大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷94 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. Whats the qualification of overseas students according to the woman?12. How should the man choose a university according to the woman?
A.Ask information about overseas universities.
B.Pursue a degree in America.
C.Graduate as an engineering student.
D.Take a GRE test.
解析:行动计划题。本题问的是男士打算做什么。对话开始,男士向女士咨询有关去美国留学的信息,女士随后说她听说男士要去国外攻读计算机工程专业学位。综合上述信息可知,男士要去美国攻读学位。 知识模块:听力
sort of和kind of
A.Because he desires a better job after graduation.
B.Because he longs for a different life abroad.
C.Because he wants to do something for his country.
D.Because he cant find a suitable program in his country.
解析:原因目的题。本题问的是男士要去美国攻读学位的原因。对话中,女士询问男士出国攻读学位的原因,男士说在美国他能学到专业知识,通过学习,他能更好地报效自己的祖国。 知识模块:听力
A.An interest and enthusiasm in a subject.
B.An assistant degree in pre-university.
C.Good performance in secondary school and pre-university.
D.High scores as well as good command of English.
解析:事实细节题。本题问的是女士认为留学生应具备什么资格。女士询问了男士出国攻读学位的原因后便问男士准备得如何,男士说自己中学成绩和大学预科成绩优秀,女士接着指出,除了优秀的成绩外,留学生还应具备熟练的英语能力以便能够听懂课程。 知识模块:听力
A.Take excellent professors into consideration.
B.Find the program that he loves most.
C.Make sure he and the college match each other.
D.Choose the institution with advanced subjects.
解析:语义理解题。本题问的是女士认为男士应如何选择学校。对话末尾,女士为男士提供了一些选择学校的建议:首先,要保证所选的学校有他想学的专业;其次,要看自己是否符合学校招收留学生的要求。 知识模块:听力
听力原文:M: Did you watch that horror film on TV last night?W: No, we dont watch TV any more. As a matter of fact, Im thinking of getting rid of our set.M: Whatever for? Dont your family like TV?W: Thats not the point.(13)Ive come to the conclusion that TV has a thoroughly bad effect on family life. The kids play at their homework because they have got one eye on the clock in case they miss their favorite program, and we eat all our meals on our knees. M: But dont you think some of the programs are very interesting? W: Occasionally, yes, but most of the time, theyre rubbish. Theyre either idiotic comedies that are an insult to the intelligence, or the sort of films—sex and violence and that kind of thing—that I dont want my children to watch. It only encourages their aggressive instincts and
makes them look down upon authority. M: Im afraid I dont altogether agree with you. Too much television is bad, I grant you,(14)but I think it teaches children a great many things theyd never have the chance to learn any other way—whats going on in the world and how people live in other countries, and some of the popular science programs are fascinating. W: Oh, whats the time? M: 6:30. Why? W: Well,(15)theres a program on TV I rather want to see—a Western actually. Theyre folk culture. It starts at 7:00. I really must go. Nice to have seen you.13. Why does the woman think of getting rid of their TV set?14. What does the man think of TV programs?15. What can we learn about the woman?
A.TV has seriously affected their family life.
B.They dont like any of the TV programs.
C.She cant finish her work owing to watching too much.
D.She doesnt have her own favorite program.
解析:原因目的题。本题问的是女士想要摆脱电视机的原因。对话开始,男士问女士是否看过一个恐怖片,女士说他们再也不看电视了,并说想要摆脱电视机;男十进一步追问原因,女士说他们不是不喜欢看电视,而是看电视影响了他们的正常生活。 知识模块:听力
A.They always teach children to be aggressive.
B.They teach children what they cant get from books.
C.They attract too much attention from the children.
D.They are sometimes hard to understand.
后,男士表示不赞同,他认为电视看得太多有坏处,但是孩子们能从电视节目中学到一些他们通过其他方式无法学到的知识,如世界新闻和各国风土人情等。 知识模块:听力
A.She cant find any interesting programs.
B.She will tell her family the bad effects of TV set.
C.She wont watch any TV program any more.
D.She cant totally get rid of her TV set.
解析:推理判断题。本题问的是我们能了解到关于女士的什么信息。对话中,女上认为看电视影响了他们的生活,但对话末尾女士问男士时间后表示,她要回家看电视了,那是一个她非常喜欢看的关于西部文化的节目。由此可知,女士虽然认为看电视影响了他们的生活,但是她还是忍不住去看电视。综合上述信息可以推断,女士不可能完全摆脱电视。 知识模块:
Section B
听力原文:    (16)Ask a young child How was school today? and youre likely to hear about time for break. My son is seven years old, and like many children at his age, break is the emotional core of his school day. Whether he comes home light- or heavy-hearted depends on what happened during play time. This is not exactly a groundbreaking insight.(17)Philosophers have been trumpeting the importance of play for centuries. Piaget said that children discover the world through play. And Plato believed that children had to grow up in an atmosphere of play to become virtuous citizens. In the face of this accumulated wisdom, the question is why so many educators across the nation have, in recent years, decided that it is acceptable to reduce or eliminate time for break.(18)Those principals tend to do so for two major reasons: They feel they need to maximize every minute of instruction time to improve student test scores and, in many cases, break has become a behavioral headache. I attended a Playworks training program a few years ago and(19)I was surprise
d by the strictness with which the organization prepares its play coaches. Trainers spent hours helping coaches with practical challenges like how to manage transitions smoothly, how to get childrens attention without yelling at them, and what to do if African American, Latino and Asian kids arent playing with one another. At face value, play may look like nothing special, but I saw that the training helped coaches gain a deeper insight into their work.16. What is a kid likely to talk about when asked about his school day?17. What does philosophers insist for centuries?18. Why do some schools want to reduce time for break?19. How did the speaker feel after attending a Playworks training program?
A.Activities during class intervals.
B.His performance in classes.
C.The heavy burden of homework.
D.What he learned in classes.
解析:事实细节题。本题问的是当询问孩子的学校生活时,孩子们很可能会说什么。短文开篇提到,当孩子们被问到学校生活时,他们可能会说课间休息时所发生的事情。由此可知,孩子们喜欢谈论与玩耍有关的活动。 知识模块:听力
A.The competition among classmates.
B.The necessity of school education.
C.The importance of play for children.
D.The authority of educators.
家是否开心取决于他们在学校玩得是否愉快,哲学家几个世纪以来也一直宣扬玩耍对孩子的重要性。 知识模块:听力
A.To show their care for kids.
B.To improve students scores.
C.To reduce the students stress.
D.To give kids more free time.
解析:原因目的题。本题问的是一些学校想减少课间活动时间的原因。短文中提到了有些学校减少活动时间的两个原因:一是增加学习时间可以提高学生的成绩;二是课间活动引起了行为问题。 知识模块:听力
解析:事实细节题。本题问的是讲话者参加Playworks的培训项目后有何感受。短文中提到,讲话者参加了一个Playworks的培训项目并对其培训的严格程度感到惊讶,之后列举了一系列事实来证明其培训的严格程度。Astonished与surprised同义。 知识模块:听力
