1.He didn't even _______ at the person passing by when he was walking.
look          B.glare        C.glance          D.observe
Look表示眼睛转向目标,看着某物。不是匆忙的一个瞬间过程,而是一个有目的和动机的过程。例如,May I have a look at your new bike? 这里的look at 是带有一种明确的目的的,并且这种看也不是瞬间的看一眼,而是整个看的过程。
look相对的就是glance,它表示人下意识的一个瞬间行为,匆匆一瞥。例如,He glanced at his watch while talking.这里glance就表示瞬间的一个动作,不是特意的look at.
glare是带有人物当时愤怒或威胁情感的一个词,我们说是瞪眼也好,怒视也罢,最重要的是把握句意,理解人物当时所处的情景是解题的关键,看是否有种愤怒或威胁。例如,After I said “no” he glared at me.这里glare的人物就带有一种威胁的意味。
stareglare 有点相似,但它们确是有着天壤之别。glare是一种很强势的眼光,而stare则表示由于吃惊、害怕、而张大眼睛看,是一种弱势的眼光。同时它还表示深思而盯着看,例如,H stare at the problem ,trying to work it out. 但一般而言stare侧重于盯着某物,例如,He stared at the man who was walking in front of the gate.
observe表示仔细的看,有着careful的精神在审读着某物。例如,The scientists are observing a new star.
sort of look atme什么意思watchlook都强调看的过程,但也是有区别的,watch强调的是一种深入的看,而look at 只是一种表面化的看。例如,The students are watching a football match.watch的同时带有许多的综合思考。
see只是表示看到,是一种结果。例如,I saw  your father just now.
notice注重的是对某事的留意,例如,Did you notice that he came to attend the meeting today?
2.She doesn't have enough ______ to walk upstairs.
A.power            B.strength      C.force      D.energy
power用法很广,用于各种体力的,身心的、隐藏的、外显的力量。但是不用怕,一般在考试中power的用法无非两种。一种是动力驱动含义。例如有个词汇叫“power plant"是指发电机。还有一种是指权利,一种地位上的权利。
3.I was dismissed. Only then did I ______that I had either forgotten or completely ignored own black skin.
realize        B.regard        C.recognize    D.admit
经他变样了,你可以说“Oh! I didn't recognize you just now!
4.From the top of the building, you can get a full ______ of th city.
sight        B.view      C.scene        D.Scenery
sight表示风景名胜,要注意它通常用复数形式,指一种人文景观。例如,Sunday will be kept free for you to enjoy the sights of one of the world's most famous cities.这里是指风景名胜。
scene是指某一处的自然风光,更多侧重于眼前的场景。例如,The scene is cut off by the next building. 这里是指眼前的一个定格的场景景。
scenery是对景的总称,它是在scene的基础上,泛指一切景。要根据具体句意判断。例如The Mountain scenery is typical of Scotland.这里就泛指山上的一切景。
5.It was an \a_____ lunch. There was nothing special.
common          B.ordinary      D.usual      D.general
common是指普通的,常见的需要注意的是:经常发生,司空见惯是common的标志。同时它还表示某事物有共同之处,例如in commmon
general是指对于大多数人都是普遍适用的。我们可以用in general帮助我们理解。
ordinary强调平常,我们知道不平凡的,杰出的是extra ordinary.这也可以帮助我们深刻地理解ordinary的含义。
 get: The most general one.
 obtain: (fml)It stresses the seeking out of something.
 gain: to get gradually.
 acquire: To get for oneself by one's own work, skill action piece by  piece little by little.
 help: The general one. to supply whatever someone needs or do whatever might be useful to him.
 assist: To co-operate with sb not taking an important part.    He assisted the doctor in the operation.
 aid: (not followed infinitive) To help sb who is weak or is in  The Red Cross often aids flood victims.
表明 代表
 mean: The most general one
 show: To show that something exists or is true means to prove it. It refers to the agreed- upon ideas or thing that words or signs stand for.
 suggest: To cause to come to mind.  The sight of birds suggested a new idea for flying machine.
 indicate: To make a sign for/clear.  It stresses a rough approximation of literal meaning.
 imply: To express indirectly.  Do you realize what his words imply?
 result: The most general one.
 What happens because of something else.
 It indicates a strict causal link between the two events.
 The word may often suggest an earlier action
 deliberately taken to gain a particular goal. It suggests a unique or unpredictable one-time action.
 consequence: (fml) Something that follows from an action or condition.
 More often the word suggests a negative result or at least the negative concomitant (相伴的) of an otherwise desirable effect. Cancer is a consequence of smoking.
 effect: A special or particular result.
