1.When mother went into the house, she found her baby was sleeping in bed, _____________ his lips moving.
A.as    B.with
C.for    D.through
2.Many students benefit          Wang Guozhen’s poems, which is        great benefit to their views of life.
A.by; of    B.from; of
C.of; by    D.by; from
3.All parking signs have now been placed _________.
A.in practice    B.in position
C.in danger    D.in mind
4.The captain of the ship was advised to turn back      a sudden heavy storm.
A.due to    B.by means of
C.in addition to    D.instead of
5.It's reported that the project will be finished in two weeks, two months _______________.
A.on time    B.in no time
C.ahead of time    D.against time
6.This is exactly the first complaint from our customers,        we can understand you have met much inconvenience in satisfying your users.
A.from which    B.to which
C.by which    D.with which
7.Her performance was ________ good; it was perfect.
A.no more than    B.more than
sort of armyC.rather than    D.less than
8.—There's no need to take any food, Mom, I'm so full.
Come on, baby. Take some just      .
A.in advance    B.in view
C.in case    D.in time
9.The new city, Brasilia,        Rio de Janeiro        the capital of Brazil in 1960.
A.replaced; for    B.replaced; as
C.replaces; as    D.replaces; for
10.I think we should communicate________each other________what happens to us.
A.for; about    B.for; for
C.by; at    D.with; about
11._______the silence of the pauses,we could hear each other’s breathing and could almost hear our own heartbeats.
A.In    B.For
C.Under    D.Between
12.Besides his own work, the class master does everything he can do for the class, hoping his efforts will not be     in the end.
A.in force    B.in effect
C.in need    D.in vain
13.I hope you will study hard and master as much knowledge as possible; otherwise you’ll have to live a hard life     .
A.now and then    B.at the moment
C.in a word    D.as a consequence
14.Their new system looks modern and advanced while ours, ________, seems very old-fashioned.
A.in turn    B.in vain
C.in poverty    D.in contrast
15.—You seem to think highly of this journey. What do you like about it then?
Er, the scenery, the shops — people are quite friendly ____________.
A.after all    B.as well
C.in return    D.in turn
16.Considering the location          the price, many parents buy houses for their children’s education.
A.in preference to    B.in response to
C.in addition to    D.in regard to
17.I still can’t believe what a    coincidence it was. I’m just so glad I was there       60      to help my son.
A.on board    B.in time
C.for sure    D.on purpose
18.Somehow this seems to Koreans to be __________. How could Ahn Hyun-soo suddenly become a Sochi
champion of Russia?
A.out of place    B.out of shape
C.out of control    D.out of question
19.He is having a party ____ celebration of his 84th birthday.
A.in    B.on
C.of    D.at
20.–Who told you about the result of the exam?
The teacher _______.
A.in charge    B.on charge
C.at charge    D.in the charge
21.Many foreigners changed their attitude ________ Chinese tennis players after Li Na made history in the French Open.
A.with    B.for
C.of    D.to
22.The stadium ________ stands a theatre will be reconstructed.
A.beside which    B.for which
C.when    D.which
23.—I'm ______ the suggestion. How about you?
Hard to say. I'll have to think it over.
A.in favour of    B.in front of
C.in honour of    D.in terms of
24.All the representatives were ______ the bill, so it was passed and became a law.
A.in honor of    B.in favour of
C.in return for    D.in hopes of
25.A serious study of physics is impossible _______ some knowledge of mathematics.
A.against    B.before
C.beyond    D.without
26.Let’s learn to use the problem we are facing      a stepping-stone to future success.
A.to    B.for    C.as    D.by
27.________ the heavy snow, he was late for school.
A.As a result of    B.After all    C.Anyway    D.Otherwise
28.Taking on this challenge will bring you ______ someone who shares your interests.
A.in exchange for    B.in answer to
C.in memory of    D.in contact with
29.With May Day ________ , we would like to seize this opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mt. Panshan.
A.on the contrary
B.on the corner
C.on the whole
D.on the horizon
30.We still haven’t got the sponsor________ the fact that we’ve written to dozens of companies.
A.regardless of    B.in view of    C.in spite of    D.on account of
