Panic  emanate  virtual  halting  premise  compliment  vulnerable  poised  poignant  pursuit  facilitator促进者,帮助者  mesh
1. In pursuit of a healthier diet, Americans are eating more fish than they used to.
2. Thank you so much for your help. I hope I’ll return the compliment one day.称赞
3. On the carton, the milk is described as “virtually fat-free.”实际上
4. He looked embarrassed for a moment, and then quickly regained his poise.泰然自若,自信
5. Rumors of devaluation panicked many investors into selling their shares.使恐慌
6. Tourists are more vulnerable to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.易受伤,脆弱的
7. The basic premise of their philosophy is that everyone should be free to do as they please, so long as they do not harm others.前提,假定
8. The hospital spokesperson said a temporary ten-bed facility would open soon.设备
Unit 5
Obsessively congeal icon luminous metamorphosis fete pernicious definitely明确地  retreat  devastating  a shred of  a fleet of
1. A useful definitionsort of army of an air pollutant is a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in such quantities to as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely.定义,解释
2. The most distant luminous objects seen by telescopes are probably ten thousand million light years away.夜光的,发光的
3. “Want some wine?” she asked. He smiled and took a swig from the bottle. He thanked her and retreated again into his silence.逃避,退却
4. The self-educated son of a Delaware farmer, Evans became obsessed by the possibilities of mechanized production and steam power.时刻困扰
5. Stone carvers engraved their motifs of skulls and crossbones and other religious icons of death into the gray slabs that we still see standing today in old burial grounds.图像,肖像
6. The employment department has undergone several metamorphoses over the past few years. Metamorphosis的复数形式,改变
7. Respect is never given freely; every shed of it has to be earned and you earn it by how well you treat others.
8. The professor argued that these books had a pernicious effect on young and susceptible minds.有害的,恶性的
Unit 6
Magnitude forge formidable snare temporal prostrate array anguish invincible revere remonstrate subjugation
1. Her manner is friendly and relaxed and much less formidable than she appears at her after-game press conference.令人畏惧的
2. Nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human special is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment.重要性
3. When heated, the mixture becomes soft and malleable and can be formed by various techniques into a vast array of shapes and sizes.一系列,大量
4. Where I part company with him, however, is over the link he forges between science and liberalism. 坚持,艰苦干成
5. Percy was lying prostrated, his arm outstretched and his eyes closed.卧倒的
6. Given data which are free from bias, there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.陷阱,圈套
7. In pragmatics, the study of speech, one is able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal 时间的and spatial立体空间的 context.
8. His dad might have been able to say something solacing, had he not been fighting back his own flood of anguish.极度的痛苦,苦恼
Unit 7
Allege prospect ponder recipient discriminated compassionate destitution grievously reaffirmation dreadful binge dole 救济物,失业救济金
1. When his prospective employers learned that he smoked, they said they wouldn’t hire him.预期的,可能的,未来的
2. In him the polarities of life are resolved and balanced, male and female, strength and compassion, severity and mercy.怜悯,同情
3. Inarticulate and rather shy, he had always dreaded speaking in public.害怕,恐惧
4. Allegations of brutality and theft have been leveled at the army.宣称,辩解,陈词,指控
5. Our government cannot keep doling out money to those who are fastidious about the job
s offered to them. 救济
6. He was deeply grieved by the sufferings of the common people.感到悲痛,伤心
7. Many studies have shown that “restrained eaters” eventually binge狂欢作乐 and relapse再度恶化.
8. He reaffirmed his commitment to the country’s economic reform program.重申,再确认
Unit 8
Resourceful hazard intensity outlet merchandise estimate trench kernel visual quiz nautical approximate
1. This figure is five times the original estimate.重申,再确认
2. They have no way to dispose of 处理,解决the hazard waste they produce.危害物
3. Britain is intensifying its efforts to secure the release of three British hostages.增强,加剧
