【单元热点难点】译林版(三起)英语六年级上册Unit 5 Signs 教材划重点
1. 自主预习
sign  标识           shopping centre购物中心         careful 小心,当心mean 意思是        floor 地面          around在......周围
litter乱扔垃圾        restaurant 餐厅,饭店     someone 某人
smoke吸烟,抽烟     smell 闻到     outing远足,外出游玩
1.go in 进入,走进    2.walk on继续走路      3. into带入4.No eating or drinking. 请勿饮食    5.No littering.   请勿乱扔垃圾 
6.No parking.  请勿停车      7.No smoking.   请勿吸烟        8.Danger!  危险!            9.Wet floor. 小心地滑            10.at a shopping centre 在购物中心
11. be careful 当心,小心            12. a juice shop  一家果汁店
13. Here’s a sign. 这里有个标志。    14.want to go in 想要进入
15.take your juice into the shop 把你的饮料带入商店 
16.in a restaurant 在饭店里
17. eat some noodles 吃些面条      18. smell the smoke 闻到烟味
19. say to the girl 对女孩          21. in the forest  在森林里
22. call the metro “underground”称地铁为“underground”
23. feel tired and hungry 感到又累又饿       
24. No pets allowed. 禁止带宠物。
25. find a sign on a tree 在树上发现一个标志       
26.see a lot of monkeys around them看见很多猴子围着他们     
27.be on an outing  远足
1.What does it mean?  它是什么意思?意思是……2.No eating or drinking.    It means you can’t eat or drink here.
请勿饮食。   它的意思是你不能吃和喝。
3.No littering.       It means you can’t litter here.
请勿乱扔垃圾。  它的意思是你不能在这儿扔垃圾。
4.No parking.       It means you can’t park the car here.
请勿停车。   它的意思是你不能在这儿停车。
5.No smoking.    It means you can’t smoke here.
请勿吸烟。   它的意思是你不能在这儿吸烟。
6.Danger!         It means you should stay away from it.
危险!         它的意思是你应该远离这儿。
7.Wet floor.     It means the floor is wet.
小心地滑。   它的意思是地面湿滑。
8.Be careful,Tim!小心,蒂姆!
9.Do you want some juice?你想要些果汁吗?
10.Helen wants to go in.海伦想进去。
11.Is someone smoking?有人在吸烟吗?
12.I can smell it.我能问到它。
13.Bobby and Sam are on an outing in the forest.博比和萨姆在森林里游玩。
ir / ɜ:/ 如:bird, shirt, shirt, girl, dirty, first, thirty, thirteen, thirsty, sir …
2. 词句展播
01. Be careful, Tim!  Tim小心。(教材P48)
  Be careful! 相当于 Look out!  结构为“be+形容词”。
02. What does it mean? 它什么意思?(教材P48)
本单元主要学习了谈论公共标识的问答句型。当你不明白某个标识是什么意思时,就可以用“What does it mean?”来询问。如果主语是第三人称单数,问句中的助动词要用does,其答句为“”;如果主语是复数,问句中的助动词要用do,其答句为“”。
-What does this sign mean? 这个标识是什么意思?
-It means you can’t smoke here. 它的意思是你不能在这儿吸烟。
-What do they mean? 它们是什么意思?
- They mean we can’t smoke or litter here.
03.Do you want some juice?  你想要点饮料吗?(教材P48)
Would you like something to drink?你想要一些喝的东西吗?
Can I ask you some questions?我可以问你几个问题吗?
Why not buy some apples? 为什么不买些苹果呢?
Would you like some more fruit? 你要不要再吃点水果?
04. Helen wants to go in.  海伦想进去。(教材P49)
You can’t take your juice into the shop.  你不能把饮料带进店里。(教材P48)
1.    在。。。里(介词)2.    在家,往里面(副词)
1. in是表示物体位置的静态介词,表示“在……里面”。如:They are sitting in the room. 他们正坐在房间里。
2. in还可用作副词,意为“在家、往里面”,而into不能。本单元go in中的in就是副词,所以in后面没有跟名词,如果要跟名词,就要把in改成into。
into是表示动作方向的动态介词,表示“到……里面去”,常与表示动作的动词(如come,go,run,rush,take等)连用。如:He ran into the room just now. 刚才他跑进了房间。
Helen wants to go in. = Helen wants to go into the shop.
Is Tom in? = Is Tom at home? 汤姆在家吗?
May I come in? = May I come into the room? 我可以进来吗?
05. Is someone smoking? I can smell it. 有人在抽烟吗?我能闻到它。(教材P49)
( someone, everyone, anyone等不定代词,看成单数,动词用三单。)
( smell 的过去式 smelled, 或者 smelt)
06. Please don’t smoke here. 请不要在这里抽烟。(教材P49)
此句是祈使句,动词原形开头,省略主语you. 否定句在句首加Don’t
07. In the UK, people call the metro “underground”.
In the US, people call the metro “subway”.  在美国,人们称地铁为subway。
同样是地铁,世界各地的叫法却不一样。Subway在美国通常就指地铁,而英国人不喜欢这么叫,因为Subway在英国是地下人行通道的意思,容易产生歧义。在英国,地铁通常被叫作 Underground或简称为Tube。中国内地已开通地铁的几个城市所采用的地铁的英文名称也不尽相同:上海、广州、深圳、天津、西安采用Metro,而北京采用 Subway。
08. I’m looking for my bananas.  我在我的香蕉. (教材P54)
look 相关的动词短语
look at
look for
look after
look up
Look out of
Look out for
09.I brought some for lunch.我午饭带来一些 (教材P54)
( some 就是some bananas)
把某物带给某人 bring sth. to sb.  = bring sb. sth. (从远带到近处)
把某物带去某人 take sth to sb.  = take sb. sth. ( 从近处带去远处)  take …away
10. Bobby gives Sam a banana. 波比给了萨姆一根香蕉。(教材P54)
    give sb sth.意为“把某物给某人”,也可用give sth  to sb.。
Can you give a pen to me?  你能给我一支钢笔吗?
Liu Tao gave me a hot dog just now.  刘涛刚才给了我一个热狗。
11. Do you want one? 你想要一个吗? (教材P55)
( one 代替可数名词单数)
12. Bobby and Sam walk on 波比和萨姆继续走(教材P55)
On 在这里是副词, 继续的意思。
13. They find a sign on a tree .他们在树上发现了一个标记。 (教材P55)
On the tree在树上(本身长出来的)    in the tree (外来物)
用some或者any 填空。
1.There is ________ water in the cup.
2.Is there ________ bread on the table?
3.There are not ________ birds in the tree.
4.Would you like ________ orange juice?
5.Could you give me ________ cakes? I am too hungry.
sort of look atme什么意思
A.    look at      B. look after       C. look up    D. look for
6.I will go to America tomorrow. Please help me ________ my cat.
7.Boys and girls, ________ the blackboard.
8.—What does this word mean? 
—________ it ________ in the dictionary.
9.Look! She is ________ her cat everywhere. Please come and ________ the map.
10.Look! ________ is looking for you. (     )
A.someone    B.anyone    C.no one    D.some ones
11.Jim, you can’t ________ pets (宠物) ________ the cinema. (     )
A.takes; to    B.take; into    C.brings; to    D.bring; with
12.The sign “No ________” is ________ the tree. (     )
A.climbing; in    B.climb; in    C.climbing; on    D.climb; on
13.When I am ill, my mother ________ me carefully (细心). (     )
A.looks at    B.looks for    C.looks out    D.looks after
14.—What’s the matter ________ Tom. He is wet through. (     )
—His car ran ________ the river.
A.with; in    B.to; into    C.with; into
15.Mary walked ________ the house quietly. (     )
A.for    B.into    C.at    D.with
16.Can you give the book ________ Candy? She is in your class. (   )
