Importance of Education in a student’s life
There is no denial that Education has become the basic need of a man. Everyone, no matter how young or old, all of us thrive on education. But which need or desire initiate such thought process? What is the importance of education? To answer this, let me recall a famous quote: “A man without education is like a building without a foundation.” To build a strong foundation, Education is prerequisite. Education enables a person to take decision practically. Many democracies of the world have recognized a right to education. Knowledge is the only possession which can’t be taken away.
In this article, I am going to share the following information:
Nature of Education
Purpose of Education
What are the Key Benefits of Education?
Future of Education
Nature of Education
The term “education” is widespread. It seeks out to nourish the good qualities of man.The nature of education is complicated. Let us discuss the nature of education in details.
Education is a Life-long Process
Education is a continuous and lifelong process. When we say it is a life long process. It means that it is not limited to schools and colleges. Education starts from a womb of the mother and continues till the death. It is the learning process from infancy to maturity. We should always starve for more knowledge. Knowledge in unending.
Education is a systematic process
Education is a systematic process. Through which a child acquires knowledge and skill. It makes a person civilized and cultured. Education has been the process of waking up to the life. Step by step, a person becomes a learned man.
Education is the adjustment of behaviorsort of英文
There is some behavior which is not acceptable in society. It is different with the different culture. We all want to feel accepted. There are some norms in our community. Awareness about the norms can modify a person. This awareness can be spread through an informative campaign.
Education is training
The human mind is trained through education. Some sort of educational training is necessary. It also trains the senses and behavior in a desirable way.
Education is balanced development
Education is concerned about developing all faculties of a child. It performs the function of physical, mental and spiritual growth. So that an individual may get rid of his bad habits.
Education is a dynamic process
Education is not a static but a dynamic process.There are many situations in which we get confuse. In such situation, education helps a person to develop according to the situations. It reconstructs the society according to the changing needs.