    In American English, there are plenty of common abbreviations and acronyms that are used in spoken language to make communication quicker and more casual. Here are some of the most frequently used ones:
    1. Gonna - Going to
      E.g., "I'm gonna hit the gym later."
    2. Wanna - Want to
      E.g., "Do you wanna grab some lunch?"
    3. Lemme - Let me
sort of等于什么      E.g., "Lemme see that for a second."
    4. Gimme - Give me
      E.g., "Gimme a break, will ya?"
    5. Kinda - Kind of
      E.g., "I'm kinda tired today."
    6. Sorta - Sort of
      E.g., "I'm sorta new to this."
    7. Shoulda - Should have
      E.g., "I shoulda studied harder."
    8. Coulda - Could have
      E.g., "I coulda sworn I locked the door."
    9. O'clock - Of the clock (used with hours)
      E.g., "It's 5 o'clock."
    10. Y'all - You all
        E.g., "Y'all ready to order?"
    11. Ya or Yah - You
        E.g., "How ya doing?"
    12. Gotta - Got to
        E.g., "I gotta go."
    13. Dunno - Don't know
        E.g., "I dunno what to say."
    14. Cuz - Because
        E.g., "Cuz it's the right thing to do."
    15. BTW - By the way
        E.g., "BTW, have you heard the news?"
    16. FYI - For your information
        E.g., "FYI, the meeting's been rescheduled."
    17. B4 - Before
        E.g., "I need to finish this B4 the meeting."
    18. BRB - Be right back
        E.g., "BRB, just going to the restroom."
    19. TTYL - Talk to you later
        E.g., "TTYL, my battery's about to die."
    20. OMG - Oh my God
        E.g., "OMG, I can't believe it!"
    21. LOL - Laughing out loud
        E.g., "That's so funny, LOL."
    22. IDK - I don't know
        E.g., "IDK what the answer is."
    23. SMH - Shaking my head (disapproval or disbelief)
        E.g., "SMH at the state of things."
    24. FYE - For your enjoyment
        E.g., "Here's a song FYE."
    25. BBL - Be back later
        E.g., "I'll BBL, just running to the store."
    These abbreviations are especially popular in informal settings, like text messages, social media, and casual conversations. They can add a level of familiarity and ease to the dialogue, making it feel more like a natural, everyday conversation.
