if I can be of any use (=useful).  用得着我时跟我说一声。
Where a less determined man might have given up, he persisted and finally succeeded.
After-class Exercise
After learning this Unit, students should master the usage of some words that are required in the CET 4 and master the technique of how to write a composition with a general statement supported by an example. Furthermore, students should learn the skill of making predictions when reading an article. It will be of great help with improving their reading abilities.
