    My Labor Day
    Labor Day is one of my favorite holidays! It's a day off from school and a chance to celebrate workers and the importance of hard work. This year, Labor Day was extra special for me because I got to experience a tiny bit of what it's like to have a job.
    A few weeks before Labor Day, my dad asked me if I wanted to help out at his office for a day. He said they were short-staffed with some people going on vacation around the holiday. I was really excited at the idea of going to work with my dad! I've always wondered what his office is like and what he does all day.
    The morning of Labor Day, I woke up extra early. I put on one of my nicest shirts and even
sprayed on a little cologne, just like my dad does before work. I wanted to look the part of a professional office worker. Dad made me a bag lunch to take, just like he does every day. A sandwich, an apple, and a cookie - the works!
    When we got to his office downtown, dad showed me around. His company has a huge open room filled with rows and rows of cubicles. It sort of felt like a maze! Dad introduced me to some of his co-workers and showed me his own little cubicle space. He has a computer, some pictures of our family, and a lot of papers spread out on his desk.
    Dad's boss, Mr. Jenkins, came over and welcomed me for "Work Like A Kid Day." He gave me a name tag that said "Johnny - Office Assistant" and told me I could help out wherever I was needed. How cool is that? I was an official worker for the day!
    My first task was pretty easy. Dad showed me how to collate and staple some big reports that needed to go out. I got to use a heavy-duty stapler that made a really satisfying "clunk" sound. After that, I spent a couple hours just filing paperwork in the cabinets. It was sort of mindless but kind of fun too. Dad showed me all the color coding and number systems they
    Around lunchtime, they had a little pizza party in the break room for all the families that brought their kids in for the day. I got to eat my bagged lunch while chatting with the other kids about what kinds of jobs they did that morning. One girl even got to sit in on an important meeting!
sort of等于什么    After lunch, things started to get a little more challenging. Dad had me helping him respond to emails from clients. I'm a good reader and pretty decent writer, so I re-wrote their questions in my own words to make sure I understood them. Then Dad would explain the answers to me and I'd type out the email responses. It was sort of like being a translator!
    Whenever I got stuck on a word or didn't understand something, Dad was really patient in explaining it to me. A few times, he'd even have me sit next to him so I could see what he was doing on the computer. It was kind of like a personal coding lesson! I feel like I learned some great real-life skills that day.
    The most nerve-wracking part was near the end of the day. Dad had an important phone call with a client who needed to give final approval on a big project Dad's team had been working on. Dad let me listen in on the speaker phone and even asked my opinion once or twice! I tried to sound as professional and grown-up as I could. Thankfully, the client must have thought I gave good advice because they approved the project!
    As we walked back to the car at the end of the long day, my legs were a little sore from all the walking around the office. My brain felt pretty tired too from using it so much. No wonder Dad comes home ready for a nap sometimes! I hugged him tight and thanked him for making my Labor Day so special by letting me see what he does.
    This definitely gave me a new appreciation for the hard work that Dad - and all workers - put in every single day. It's not just sitting behind a desk all day. It's problem-solving, communicating, presenting, multi-tasking, and using your mind in a thousand different ways. I've always known Dad works hard, but seeing it for myself made me realize why we have a special day just to honor workers like him.
    When I'm a grown-up, I'll probably look back and realize that my "Work Like A Kid Day" didn't even scratch the surface of what a real career feels like. But it was an important first step for me. I got a little taste of the professional world and a behind-the-scenes look at what really goes on in an office. Who knows, maybe I'll end up following in Dad's footsteps one day!
    No matter what I end up doing for a job though, this Labor Day made me realize that hard work deserves to be celebrated. Every job is important and every worker matters. Thanks to this experience, Labor Day won't just be another day off from school for me anymore. It will be a reminder of the grown-up working world that I got a sneak and it will make me appreciate the workers in my life that much more.
