关于a lot a lot of和a lots三个的区别
供参考:a lot是口语中的一个常用片语,多用于肯定句,有时也用于疑问句。其主要用法有如下几点:
Sometimes we have very little snow, but sometimes there’s a lot.
There is a lot to see at the party. 聚会上有许多可观赏的东西。(作主语)
He’s given her a lot to eat. 他给了她许多好吃的东西。(作宾语)
You know a lot/much about English names.
We see a lot of him these days. 这几天我们经常见到他。(作宾语)
This is a lot. 这真多。(作表语)
It usually rains a lot/much at this time of year. 每年这个时候都经常下雨。(修饰动词rain)
Do you wear your new watch a lot? 你常戴你的新手表吗?(修饰动词wear) Thanks a lot/very much ---that’s very kind. 多谢,十分感激。(修饰感叹词thanks,thanks=thank you) He is feeling a lot/much better. 他感觉好多了。(修饰比较级better)
Your room is a lot bigger than mine. 你的房间比我的大得多。(修饰比较级bigger)
三、a lot前可被such,what,quite,rather修饰,如:
I like him quite a lot. 我非常喜欢他。
---How much money is left? ---还剩下多少钱?
---Rather a lot. ---还有相当多。
四、a lot of = lots of,可修饰可数或不可数名词,意为“许多”, “大量的”,相当于many或much。a lot, a lot of, lots of通常用于肯定句,否定句中一般用many或much,如:
There’s a lot of work to do and a lot of people have been sent there.
a lot[英] [ə lɔt] [美] [e lɑt] 非常多;
a lot of[英] [ə lɔt ɔv] [美] [e lɑt ʌv]
adj. 许多的;诸多;
lots of
a lot of=lots of 修饰名词
a lot 可以修饰比较级, 相当于much
a lot:副词,”很,非常“,Thanks a lot. 非常感谢。
a lot of 和 lots of 都表示”很多,许多“,区别在于 a lot of 后面可以讲可数名词和不可数名词,而 lots of 后面只可以加可数名词复数。 a lots 没有这个短语哈~
a lot of;lots of;a lot的区别和用法?
a lot可用作名词性片语。 如: I can learn a lot about Chinese history. 我可以学到很多有关中国历史方面的知识。 a lot也可作副词片语,修饰动词,意思是“十分”、“非常”,相当于very much. 如: I like Chinese action movies a lot. 我非常喜欢中国的动作片。 a lot of与lots of的意思和用法完全相同,都是起形容词作用的片语,后接可数或不可数名词。如: There are a lot of / lots of famous movie stars in the USA. 美国有许多著名的电影明星。
lot,lots,lot of,a lot of ,a lot 区别在哪
a lot of 和lots of意思基本上是一样的,就是many,much
a lot是一个很灵活的副词性短语
比如你自己说的My pig eats a lot
a lot 做副词,是eats这个动作的补语
再比如My dog eats a lot more,我家狗狗吃得更多
这里的a lot 做副词修饰more,三个词连在一起修饰eats。这么说你明白了么?
a lot其实本身是多的意思,后来引申为十分,非常,比如
Thanks a lot 十分感谢,太谢谢了
首先要说的,是英文没有lot of,a lots of,a lots这说法。A lot of和lots of都是“很多”的意思,用法有两点值得注意。第一,a lot of和lots of都可用来说可数(countable)或不可数(uncoun
table)名词,而动词应用单数或复数形式,则看那名词而定,和a lot或lots无关。例如“A lot of/Lots of money was lost.(损失了很多钱。)”一语,lots之后不用were;“A lot of/Lots of people were wounded.(很多人受了伤。)”一语,a lot of之后也不用was。第二,many/much和a lot of/lots of意思相同,但语气上,many和much没有a lot of那么随便,a lot of又没有lots of那么随便。所以,a lot of / lots of不宜用于谨严的写作,多见于口语;但问句、否定句口头上也多用many和much。例如甲问:“How much time have we?(我们有多少时间?)”乙可以说:“We haven't much time.(我们没有很多时间。)”或“We have a lot of/lots of time.(我们有很多时间。)”向人道谢,说“Thanks a lot!”也比“Thanks very much!”随便。此外,年、月、日、时等时间单位,不可和a lot of/lots of连用,例如“I lived in Macau for many years before ing to Hong Kong.(我在澳门住了多年才来香港。)”一语,many不可改为a lot of
lot of和lots of的区别
lot of和lots of的区别:
1、lot of和lots of没有区别,注意 是a lot of = lots of。第一个lot前是要有a的,用法上lot of
和lots of相等,都可以用在可数不可数名词前。 
2、而且注意 由a lot of 或者lots of 修饰的名词,所跟的动词单复数是跟那个名词有关,而不是根据a lot of 或者lots of有关。
3、另外注意 a lot of / lots of这个说法是非正式用法 书面最好用 plenty of, much, a large number of之类的。
lot of
1、I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth it
2、I have lost a lot of weight
3、I think a lot of people still underestimate him
4、You've caused us a lot of trouble
5、Is there a lot of effort and money going into this sort of research?
lots of
1、We took lots of measurements
2、He has lots of original ideas about the research into microelectronics.
3、It's a good thing I brought lots of handkerchiefs
4、Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese.
5、Lots of people got the questions wrong.
lots of和a lot of的区别
sort of等于什么(1)lots of和a lot of可以当做定语,即当做many或much那样来使用.因此,谓语动词的数不是依据lot和lots来决定,而是依据of所引导的名词的数来决定,如:
A lot of time has been wasted.有许多时间给浪费掉了.(a lot of=much)
A lot of people have been present.已有许多人到了.(a lot of=many)
There is lots of time to spare.时间绰绰有余.(lots of=much)
(2)a lot of=lots of表示”许多的“,可以修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词.
(3)a lot是表示程度的一个短语,意为”很,非常“.如:thanks a lot(多谢);know a lot about China(对中国了解很多)
(4)书面语用a lot of较多,口语用lots of较多.
a lot 和lots of的区别
a lot是口语中的一个常用片语,多用于肯定句,有时也用于疑问句。其主要用法有如下几点:
Sometimes we have very little snow, but sometimes there’s a lot.
