    I'm going to tell you about the ancient times in the first unit of our third grade English textbook. It's all about cool stories from a long time ago!
    First, let me tell you about the story of the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. He was a powerful ruler who united China and built the Great Wall. He also made a whole bunch of terracotta warriors to protect him in the afterlife. How cool is that?
    Then, there's the story of Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt. She was super smart and spoke many languages. She even had a thing with Julius Caesar and later, Mark Antony. Talk about a drama queen!
    Next, we have the story of Julius Caesar himself. He was a famous Roman general who b
ecame the dictator of Rome. But his friends got jealous and they stabbed him! Et tu, Brutus?
    And finally, we have the story of Alexander the Great. He was a fearless warrior who conquered lands far and wide. He even named a city after himself – Alexandria!
    These stories are all from way back in ancient times, but they're still super interesting to learn about. Who knew history could be so cool?
    Long long ago, there was a time called ancient times. People in ancient times lived a simple and happy life. In the first unit of the third grade English book, we learned about some interesting historical events from ancient times.
    One of the stories we learned about is the story of the Trojan Horse. It was a clever trick that the Greeks used to win the Trojan War. The Greeks pretended to sail away, leaving behind a huge wooden horse as a gift for the Trojans. The Trojans brought the horse inside
their city walls, not knowing that Greek soldiers were hiding inside. When night fell, the Greek soldiers crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army. The Greeks won the war because of this clever trick.
    Another story we learned about is the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur was a great and noble king who ruled over the kingdom of Camelot. He and his knights fought many battles to protect the kingdom from enemies and to uphold justice. The Knights of the Round Table were a group of brave and loyal knights who sat at a round table so that no one would be above the others. They followed a code of chivalry and always fought for what was right.
    We also learned about the story of Mulan, a young Chinese girl who dressed up as a man and went to war in place of her father. Mulan disguised herself as a soldier and fought bravely in battle. She became a hero and was honored for her courage and loyalty to her family.
    These stories from ancient times are not just entertaining, they also teach us important lesort of army
ssons about bravery, loyalty, and cunning. We can learn a lot from the characters in these stories and apply their virtues to our own lives. Just like the heroes of ancient times, we can be brave, loyal, and clever in facing the challenges of our own lives.
    Once upon a time, a long long time ago, there was a farmer called Jack. He lived in a small village with his wife and three children. Jack was a hardworking man and he spent all his time working in the fields.
    One day, Jack decided to go to the market to sell his crops. He woke up early in the morning, kissed his wife and children goodbye, and set off on his journey. It was a sunny day and the birds were chirping happily in the trees.
    As Jack was walking along the road, he suddenly came across a strange old man. The old man was dressed in ragged clothes and was walking with a cane. He looked tired and hungry.
    Jack felt sorry for the old man and decided to help him. He gave him some food and water, and the old man thanked him profusely. Suddenly, the old man's eyes began to sparkle and he said, "Thank you, young man. You have been kind to me, and I will repay you by granting you three wishes."
    Jack was astonished and couldn't believe his ears. He thought for a moment and then said, "I wish for a bag of gold coins, a big house, and good health for my family." The old man nodded and waved his hand, and just like that, Jack's wishes came true.
    Jack returned home with a bag of gold coins, a big house, and his family's health restored. His wife and children were overjoyed and they lived happily ever after.
    And that, my friends, is the story of Jack and the old man who granted him three wishes. The moral of the story is that kindness and generosity will always be rewarded in the end. So remember, always be kind to others and good things will come your way.
    Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who decided to build their own houses. The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was quick and easy, while the second little pig built his house out of sticks. But the third little pig, being the smartest of them all, built his house out of bricks to make it strong and sturdy.
