BBC Learning English – Q & A of the Week  你问我答
sort of和kind of的区别About this script
Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process changes may have been made which may not be reflected here .
Sorted:  Sorted 的多种用法
Yang Li: 大家好我是杨莉,欢迎收听<;你问我答>节目。I ’ve got a question here from Lin.
In the BBC's Sherlock series I heard a sentence like this : We are all sorted here.  I can't figure out its meaning. So what does sorted  mean here? Thank you.
Yang Li: William is my co-presenter today, but where is he? Where is he?  请大家稍
(Yang Li goes back to the office to look for William)
Yang Li:  Hi Will!
William:  (distracted) er... sorry, I'm a bit busy right now. Yang Li: What's the matter? Is there something I can help you with?
William:  Um... not really. just trying to sort out the team outing for next week and it's proving quite tricky.
Yang Li: That surprises me actually, William. That is exactly the sort of little job you normally enjoy!
Yes, well. I've lost the menu that the restaurant sent me. I had it here somewhere (rummaging through papers). I just don't know where it's
Yang Li: Wow, William, your desk is quite untidy I
Yeah, I know, I know Li. Well, when I've finished this I am going to  have a good old sort out. Ah! Here it is! Now, I just need to stick this on and send and there we go! Sorted!
Yang Li:  Well, good!
Li, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?
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Yang Li:  Have you forgotten? You are supposed to record a programme with me. I booked a studio and I was waiting for you.
William:  Crumbs! I completely forgot. Listen, I'm sorry I can't do it now, Li. I'm going to the ballet.
Yang Li: The ballet! What am I supposed to do now? Who is going to record the programme with me?
I know, I know! What with one thing and another I totally forgot! I really do need to sort my life out.  Listen I can't do it now but why don't you ask Kate to co-present with you? She'll sort you out. Bye!
Yang Li:  All right then. Kate do you mind co-presenting my programme because Will could not make it?
Kate: Of course, I heard your conversation with Will. Don’t worry Li, I’m sure I can sort you out with your programme.
Yang Li: Shall we go to the studio now?
Kate: Yeah, sure! Let’s go now.
(In studio:)
Kate: It sounds like Lin is having a bit of a problem with the word sorted. It’s a good word to learn as we use it in a lot of daily conversations.
Yang Li: That’s true.
Kate:  So in his example of Sherlock Holmes's "we are sorted here" sorted means  taken care of.
Yang Li: 我们的事情解决了。
Kate: Actually I noticed that Will used the word sorted quite a few times in your earlier conversation. Let’s have a closer look at each of them one by one.
Insert Yang Li:  What's the matter? Is there something I can help you with?
William:  Um... not really. just trying to sort out the team outing for next week and it's proving quite tricky.
Kate:  The phrase to sort out means to arrange, to organise.
Yang Li: 动词短语to sort out something 意思是组织,安排。这是第一个意思。
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Insert Yang Li: That surprises me actually, William. That is exactly the sort of little job you normally enjoy!
Kate: So you said "the sort of little job", and here sort means the kind of.
Yang Li:
The sort of 就是那种,那样 the kind of ,这是第二个意思。再举个例子,他就是那样的一个人。He's just that sort of person.
Insert Yang Li: Wow, William, your desk is quite untidy I
Yeah, I know, I know Li. Well, when I've finished this I am going to  have a good old sort out. Ah! Here it is! Now, I just need to stick this on and send and there we go! Sorted!
Yang Li:  Well, good!
We have just heard two more meanings here: to have a good sort out means to tidy up, to keep the things you need and chuck out those you don’t need.
Li: 这是第三个意思to have a good sort out 彻底整理一下该留的留,该仍的扔。
Kate: Then he finished something and he was happy with it, he said "sorted", meaning finished, it's been dealt with.
Yang Li:
这是第四个用法是在你完成了一件事你就可以说 sorted ,意思是完了,解决了。下面还有两个常用的意思。
Insert William:  I know, I know! What with one thing and another I totally forgot! I really do need to sort my life out.
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Kate: To sort one’s life out is a slang expression meaning to get more organised.
Yang Li:
这是个俚语意思是把日常生活好好理一理,安排妥当。这是第五个意思,对话的最后William 说他没有时间和我一起录音,让我 Kate.
Insert William:  Listen I can't do it now but why don't you ask Kate to co-present with you? She'll sort you out. Bye!
Yang Li: Thank you Kate for sorting me out. And I think between us we have managed to answer Lin’s
question, haven’t we?
Kate: I hope so. Now I need to go and have my bike sorted. It got a flat tyre this morning.
Yang Li: Oh perhaps I can sort you out as I used to work in a bicycle shop.
Kate: Really?! I didn’t know that! That’s very kind of you…
Yang Li: No worries. Bye for now everyone.
Kate: Bye.
