    The School Event That Left the Deepest Impression
    School is about way more than just sitting in a classroom listening to teachers drone on about math, history, and grammar rules. Some of my most vivid memories don't come from the usual lessons, but rather the special events and activities we got to take part in. There's one school event in particular that really stands out and left a lasting impression on me.
    It was the annual Community Service Day that our school organizes every year. The whole concept was for every student to spend the day volunteering and giving back to the local community in some way. We didn't have normal classes that day. Instead, we got split up into different groups and sent out to various locations around town to lend a hand wherever it was needed.
    My group got assigned to help out at the neighborhood food bank and soup kitchen. I'm not going to lie, my initial reaction was: this is going to be so boring and lame. I dreaded having to spend the whole day sorting canned goods and dishing out soup to homeless people. But my feelings totally changed once we actually got there and got started.
    The food bank was this busy, hustling and bustling place with tons of people coming and going all morning. Crates and boxes of donated foods were piling up quicker than the volunteers could unpack and sort everything. That's where we students came in. We formed an assembly line of sorts, working together to rapidly unpack, sort, and stock all the different food items.
    At first it was kind of chaotic as we tried to figure out the system and where everything went. But after a little while, we hit our rhythm and operated like a well-oiled machine. We made a pretty awesome team! I was blown away by how quickly we blazed through boxes and boxes of donations, organizing and shelving it all neatly and efficiently. It was hard work but also really satisfying.
    My favorite part was getting to interact face-to-face with the people who came by to pick up food for their families. Some would stop and chat with us kids, sharing a bit about their situation and why they needed the food bank's assistance. It put a real human face on hunger and poverty in a way textbooks could never capture. These were all our neighbors, maybe even kids I went to school with, who were dealing with not having enough to eat regularly.
    I'll never forget this laid-back, friendly guy named Jose who came through the line. He'd hit a rough patch after being laid off from his construction job. But he had this perseverant, positive attitude that was just inspiring. Jose called us "heroes" for giving up our Saturday to volunteer, which made me feel pretty good. More than that, meeting people like him motivated me to keep pitching in and not slack off.
    After we wrapped up the morning shift at the food bank, we walked over to the soup kitchen next door for the afternoon. This was a whole different kind of controlled chaos! Hundreds of hungry people lined up outside waiting for the doors to open for the daily hot l
unch service. We students were stationed along the serving line, dishing out delicious-smelling beef stew, bread rolls, salad, and other foods onto trays as quickly as humanly possible.
    The line seemed to never end! My arm got sore from constantly leaning over and plopping cupful after cupful of stew into each tray. But I didn't even care. I was too focused on moving quickly and making sure every single person got served. Some of the guests would offer a simple "Thank you" or flash a grateful smile at me as I handed them their tray. Others looked completely defeated, staring down at their feet as they shuffled along. Just being around that level of need for such basic things as food and shelter was heavy.
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    After we served the very last person in line, I felt utterly exhausted. But also extremely fulfilled and proud of all we had accomplished that day. Our little group of middle schoolers had helped unpack and organize literally tons of donated food items. Plus we plane served around 500 hot, nutritious meals! It was crazy putting those numbers into perspective.
    I walked out of there that day with mad respect for all the worker and volunteers who sho
w up to do this same backbreaking work day after day after day. Feeding the community's hungriest people
    The School Play That Changed Everything
    It was the spring of my 8th grade year, and our middle school was buzzing with excitement over the upcoming drama club production of "The Wizard of Oz." Auditions had been held, roles had been cast, and rehearsals were in full swing. Little did I know just how much this seemingly ordinary school play would end up meaning to me.
