sort of things什么意思
    Water, Water Everywhere
    Water is all around us and it's one of the most important things on Earth. Without water, nothing could survive - not plants, animals or even people! I'm going to tell you all about the amazing things water can do and why we must take care of it.
    First of all, did you know that water covers about 71% of the Earth's surface? That's a huge amount! The oceans contain around 96.5% of all the planet's water. They are vast, salty bodies of water that go on further than the eye can see. The rest of the water is fresh water locked up in frozen glaciers, underground wells, rivers and lakes. Only a tiny amount is in the air as clouds or vapor.
    Water can exist in three different states - liquid, solid (ice), and gas (vapor). It's the only natural substance that is commonly found in all three states. Water is a liquid at normal temperatures, but if you cool it down enough it turns into a solid (ice). And if you heat it up, it turns into a gas (steam). This is why we see clouds in the sky - they are formed from tiny droplets of condensed water vapor.
    All living things need water to survive. Humans are made up of between 50-65% water! We need to constantly drink water to replace what we lose through sweating, going to the bathroom, and even breathing out water vapor. Plants need water to grow and stay rigid. Trees draw up water from the soil through their roots all the way to the topmost leaves. Animals like cows, dogs and elephants need to drink large amounts of water each day to stay hydrated.
    Water is also essential for many of our modern conveniences. We use it for cooking, cleaning, bathing, flushing toilets, washing dishes and clothes, putting out fires and more. Factories depend on water to make products like paper, plastic, clothing and electronics. F
armers need water to grow crops that provide our food. Even the electricity that powers our lights and devices often comes from hydroelectric dams!
    Speaking of dams, water can be an amazing source of power. Dams are built across rivers to control the flow of water and generate electricity through huge turbines. The ancient Greeks even used water wheels to grind grain into flour over 2,000 years ago! Ships and boats float on water, enabling transportation across vast oceans and waterways for both people and cargo.
    Water plays a central role in the natural environment too. The water cycle describes the continuous movement of water between the earth and atmosphere. It starts with evaporation from the oceans, lakes and rivers. As water vapor condenses in the air, it forms clouds. The moisture eventually falls back to earth as precipitation - rain, snow, hail or sleet. The water then flows back into water bodies or seeps into the soil, re-entering groundwater reservoirs and beginning the cycle anew.
    This great recycling system helps distribute the earth's limited fresh water to all parts of t
he globe. The water cycle drives weather patterns, influences climate, shapes landscapes through erosion, and sustains life. Major rivers carry nutrients from the land to the sea, while ocean currents distribute heat across the planet. There would be no forests, grasslands, deserts or other ecosystems without water.
    Sadly, many of the earth's water sources are being polluted or overused. Factories, farms, cars and households release harmful chemicals and trash into waterways. Old pipes leak sewage into clean supplies. Too much groundwater is being pumped out faster than it can be replenished by rainfall. Major rivers like the Colorado no longer reach the ocean because their water is entirely consumed. If we're not careful, the world could run out of clean, fresh water that is safe to drink and use.
    This is why we all need to do our part to conserve water and prevent pollution. At home, you can take short showers instead of baths, turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, fix leaks, and follow your city's schedule for outdoor watering. At school or in public, keep bathrooms and recreation areas litter-free and undamaged. Let's all work together to keep our most precious natural resource clean and sustainable for many generations to come!
    In conclusion, water is amazing and versatile - a true wonder of nature! It nourishes all life, moves massive industries, regulates the environment and provides recreation too. But water resources are limited, so we need to use them carefully and not pollute them with harmful substances. Take a few extra moments to appreciate and protect this precious liquid the next time you hear it flowing from a tap or crashing on the shore. After all, life as we know it would be impossible without water, water everywhere!
