练习7 单句语法填空+阅读理解
1.[2022·浙江杭州外国语学校检测]The 5G services are now being used in 50 cities, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen ________ (include).
2.[2022·安徽师大附中期中]Millions of acres of wetlands were dried to feed and house the ever-increasing populations, greatly ________ (reduce) waterfowl habitat.
3.[2022·辽宁大连双基测试]The Chinese people have the custom of sticking up pictures ________ (celebrate) the traditional Spring Festival.
4.[2022·山东烟台学业水平诊断]________ (build) in the Song Dynasty, the town offers pleasant views and landscapes of ancient China, characterized by picturesque canals crossed by arch bridges and whitewashed houses that overlook the water.
5.Life is like riding a bicycle. ________ (keep) your balance, you must keep moving.
6.Children above 16 are encouraged to take part in these outdoor recreational and sports activities specially ________ (design) for them.
7.More than 2 million foreign tourists are expected to visit the US by the end of the year, ________ (contribute) a lot to the US economy.
8.Drivers are not the only ones ________ (blame) for the irresponsibility that accounts for many of the automobile accidents.
9.Many people think any government's work should be evaluated ________ (base) on citizens' happiness level.
10.Guests ________ (invite) to this international meeting are mainly scholars, politicians, and representatives of international organizations.
Sometime in the early 1960s, a significant thing happened in Sydney, Australia. The city discovered its harbor. Then, one after another, Sydney discovered lots of things that were just sort of there—broad parks, superb beaches, and a culturally diverse population. But it is the harbor that makes the city.
Andrew Reynolds, a cheerful fellow in his early 30s, pilots Sydney ferryboats for a living. I spent the whole morning shuttling back and forth across the harbor. After our third run Andrew shut down the engine, and we went our separate ways—he for a lunch break, I to explore the city.
I'll miss these old boats, he said as we parted.
How do you mean?I asked.
“Oh, they're replacing them with catamarans. Catamarans are faster, but they're not so elegant, and they're not fun to pilot. But that's progress, I guess.”
Everywhere in Sydney these days, change and progress are the watchwords (口号), and tr
aditions are increasingly rare. Shirley Fitzgerald, the city's official historian, told me that in its rush to modernity in the 1970s, Sydney swept aside much of its past, including many of its finest buildings. Sydney is confused about itself, she said.We can't seem to make up our minds whether we want a modern city or a traditional one. It's a conflict that we aren't getting any better at resolving (解决).
On the other hand, being young and old at the same time has its attractions. I considered this when I met a thoughtful young businessman named Anthony.Many people say that we lack culture in this country, he told me.“What people forget is that the Italians, when they came to Australia, brought 2000 years of their culture, the Greeks some 3000 years, and the Chinese more still. We've got a foundation built on ancient cultures but with a drive and dynamism of a young country. It's a pretty hard combination to beat.”
He is right, but I can't help wishing they would keep those old ferries.
1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.Sydney's striking architecture.
B.The cultural diversity of Sydney.
C.The key to Sydney's development.
D.Sydney's tourist attractions in the 1960s.
2.What can we learn about Andrew Reynolds?
A.He goes to work by boat.
B.He looks forward to a new life.
C.He pilots catamarans well.
D.He is attached to the old ferries.
3.What does Shirley Fitzgerald think of Sydney?
A.It is losing its traditions.
B.It should speed up its progress.
C.It should expand its population.
D.It is becoming more international.
4.Which statement will the author probably agree with?
A.A city can be young and old at the same time.
B.A city built on ancient cultures is more dynamic.
C.Modernity is usually achieved at the cost of elegance.
D.Compromise should be made between the local and the foreign.
sort of things什么意思
Last night my husband and I were taking a post­dinner walk in a nearby parking lot, where we saw a man bending over to crumble something with a rock. He completely focused on his task and didn't look up at anyone passing by. We kept noticing him as we hung around the parking lot and guessed what he could be doing. I thought he was crumbling stones to make sand, but why would he do that?
